
King’s Underworld: The Outcasted King’s Tale

Todara was bullied and abused all his life. Running out from his home thinking that he had enough of this life he meets a man with a gun thinking this will finally be the end of him but the man asks if he wants another chance in life. Alongside with Saya, they will find new paths but all are blocked by someone or something called "King" whose name is drowned in secrecy. so which path will they take? What King or Kings? Is King All they need to worry about? come find out. This story can also be found on MangaToon. This story will take longer to update now that summer is over

goldensunwolf · 現実
4 Chs


" Oh. when you get there someone will have to take care of you and train you. You see I wasn't planning to do it but you two remind me of someone very important to me, who....well can't find his way home at the moment. Anyways since we got this far I think it's time for you to know a little about where ya heading so be quiet and listen like good little pups. Okay." said Alfa.

Alfa told us about how just like are world on the ground there was literally under us and not just here but everywhere. It all started with small tunnels made during the wars then they grew big enough to fit a City this all was a few thousand feet below the ground and the weirdest thing was that a city underground can be hundreds of times more efficient than one on land or it can look like It time-traveled back to the Roman Empire. This was the real meaning of the underworld. A place where time may be twisted but it's power never faded. Alfa told us that the place we will be staying is big on culture.

This was all I could pick up at the moment because I was more interested in what he said about someone very important? What happens in his past?

"Ok, we're here. Come on. I take you to the bus." Alfa said as he hopped out of the car. We walked to the bus that looked so old and abandoned. Alfa stopped and asked " Hey look I don't know what past you have but I really must say if you get on this bus your siblings, parents, and friends. You will leave all of them behind." Alfa said. At first, I planed just to miss the question but as I looked at Alfa I noticed he was down on his knees to be my eye level. As I looked into his eyes I couldn't see anything no hate and no disgust. It was just clear.

" Hey you know I stopped seeing faces and most colors around me started to dull out around the age of 5 and now I'm 13. The most colorful things I ever saw in my life was when I met Bella, Saya, and you right now at this very moment. You see when you held that gun at me I thought I'll finally leave this fucked up life but you gave me one more chance and color. Well, I guess following you wasn't the best choice but I don't regret it. So right now I'm gonna use the chance to see all the color in this new world. It may be hard but I think I got time, so I guess I'll see you when I get there." I said as I walked onto the bus. " Hey this may not make sense at the moment but there will be a path that leads home don't forget it and if you do hold on to that jacket. There will be a time when you hate it but it will be your pride one day and I will not go easy on you Todara" he said as the bus door shut.

I took a deep breath and turned around. A tall, skinny, eyes like daggers and last but not least, long and sharp smile almost looking un-undoable.

"Cheshire cat but in human form?" Saya and I said with widened eyes. " haha sorry but my name is Laylador Ida from the Rigcha clan. You can call me Chess if it's easier to remember. Nice to meet you. But we're on the clock so take a seat." he said with a long grin. To tell the truth, I wanted to turn around and walk right out but instead, I walked deeper into the bus the colors darkened. First was the people in the front rows they look kind of ok and Saya managed to get a seat for her self. The middle row had people who were... Well unstable. Anyways the few last rows looked like a danger zone. There was an empty seat back there next to a boy but I didn't want to take my chances.

" Hey, there an empty seat right next to me so stop looking like an idiot and sit your ass down!" the boy said. As I sat down next to him the bus started to move. I tried to give him as much space possible. "I'm not going to bite you so calm down. Plus you look like you look more like me than you think. Really it's kind of scary. So just calm down and rest." he said as he stared out the window. " Oh really? Thank you" I responded.

" Mom. Dad. I'm sorry! Can you hear me? I'm starving! Please ill be good so please don't lock me up here anymore" I cried in a pitch-black room. A light shined as a small hole appeared and black sticky notes flew out of it. I began to read the notes whiten In red, one by one. Keep your head down. Good for nothing. Don't act proud, you know we can do a hundred times better. Out of everyone why must it be you. Know your place. The papers kept on coming. I felt like I was drowning. Soon it was up to my waist. "I can't move? Help me, someone! Please!" I screamed. I looked up to see my family walking up to me. They walked on the paper as if it was the floor itself and dropped some papers in front of me. it was the papers that made it official. The papers made it official that I was out of there family.

" really how long are you going to keep calling out. Come on, can't you tell your burden for everyone. Even if you cry, when push comes to shove. It's you who will be left behind. The best thing for you to do is die for everyone and even then I bet you still won't be respected." my family said while walking away. I wanted to chase after them but before I hade a chance to think. The red ink on all the notes turned into blood and run off note. this made a huge pool of blood that soon turned in to an even bigger wave. It was gonna drown me but just like the times when I was with my family, my voice felt so small I couldn't say anything. I just looked up at it with tears in my eyes.

" wake up!"

This is one crazy world where something has just been taken off because I ant got time for that. One big example is the fact that there's lava in the core of a Planet. Well, that isn't a big deal right? Anyway I'll be adding character info and summery a the ends of random chapters

goldensunwolfcreators' thoughts