
Episode 1

(The episode opens with the main group in trench coats and it's raining)

Odette: We've been invited to a mysterious mansion

Lucy: Cool, it's like the start of a murder story all we need is the regular people

Cutie pie: You mean like the owner of that truck?

(Everybody turns around to see a truck pulling up)

(Inside the truck is a man who has a green cap, red flannel shirt, green pants, and white shoes)

The man: Hello, you've all been invited too

Kanisha (reveals her face from the coat): Indeed, what's your name, stranger?

The man: I'll tell mine, if you tell yours, sweetie

Kanisha: Kanisha, pleased to meet you

The man: My name is Dave

Kimi: Kanisha, this is no time for flirting

Kanisha: Okay, fine

Dave: Why is she already taken?

Kanisha: Nah, it's just I'm a bit of a heartbreaker

A woman: Typical, I thought I smelled slut

(Kanisha growls, Odette pulls Kanisha back)

(The woman who has long brown hair, white skin, wearing a green dress)

The woman (looks at Kanisha): Did I hurt your feelings?

Kai (in front of the woman) (smiles): Excuse me, please do not provoke my friend, she is very sensitive

The woman (looking smug): That isn't my problem

Danna (looking threatening): It will be if you keep calling her a slut, (cracks her knuckles) now do you want to have all your teeth or not?

The woman (walks into the mansion): Fine, I'll back off

Kanisha: Sorry guys, not using my powers is harder than I thought

Kimi: Along with controlling your anger

Keira: Say, where did Dave just go?

Jim: In the mansion, getting away from the fight that was about to start

Keira: Very observant

Jim: Thank you

(They walk inside)

A voice: Young ladies and man, you shouldn't bring a baby in here

Keira: I'll be just fine, but thanks for your concern

(The voice is revealed to be coming from a maid with long black hair, white skin, named Ana)

Ana: You already can talk, what a smart baby

Keira: Thank you, my name is Keira

Ana: My name is Ana, I'm guessing you must be the Hanazawas, may I take your coats, Mr. Ibuki has informed me of your situation

Sorlos: Great

Tina: If that's so, can you tell us why the note told us not to use our powers?

Ana: Mr. Ibuki, didn't explain that

Sorlos: Well, I kinda have to keep me in this form otherwise this whole place would go down

Ana: Oh, so you're Sorlos, please to meet you, can the rest of you introduce yourselves

(Kal barks)

Ana: You're Kal

Tina: Tina, at your service

Danna: Danna

Kimi: Kimi

Kanisha: Kanisha

Donnie: Donnie

Kevin: Kevin

Jim: Jim

Kai: Kai

Kaji: Kaji

Odette: Odette

Zinnia: Zinnia

Phoenix: Phoenix

Journee: Journee

Onishi: Onishi

Tani: Tani

Lucy: Lucy

Mallory: Mallory

Cutie pie: Cutie pie

Kim: Kim

Cavegirl (has a squirrel on her shoulder): I'm just referred as Cavegirl

Betty: Betty

Princess Kassidy: Princess Kassidy

Eve: Eve

Alula: Alula

Melody: Nelody

Suzi: Suzi

Kimipie: Kimipie

Icreama: Icreama

Twinkle: Twinkle

Iluka: Iluka

Sannon: Sannon

Ai: And I'm Ai

A voice: My, my what a lovely cast of characters

(They turn around to see a woman who has long brown hair with red, wearing a brown dress)

The woman: My name is Chikae, I've been invited to

Kimi: Hi

Lucy: Chikae, tell me did you know that this mansion was supposed to be on a hill, but they relocated it because too many murders happened

Betty (covers Lucy's mouth): Lucy, she is quite sorry she is fascinated with the dead

Chikae: It's okay, she isn't the first person to tell me this

(Chikae points to the kitchen)

(Kal hops into the kitchen)

Sorlos: I'll follow her

(Sorlos walks into the kitchen)

(The screen switches to Sorlos seeing a woman who has blonde hair in a ponytail, wearing a pink hoodie, brown skirt, and heels drinking tea)

(Kal is barking at The woman)

The woman (looking at Sorlos): Is she your friend?

