
Kemono School Wars

作者: GroovyWolf
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  • 3 章
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  • N/A

Centuries have passed and Magic lives on to the society till the present year (Story timeline), but that is not the only thing that lived on. As 4 guilds from the past with an undying hatred for each other had been in war until this very day. Nomura Keizo, an 18 years old college student and also a guild member of the Yamato, who everyone believed in his guild can change the tides of war to their favor. But his arrogance and lack of responsibility, thinking he is already strong enough stunted his progress. However, his encounter with the Student Council was fated throughout his journey. It is up to him now if he can finally put an end to this undying war while being a normal college student.

Chapter 1Chapter 1 - The Arrival

Have you ever wondered how it feels to have powers?

It feels great, right?

You can do stuffs like no one can do and it's just amazing.

But hate to break it to you, in this world I'm living in, there are a lot of others with these powers also.

My name is Nomura Keizo

I'm 18 years old, an Akita and a college student. I just became a college student recently and today is my first day on Jindai University, a school facility owned by the guild I'm in.

Did I just mention guild?

I haven't told you yet, I'm a member of a guild and also my entire family are members too called 'The Yamato Legion'.

My upcoming challenges and battles starts today, on the day I'm moving to college.

I just finished my breakfast and was about to head out. I also have to leave my home now since the Jindai University is a dorm system college.

My luggages are ready with all the stuffs I needed. Ready to leave now.

But my father, Nomura Touya, just happened to finish dressing up to his uniform.

My father, is also just like me: an Akita, has well-built body for his job. He is not just a typical father you guys know. The old man is the head of the Security Forces. So yeah, my family and I live in a luxurious life having your father work in a highest ranking position. He also have this collection of weapons from swords, guns and bows. You name it.

But, having that kind of father is also annoying. You see, not only is he the head of the Security Force but he is also the head of the Nomura household having 6 children. And as head of the family, comes also his predecessors: my grandfather to my great grandfathers.

My family bloodline has existed long before already. And now with having 6 children, he also needs a successor. That unlucky child was me. Even though I'm the 5th son which makes no sense actually. But he kept telling me he chose me because of my potential. He told me that what I ever become to be should also benifit the guild. But, I'm ok with it. But having me as his successor is a hustle. Now he expects better things from me.

My father then approached me and put his hand on top of my shoulder.

"Your mother decided to have you escorted to the university" he said

I just sighed and replied "Fine then."

My dad then removes his hand from his shoulder and headed outside.

I just shrugged "Well, its better to be safe than sorry."

Who knows if the other guilds would plan to kill me when they see me out there. There are actually 4 guilds including 'The Yamato Legion'. These 4 guilds have been in war for so long before I was born. Till this day the war is still on-going. Even the world has entered the digital age, it never stopped. These 4 guilds has also influenced the entire country. The companies I know and other facilities are under the control of one of each of these guilds. An example is the Security Force my father leads. That Security Force is now under the Influence of The Yamato Legion along the Jindai University. They also affected the lives of the normal citizens with them fighting over the control for the country. However, the only thing they can't put under their influence is the Government.

The Government acts as the Overseers for this war since from the very beginning. When I mean from the beginning, since from their predecessors. They cover up the activites of the 4 guilds.

If one of those guilds emerge victorious from the war, they have full control of everything now.

Sounds pretty neat right?

I just hope my guild wins this war.

But you won't win one if things don't get messy. Like a few moments from now.

Me and my old man already left home with him driving me to the University before he heads for work. And ofcourse, you also get the nagging from a parent when you are with them.

"Remember to always train everyday now without me monitoring you." he lectured me.

I just stared off to the sky while I am sitting at the passenger seat with my dad driving beside me as he kept on going. I already know what he's going to say next at this point

"You need to get stronger and unleash your potential which will turn the tides of this war." we both said in unison.

"I know... You kept nagging me about it every single day." I continued.

But still, he kept on with his lectures on me.

For the last 20 minutes of the ride, all he did was lecture me. I feel my head is about to explode at any moment.

Jeez, when will my father shut up about this stuff? He kept this routine over and over for the past 7 years already.

But, I can finally kiss those annoying lectures good bye as I just arrived at the University. I can finally let out a breather from my father.

I hop out of the car and stretch my limbs as I take in a deep breath before letting it out. I proceed to carry luggage.

"Oh by the way."

Seriously, when will he stop?

"You might find the orientation later this afternoon quite... 'Enjoying'"

Huh? What does he mean by that? Before I can get a chance to ask him what he meant, he shut the car door close and drove off.

"Ok, what was that about?" I mumbled to myself

Seriously, what will happened later this afternoon? And the way he said 'Enjoying' was obviously odd.

I can think about it later, got to go and get my dormitory room first and my I.D. first. Now, where should I go first?

I looked around the school entrance. The place was already crowded by a lot of students of this university already. My guildmates actually. All of them here are. But, right now I still consider them a stranger. I probably should ask then where to go.

