
Chapter 1: Kidnap

Scarlett POV

"I hate when you do this Henry!"

I yell at him.

He said,

"I know, but I know that your perfect for the job."

I said,

"This is the strongest Mafia gang that I ever had to handle. i don't even know that I could do this?"

He said,

"I know that you can do this, you were the strongest Assassin in the whole USA can have."

I just hate when i know that Henry is right.

C.O.D.E: Henry-The boss of the Secret USA Government to take down Gangs and Mafia's.

"Okay Henry You said that I could kill this Man, I don't even know. Just tell me already."

NAME: Michael King

Age: 25

Height: 6 foot 11 inches

Ability: fighting ability is very strong

Gang Name: The Venom

Members #: 36

Men Members: 20

Women Members: 16

"Okay. I see how I know everything about this gang. Well Mafia.. that even worse than a regular gang."

He said,

"Please Scarlett, be careful, and good luck. if you need backup, Let me know. The killing starts tomorrow night."

I said,

"Okay i will, I will be prepare for anything."

~~~Skip To Home~~~

I am finally home, in peace. I feel like have pizza tonight, or My friends and i could go to the movies. Perfect!! I Should call them now.

*Calls Dana*

"Hey Dana."

"Hey Scarlett, how work?"

"UGH! it was rough, I need peace for one night, would you and your sister would come to the movies with me cause i need you guys right now."

"Yea sure, we will meet you there by 15 mins."

"YAY!! I will be there."

*Hang up*

I get ready and refreshed up a little and grab my keys to the car and go to the movies. I am still nervous about tomorrow

though, cause i feel something bad going to happen. But i better not thing of any of that.

~~Skip to go to the Movies~~

I see Dana and Lexie, I am so happy to see them both.

I said,

"Hey Girls!"

They both said,


We all hugged and we went inside and grab some snacks and go on to see the Movies

~After the Movies~

Dana said,

"I think that we should go to a club and have fun."

I said,

"That a great idea! what about you Lex?"

She said,

"Yea that fine!"

So we went off to one of our favorite clubs that it very popular and it isn't very far from the movies. When we got there.

We look around and I saw someone that looks familiar. I can't place my finger on it. Anyways, me and the girls dance and dance.

So we went to the bar and I grab me wine, cause that my favorite. I can't stand other drinks. Then I heard someone said,

"I like some red wine and one for the lovely lady here."

I say the handsome man look at me and I started to blushed. I didn't know what to say. Then I said,

"Thank you."

He said,

"Your welcome, beautiful."

I didn't know what to say, but his face looks familiar. WAIT A MINUTE! I need to calm down and go with it.

He said,

"I haven't seen you here before."

I said,

"Well I only come when I am able. What your name?" I drink and drink.

He said,

"Michael King. Yours?"

I said,

"Ummmmmmmm... I am Scarlett Young."

I got shocked of that the guy that I have to kill and he is right in front of me. OMG! Calm down Scarlett, just keep drinking.

He said,

"Scarlett, that a very pretty name, for a pretty Angel face like yours."

IS HE FIRITING AT ME!! OMG!! Calm down girl, just keep drinking. Maybe I am drinking too much. Then I look behind me, and my girls left me. oh crap, I am very drunk and i don't know what to said now.

He said,

"Angel Face, Are you alright?"

I feel dizzy, wine didn't have that much Alcohol in it. Oh no, He didn't.... I didn't felt good, and I couldn't see anything, and I blacked out...

Michael POV (Surprise!!)

She passed out, My plan went perfect. That man Henry will be sorry, he took her away from me. She really be great to be one of my Assassins. I heard that she very good. Well Henry Dallas, She Mine now.

I have to carry her to my car and I drove back to my mansion, and take her one of the guest rooms that I have.

I am so excited to have her. She Mine now and only mine.

(Well then.... that felt like that your Yandere now... okay.. anyway back to the story.)

~Skip to the Mansion~

I finally got back and everyone that I seen is guard up and ready for anything that would happen.

I took her to one of my guest room that is the closest to my room and I chain her up to the bed that she won't escaped from me.

I can't wait until she awake, I wonder how this is going to be like for the rest of her life.

~Skip the rest of the night~

Scarlett POV

I woke up and i felt like that I am in chains and This is not good at all. I know that something is going to happen to me. why me, God?

Then I saw that That is The Michael King right in front of me... I got shocked, I should of left the club when I saw him,That monster...

I didn't even say anything to him at all, so he said,

"Well, when I first saw you, I knew that you were that assassin that suppose to kill me, killing is very naughty, Scarlett."

I didn't even say a word to him and he gave me the angry face that he get closer and closer to my face. I started to freak out now. He said,

"Are you going to say anything Scarlett?"

I said quietly,


He said,

"Aww, why not? You should say something Scarlett, I know you better than that."

I said,

"OH no you don't."

He got angry and he grab by wrist very hard that it hurts very bad that one tear came out of my eyes.

He whisper to my ears,

"I know everything about you, Scarlett."

I said,

"Not my private life, Michael!"

I yell at him cause my arms hurts like hell when he is making worse at me. He notice it and he let go of it.

Then He left the room, and i cried cause one of my past that i remember that my dad did to me life that and that hurt me.