Sorlos: Yes, are you the girl that told Chikae about this mansion?

The woman: Yes, my name is Todoya, detective

Sorlos: Makes sense, I'm Sorlos and this is Kal, pleasure to meet you

(Kal barks and holds out her hand)

Todoya(shakes Kal's hand): Please meet you too, say are those tails?

Sorlos: Yeah

Todoya: Can I touch it?

Sorlos: Sure

(Todoya observed Sorlos' tail)

(Everybody was observing Sorlos, Todoya, and Kal)

(Everybody walks away)

Ai: So, we met a lumberjack, rich woman, and a detective; also met that jerk, who by the look of her, she is a a guitarist

The woman: How did you know?

(The others turn around to look at that woman)

(Ai looks at the woman)

Ai: I'm a detective, plus I got to see your hands for a quick second, I have really good eyes

The woman: Impressive, my name is Ema

Ai: My name is Ai

Ema: And your friends

Ai: They are into different professions

Odette: Yeah, I'm a chef

Kanisha: I'm a writer

Ema: Interesting, what are you a erotic writer?

(Kanisha growls)

Kim: Easy, Kanisha, remember no powers

Danna: She doesn't need powers, Xylah you still work out right?

Xylah: Duh, but getting into a fight isn't a good idea

Ema: Your friend is right, do you want to get kicked out?

Kanisha: Don't tempt me

Cutie pie: Kanisha, we have to stay together, that's what the invitation say

Kanisha: I got it, I'll let it go

(Ema walks away and laughs)

Danna: Okay, Ana, can we drink or smoke?

Ana: You can drink, but Mr. Ibuki hates smoking

Kanisha: Great, where's the wine?

Ana: I'll get it, you all can sit down

(They all sit down)

Alula: Say everybody, what made you fall in love with the moon?

Kanisha: It's just beautiful and every scene with the moon in the background is magical

Kimi: The same for me

Keira: I remember seeing the moon after somebody took me out of the cave after I was born and felt it was a sign of a new beginning

Everybody: Awww!

Tina: I just love that the moon summons so many supernatural creatures and legends about the moon

Eve: How beautiful, I only like the moon because many murder scenes are revealed with the moon out

Lucy (upside down): Grimm, I love it, my reason is the same as Tina.

Sorlos: I like the moon because it has been unused as an inspiration

Cutie pie: I love the moon because there are many beautiful songs that have to do with the moon

Suzi: I like it because there are many beautiful outfits inspired by the moon

Kevin: I like the moon because there are many different type of moons and I find that unique

Onishi: I like the moon because my first date was under the moonlight and it was (blushes)

Everybody else: Oh!

Onishi: Shut up!

Princess Kassidy: I feel the moon brings lovers together or reveals others' destiny

Cavegirl: Moon is just beautiful

Tani: I just love it for no reason

Mallory: I always loved the moon because I felt it brought me good luck

Kai and Jim: We love the moon because it inspired us to be who we are

Zinnia, Journee, and Phoenix: We love the moon because our favorite song is moon-based

Kaji: I love the moon because of the nocturnal creatures

Kim: I love the moon because it is the sign of positivity

(Kal howls)

Alula: So, you like to howl at the moon, that is fun

Danna: The moon made me feel so carefree

Icreama: I like the moon because it's not the scary sun

Twinkle: I loved to swim with the moonlight reflecting on the water

Ai: I love the moon because many mysteries happen when the moon is out

Donnie: I love hopping with the moon out

(The screen switches to Ana giving out wine glasses)

Keira: No thanks, but Apple juice would be great

(Kal backs away)

Cutie pie: Nope, but I would like orange juice.