"You there, are you a freshman?"

I looked around the crowded place trying to spot where the source of the voice came from. Then I saw a brown wolf approached me. He wears a black blazers with the school crest and trousers, underneath his blazers is a white shirt and he wears a necktie.

This must be the uniform for this school, well the sash saying 'student assistance' is not inc-

Wait a minute, I can ask him on what to do next.

He approaches me with his paws placed inside his side pockets.

"Well, if you are. proceed to the Admission office first to get your I.D. and uniform." he continued

To be honest, I can tell the tone of his voice is actually uninterested and bored. I wonder how was he asaigned for this task. But regardless to say, he is quite... Good looking though.

About my preferences, I actually prefer both gender to be honest.

"And about getting my dormitory room" I asked

"Your room number and dorm building will be registered on your I.D. The Admission Office is over there." He pointed to the building just right next to the campus to the left

I nodded and thanked him for the guide before heading towards the admission office. Its just an ordianry office inside

But the Admission Office was already crowded with new students when I get there. Oh well, might as well wait for my turn and just fall in line.

I have nothing to do for now as I put on my wireless headphones and just listen to my music.

This has been the longest 1 hour of the day. Finally, its my turn for admission.

I approached the operator as I take off my headphones, she's a rabbit dressed in formal attire.

"Name?" she asked

"Nomura Keizo" I answered as she types in to her computer.

"Huh, so a son of the Head of our Security Forces."

"Yeah..." I scratched my nose

"Your course?"


"Following in your father's foot steps I see."

Seriously, even here my father is still being brought up.

"Your birthday?"

"September 23, 2012"

"Blood type?"

"Blood type?" I asked surprised "What for?"

"For your medical services here at the Jindai University."

"That makes sense." I replied "A-"

For a few seconds she types in her computer.

"Done. All you need to do is to have your picture taken here inside the room behind me. Your subjects is already registered."

"About my uniform?" I asked.

"You can get them inside as well."

I bowed down and thanked her before I opened the door to the room beside her.

Inside was more of a photo studio than a simple I.D. picture taking. This is over-exaggerated to be honest.

These equipments are not that necessary, really.

"Please take your seat." came a voice

I turn to see a crocadile standing at the camera tripod. His claw on his waist and his left foot tapping. He's most likely out of patience already. Better get this over with. I sat down on the chair prepared for the pictorial.

"Ok, now sit properly and smiling is optional." he instructed

I did what he told me to do and smiled. Well, my smile is more of a smirk. Then a flash came in. Its done. Now to have my I.D.

The crocodile head to his computer and started working on it.

It didn't took a while when he unplug a rectangular device.

Wait, a device? You mean the I.D. Here is that thing?

He then handed it to me.

"This is what you call PDC or Personal Data Carrier" he then proceed to his explanation to what this is "It holds your Personal Data to this school, your access to unlock and lock your dorm room, bank accounts that you'll have to register here later, school pass and grades."

Whoa! This is sweet!

"So its an I.D., Key, Pass and ATM. Just hold it upfront the scanners here in the school. So don't lose this. We are not liable for any issues of yours."

No kidding, I'll make sure it stays with me.

"As for uniform" he continued "What's your size?"

"Large" I replied

He went to get a few clothes wrapped in plastic and gave it to me.

"Now, you should try out the PDC first while you're here so in case you need more questions."

Right, just in case. I don't even know how to use this thing. But... Why does this thing look more like a phone? I tried pressing the unlock button on the side. To my surprise it turned on. It's actually like a phone.

"Our guild master decided for this design so you youngsters can easily access it." The crocodile explained.

I looked to see the options displayed: 'Personal Data', 'Bank account', 'Dorm unit', 'Guest options'

I guess I need to link my bank account here first. So I tap the Bank account option before the screen change with a notification of 'Please insert your bank card here' with an arrow pointing at the top.

I look to see that I should put my ATM there. I took my wallet and pull out my ATM card before inserting it to my PDC.

The PDC then begin to scan my ATM card. In just seconds, it displayed 'Link successful'and my account money: 45,310 credits.

I'm a son of a family living in luxury. What do you guys expect?

I pulled out my ATM card and put it back on my wallet before tucking it in my pocket. Now to view my Dormitory unit. It says my unit is from A-building room 329.

"A-building, huh?" the crocodile gasped from surprise "So you have the high standard building."

"I think my mom, set it up for me. Being a son of the Nomura household sure does have its perk."

"N-Nomura?" he stuttered after hearing my last name "Now that explains everything."

"Well, I guess that's all."

"The dormitory buildings are on an island. To get there, you'll have to ride a school cab to the school train station and ride a cable train to get to the island." he explained

I thanked him for the guide before leaving the Admission Office. Just on cue, a school cab was approaching and called for it. The cab stops just infront of me. I loaded my luggage to the cab's trunk before oppening the backseat doors and gotten in. I told the cab driver to drive me off to the school train station.

