
Kiara Fried Phoenix: A Hololive Story

A normal person is hired to work at a new KFP location where the CEO Takanashi Kiara herself will be working at. It is a rather small location, but for some reason, none of the customers are normal humans. Read along and find out how he interacts with different people from the Hololive Production and how this changes him as a person. Thank you all so much for the support! A rewrite of the first volume is in the works

lightningstormtc · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Day 20: Guns Blazing

Ryan snapped awake to his alarm, looking at his clock. 4 am. "Why are you up so early?" Suisei was sipping on a cup of tea as she sat a few feet away from Ryan's bed.

"No time to explain," Ryan turned off his alarm, standing up. "I gotta go do something important. You in or you out?"

"Color me interested," Suisei smirked as she stood up. "I'm in."


Ryan's phone started to ring as he briskly walked down the street with his hands shoved down his pockets, Suisei following not far behind. He took the phone out of his pocket and answered the call.

"Ryan, we got a situation on our hands," Amelia said, her voice urgent.

"I'm heading there right now," Ryan replied. "Do me a favor and bring a couple of pistols."

"How do you even know-," Amelia stopped herself. "You know what? I'm not even going to ask. I'll be there."

"Thanks," Ryan said before hanging up the phone.

"Why do you need guns?" Suisei asked as Ryan picked up his pace.

"You'll soon find out," Ryan's expression darked as he rubbed his shoulder, almost as if he was remembering a wound that didn't exist.


"Sup," Amelia said as she examined a rifle, looking through the scope before directing her attention back to Ryan and Suisei. "How did you get Suisei here with you?"

"I don't even know what we're doing," Suisei shook her head.

"Kiara and Calli went to raid the MILF base," Amelia started. "Unfortunately, it went south. Kiara was kidnapped."

"How did you even know about this?" Suisei asked Ryan, her eyes narrowing.

"I'll tell you after this," Ryan said. "Ya got those guns?"

"I always have guns," Amelia summoned two pistols, handing them to Ryan.

"Ah, how I've missed this feeling," Ryan said, familiarizing his grip with the guns.

"You know how to use those things?" Amelia asked. Ryan grimaced.

"All too well."


YAGOO rubbed his temples as he thought about the situation. As far as he knew, it was only him and Calli raiding the MILF base. Usually, he was confident that just the two of them could destroy the base, but they had these new-fangled laser weapons, so he wanted to be safe.

"Need some help, old man?" YAGOO turned around to see Reporter behind him. Reporter wore his usual black sweatpants. He wore his mask, a white mask with a giant seven plastered on it.

"Reporter, I thought you died," YAGOO said. "Thank you for your help back then, by the way. Without your sacrifice, we wouldn't have been able to free Coco."

"Yeah, I don't really know why I'm here, but I'm here," Reporter shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "So, do you want help or not?"

YAGOO smirked. "Of course."


Ryan pulled the trigger to the gun on his left hand, instantly dropping a MILF soldier. "You're actually pretty good at that."

"I try," Ryan replied with a smirk as Suisei jumped over him, cleaving another soldier in half with her golden battle axe.

"It seems that this isn't your first time on the battlefield," Suisei said as Amelia shot two guards in the head with a silenced assault rifle.

"I guess not," Ryan replied. "Anyways, shall we continue?"


Reporter sighed as he walked towards the front entrance of the MILF base. "Excuse me, but no unauthorized personnel are allowed to pass here," the MILF guard replied. "Continue and you will be dealt with."

"Oh, I know," Reporter replied, putting on a pair of golden gauntlets before punching the guard in the jaw, causing it to explode upwards. "I just don't care."

Both YAGOO and Calli appeared behind Reporter. "Well said, Reporter," Calli smirked.

"Let's go," YAGOO said before the three dashed forward.


"Damn, these new powers are great!" Ryan heard a man's voice before the sound of Kiara screaming.

"Fuck this," Ryan said, seething with rage. No matter how experienced or how many times he travelled through time, hearing Kiara's screams of pain never failed to piss Ryan off. "I'm going down."

"Ryan, wait!" Amelia called, but it was too late. Ryan jumped off the platform to notice that a dark energy was radiating off the man that held the gun pointed at Kiara. He aimed his guns, shooting him and the other soldiers one time each. All of the other soldiers fell, but the bullet went through the main soldier's head, narrowly missing Kiara's head.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The soldier turned around to face Ryan as Suisei and Amelia landed behind him. The man's eyes were black with white irises, not unlike Storm when he was possessed. "A hero has arrived."

"Ryan!" Kiara shouted as her wounds started to heal, fire incasing the wound.

"What's that dark energy…?" Amelia asked, talking a step back. "I've never felt anything like that before."

"That's void energy," Ryan's expression darkened as he threw his guns aside.

"Ryan, what are you doing?!" Amelia shouted, looking at him as if he were crazy.

"What needs to be done," Ryan said as he turned on his magic.


Reporter weaved through the array of lasers as he dashed up to a MILF soldier, punching his head off. He then crossed his legs before spinning around, kicking several soldiers in the head as his foot burned with fire. He then threw a punch at thin air, the air before his fist igniting as a condensed spear of fire flew at a tank at blinding speed to a tank, blowing it up.