(Kal barks)

(Ana looks at Cutie pie)

Cutie pie: She wants milk in a bowl, please

Ana: I got one orange juice, one apple juice, and one bowl of milk.

(Ana walks back into the kitchen)

(The screen switches to a bus arriving)

(There is a man that looks like a teenager, who has brown curly hair tight in a ponytail, amber eyes, an old tattoo of a bear paw placed on the side of the left eye, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes with a sparkly aura around him as he is riding a motorcycle)

(His name is Hagmere Moonfall)

(Back at the bus, there is a female blonde at shoulder-length hair hangs over a sculpted warm face, wide hazel eyes, a mark stretching from the right side of the forehead,running towards the left side of her lips and ending on her upper lip, wearing a brown shirt with swirls, blue pants, and white shoes. Her name is Lelselea Stagrunner)

(Beside her is man who has green sleek his hair clumsily hangs over his face, big round gray eyes, wearing a brown sweater, blue jeans, and white shoes named Dinnus Draxlespanner)

(Coming out of a portal is a woman who has brown flowing hair double braided, violent eyes, tribal marks in the form of 1 stripe above and 2 stripes below her left eye marks, wearing a blue dress with no stripes named Felerai Dawnwhisper)

(A man who has brown curly hair almost fully cover his hair, gentle Grey eyes, a scar on the cheek, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans named Brycen Massey came out of the bus)

(Behind Brycen is a woman who has long black hair slightly covers her face, brown skin, clear blue eyes, red/brown dress and heels named Zuladur Hanalaji)

(The last person gets off the bus is a man who has chestnut shoulder-length gently hangs over his face, piercing black eyes, has a yellow shirt, blue pants, there's a sword in the pouch, and white shoes named Bryant Cawthorn)

(The bus driver rides away)

(Next appears two cars: a red one and a black one)

(The one that came out of the red car is a man who has brown hair, white skin, wearing a green shirt with a star, brown pants, and white shoes named George)

(The one that came out of the black car is a woman who has long blond hair, white skin, wearing a white dress with green stripes, and heels named Allyssa Lamkin)

(Another truck appears and coming out of the truck is two men: one man who has brown hair in a ponytail, brown skin, wearing a red plaid shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Bimbik Steambonk; the other man who has black hair in a ponytail, brown skin, wearing a green plaid shirt, blue pants, and white shoes named Caiden Evatt)

(A limousine appears, out of it comes six tall people: there is a man who has black dreadlocks, Glistening brown eyes, wearing a white shirt with green spot, blue jeans, and white shoes named Feyini Zebnanji, a man who has gray oily hair, white skin, black eyes, wearing a white shirt with a green spot, blue jeans, and white shoes named Caiden Falkner, a man who has red shaggy hair, beady amber eyes, wearing a white shirt with a green spot, blue jeans, and white shoes named Brooks Rosemond, a man who has brown short hair, woeful hazel eyes, wearing a white shirt with a green spot, blue jeans, and white shoes named Irving Cawthorn, a man who has blue perfectly groomed hair, bloodshot golden eyes, wearing a white shirt with a green spot, blue jeans and white shoes named Alduin Lunadancer, and last a man who has straight blonde hair, shining amber eyes, wearing a white shirt with green spot, blue jeans, and white shoes named Kade Massingale)

(Out of a black Mercedes is a man who is wearing a black suit carrying a big cake named Alre Moonfall)

Alre: I can't (hiccup) believe I decided to come to this lame party, and he didn't show up

(Then a red convertible appears, there is a man who has short brown hair, white skin, wearing a black tux, sunglasses, and shoes named Tinlef Dawnthorn)

Tinlef: (takes off his sunglasses) Relax, I was just a little late

(Tinlef parks his car by Alre, then hops out of his car and take cake out of Alre's hand.

Alre: Don't (hiccup) expect me to say thank you

Tinlef: Of course not (kisses Alre on the cheek)anyway let's go

Alre: Fine (hiccup)

(The episode ends with the guests entering the house)