???'s POV:

I watched as the newly arrived Akita Freshmen student drove off from my laptop. Then I switched my attention to the brown wolf in our school uniform with a sash saying 'Student Assistance'.

"You were right about him, Eizan-san." I began with a smirk on my face "He is an interesting one."

"His, Magical level is incredibly strong but still dormant." he replied casually

My attention was diverted from the red furred wolf-dog in our uniform, except without the blazers, seated beside me humming a tune.

"Our school registry shows his name is Nomura Keizo."

"Nomura Keizo, from the Nomura Family I see." I adjusted my glasses before turning to the other side "He could actually turn the tides of this war to our favor."

Keizo's POV:

I just arrived to the island after riding the school's cable train. Now to look for the A-Building Dormitory. That's when I remembered while tweaking my PDC, there is also a map for this island.

I took out my PDC and open the map option. Ok, the A building is about a few walk from here.

"Man, this school is actually awesome from what my older brothers described." I mumbled to myself.

A minute has passed and I arrived to my destination. I looked up from my PDC and I was stunned to what I saw.

"What... The... Fuck?"

This isn't a Dormitory building anymore. This is a fucking Hotel already. Its beyond exaggeration now.

I can see some of the students entering and leaving the building. I should check the building out than stand here like a complete ignorant idiot.

When I enter the building, I arrived at the lobby first. The students around were having a chat, some were just about to move in and unpack their things to their room. Holy crap! They even have a catering area for our meals. Even a study area and a garden just outside.

I should check my room out. I took a lift to the 4th floor and begin to search for my room.

"325, 326, 327, 328... Ah! Here we go."

I stand infront of my room door, then I noticed a pannel on the right side. I took out my PDC and have it scanned on the pannel. In just a second, the pannel glowed green. I turned the door knob and push it opened.

I was astound to my room. Is this a 5 star hotel room? I even have flat screen 36 inches TV attached to my wall, even a balcony, AC. Well, the bed is good for one person. Now to the bathroom. I even have a jacuzzi and an Auto-washing machine with an instant dry drier?

"Mom, you out did yourself here." I mumbled to myself

Time to unpack my stuffs now. I begin putting my clothes on to the closet, my laptop and miscellaneous stuffs on the desk, my books on the shelves and oops... These adult magazine goes under the bed.

Alright, that's all of that now.

Suddenly I heard my PDC goes off and a voice came in.

"To all Freshmen, please proceed to the school gymnasium at 3:45 pm. And please wear uniform and bring your weapon."

3:45? Its 3:00 already. Is this what father meant earlier? I suppose this is the evaluation. I should take a bath first before heading out. Got to try the jacuzzi first.

*End of Chapter 1*


Lord Raven's Court

In the year 556 of the Runtallian Calendar, a war broke out in the eastern frontier of the Kingdom of Runtallia between the eastern overlord, Duke Gaverone Walruse of Regalia, and the barbarian chief-thane known as Dariun Drunzelle of the Shiradonii tribe, one of the Four Great Tribes of Norsmund, a nation that borders the Kingdom, deemed to be the land of brutes and savages. As the Duke of Regalia marches with his army to defend the disputed land of Kurlon, the barbarians have taken such an opportune moment to launch another incursion near the eastern border of Regalia near the town of Flendle, with the intention of dividing his army. However, despite accepting the town and the surrounding local lords' territories as lost cause in the war in favor of Kurlon– a newly discovered territory bountiful with veins of iron and other minerals– the Duke tasks his third son, Lord Velmund Walruse, along with his retinue, the Order of the Raven Knights, to fend off the attack. Now faced with the plight of defending the border town against a 5,000-strong Norsmundi army with his few yet skilled knights, along with an ill-equipped and undermanned militia, Lord Velmund has no choice but to fulfill his duty as a noble, relying upon his wits and his few but capable retainers to survive his first battle at the tender age of sixteen summers and winters. Contrary to his timid, youthful, and innocent appearance, however, lies his sly and scheming nature, evident by his fondness of dark magical arts specializing in illusion spells. Nevertheless, he himself has no idea of what he is capable of, and what he is destined to become. Meanwhile, further east at the frontier with Norsmund, a plot hatches to ensnare the Duke within the clutches of his treacherous vassals. Not only his life is threatened by these schemes, but his sons Theo and Varus as well. With this scheme put into motion, the Duke and Velmund's siblings, Varus and Theo, would taste fate's twisted humor, with the former meeting his demise in a blaze of glory amidst the field of battle, and the latter two vanishing in incidents shrouded by mysteries. With the death of the patriarch of Regalia and his heirs' disappearance, the young lord who was initially third in line for the succession of the ducal seat became its temporary occupant. And thus, the tale of him and his court begins… CHAPTER RELEASE: January 1st at 12:00 UTC

SlothfulChronicler · 戦争
201 Chs