YAGOO held out his staff, a bolt of lightning stabbing through several soldiers. As a nearby soldier aimed a laser rifle at him, he suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbing the end of his staff. He swiftly pulled at the end, letting a thin blade unsheathe itself from the staff and behead the soldier. He then held out the wooden sheath of the staff and held it out. A red magic circle formed in front of YAGOO, dozens of fireballs flying out of the circle.

Calli pulled at the center of her scythe, letting it split in two. As she spun the bottom half in her hand, a blade appeared out of the top end, turning the stick into smaller scythe. She then dashed forward, swinging the scythes wildly, black slashes flying from her scythe, cutting through even more soldiers. As each soldier fell before her, their souls flew out of their bodies as black, ethereal skulls before they flew towards their once allies, flying through and instantly killing anyone they can.

"As fun as this is, I kind of wanted to speed things up," As one of Calli's slashes of darkness flew towards him, he grabbed it with his hand, crushing it. He then aimed his fist to the floor, black flames surrounding the fist as he punched the ground, creating a black shockwave, killing anyone in its radius, creating more souls to run around and kill people.

"Who gave you permission to steal my magic again?" Calli grumbled to herself before going back to killing people.


"You have magic?!" Kiara, Amelia, and even Suisei shouted in surprise.

"Sorry for hiding it from you," Ryan said, looking genuinely guilty. He them summoned his two guns, letting the black one flip upwards as he pulled the trigger, letting dark energy form into a straight-bladed kris. "This is my fight alone. Please stay out of this."

"Getting cocky now, are we?" The soldier smirked as blades made of darkness engulfed his hands. "You'll be begging you friends for help soon anyways."

"I'll be the judge of that," Ryan replied as he let his magic flare, shooting a blast of energy at the soldier before dashing towards him. The soldier slashed the blast in half before blocking a slash from Ryan. He then tried to slash at Ryan's feet. Ryan jumped up, kicking the soldier in the face before aimed his gun at him, shooting him in the head. The blast went through the man's head.

"What are you going to do when bullets or magic work on me?" The soldier asked, his smirk going wider as he slashed at Ryan.

"Luckily, I know how to deal with people like you," Ryan said as he rolled to the side, remembering how Edhas overloaded Storm with magic energy. He flipped his kris back into a gun, pointing the both of them at the soldier's head.

"Checkmate," Ryan said as he pumped as much magic as he could into his pistols and pulled the trigger. Black and white beams mixed and spiraled into each other, combining as it formed a giant laser, barreling through the soldier. Screams of pain could be heard for a few seconds. When the screams stopped, Ryan released the triggers, dispelling his guns as he flopped on his back.

"Well, that was something."


"What the hell?!" Calli shouted as a giant laser swirling black and white flew out of the MILF base.

"No time to waste," YAGOO said as he sheathed his blade, slamming his staff to the ground. Pillars rose from the earth, launching the three of them into the hole that the laser created.

"WHO DARE TOUCHED MY WI-," Calli yelled as she landed, but stopped when she saw the scene before her. Ryan was laying on his back, clucking weakly as Amelia, Suisei, and Kiara looked at him, a terrified expression on their faces. "What the hell happened?"

"Ryan happened," Amelia chuckled dryly, jutting a thumb at the man laying on the ground. "A guy with some weird energy was hurting Kiara so Ryan decided to somehow gain magic and disintegrate the poor sod."

"Nice to see you back, aniki," Reported said, walking over and looking down at Ryan.

"I thought you of all people would know he's not here right now," Ryan looked at Reporter.

"I guess you're right," Reporter shrugged.

"Anyways, your wedding is tomorrow right?" Ryan looked over at Amelia.

"Yeah…" Amelia said, still shaken up by the events that just transpired.

"Please don't make the best man…" Ryan said before drifting off into unconsciousness.


"So, what are we going to do with this one?" Civia stirred into consciousness as she heard a voice. Pain seared through her body, but she was too tired to react. She forced her eyes opened to see a man talking to a humanoid figure outlined in black. It was as if a shadow took human form.

"Since you have me, you don't need to use magical creatures to develop weapons anymore," the void creature replied. "Dispose of her."

"Yes sir," The man then aimed a gun at Civia.

"No!" A familiar redhead jumped in between her and the gun as the man fired. The girl screamed in pain as she put a hand over her shoulder.

"Looks like someone came to your rescue," the void creature rubbed his chin. "No matter. Kill them both."

"Not on my watch!" Civia stained to move her eyes to the left as white and blue flames manifested, a pale man with a red jacket and black shorts leaped out with a machete. Faster than anyone could react, he chopped off Civia's restraints, grabbing both her and the redhead, vanishing into white and blue flames.


"Where did Yogiri go?" Spade Echo asked, looking around.

"She said she had something important to do," Rosalyn replied, shaking her head. "I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't budge on the matter."

"I just hope she's okay," Dorris said, a worried expression on her face.

"She will be," Artia said, a determined expression on his face. "We need her to be okay."

They all then jumped back when white and blue flames in between the four girls, a pale man stepping through. He was holding both Civia and Yogiri over his shoulders, Civia having cuts and holes all over her body and Yogiri bleeding from her shoulder.

"What the hell?!" Rosalyn shouted, raising her magic levels.

"We don't have time for this," The pale man said, a scowl on this face. "Grab onto me. The faster we get the fuck out of this country, the better."

All of them stiffened when leaving the country was mentioned. They have been looking for a way to escape for years. All of them instantly grabbed onto the pale man without a second thought. With a torrent of white and blue flames, they were gone.