
Part Twenty Three

"You can put your stuff here." Joseph said as he cleaned up a corner of his room.

"Thanks!" Nathan put his heavy bag down. "By the way, I stayed at Ian's house yesterday night and I came out to him."

"Oh, what did he say?" Joseph asked.

"Nothing much. He was kind of surprised by it." Nathan shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay. That means your mom is the only person who do not accept us, right?"

"Probably. But she won't get in our way though." Nathan placed his hand on Joseph's shoulder and smiled.

"I hope so." Joseph muttered while going in Nathan's arms to give him a hug. He felt safe and warm being in his lover's arms.

Nathan pulled Joseph closer to him, caressing his upper back gently.

They both knew that their relationship would not be acceptable to all people but it was already more than enough when they had each other.

Nathan pulled away a bit seconds later and looked at Joseph's beautiful green eyes.

"Babe, I didn't get a good sleep last night. Would you mind if I take a nap now?" he said, rubbing his tired eye.

"Okay, get some rest. If you need me, I'll be in the living room." Although Joseph himself did not have a good sleep either, he did not feel tired at all. So he left his room to give Nathan some rest time.

To be honest, he never expected that he would be living with Nathan this soon. He knew that someday, if they were still together, they would live in the same house with each other's company, but the day had come way too soon.

He was not sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing but what he was sure about was that he could have more time to be with Nathan, and maybe get accustomed to living with him sooner.

After finding a place to sit down, Joseph called his mom and told her that Nathan would be staying in the house. After telling her the reason why Nathan had no place to live, she let Nathan stay which made Joseph really happy.

However, for Nathan's mom, his son leaving her behind would be the worst nightmare. The first thing she saw after waking up was the letter that Nathan had left on the kitchen table.

"Dear Mom,

I know what I'm doing now will make you sad but I really really love him.

You've once said you want me to be happy and being with him makes me happy. I hope one day you can accept us but until then, I will not come back home. I've already taken most of my stuff away. You don't have to worry about me.


Your son"

Tears started to fill her eyes as she read the letter. She quickly rushed upstairs to check Nathan's room and all she saw was a room with empty furniture.

"No... What have I done..." she whimpered and quickly ran out of the house to see if her son was still around. But all she could see was an empty street and her son was long gone. With too much distress, she fell on the ground helplessly. All of a sudden, all the things became pitch black in her eyes. She fainted away.

As for Allison, she had given up on getting back with Nathan after knowing that her ex boyfriend had a boyfriend now. Kira even found her curling up in the corner of her bed after returning from the Christmas party. She missed his smile, his silly jokes and the sweet words that he said to her.

Although she seemed okay now, deep down, she still missed the days she had with Nathan. Those were her happiest days before they had to break up. All she could do now was to wish Nathan good luck.

"Allie, are you really giving up?" Kira asked. She and Allison spent most of their time in their own room during Christmas break. And now, they were sitting on their own bed doing art project that their teacher had assigned before Christmas.

"What else can I do? He's with somebody now. He even tells me to help him keep it as a secret." Allison answered while typing in her laptop.

"But his mom likes you. You can use it to get him."

"I don't do this kind of thing, Kira." Allison stared at Kira, in a face of reluctance. Then she looked at her laptop again. "I've moved on already."

"Really?" Kira doubted.

"Of course. Just do your project. Don't beg for help if you cannot meet the deadline."

"Fine." Kira went back to doing her own work.

Right after, Allison got a phone call. She picked it up immediately.


"I am."


"I'm coming."

Allison put down the phone and she closed her laptop with a serious face.

"What's going on?" Kira asked with confusion. All she could see was that Allison quickly put her wallet, her mobile phone in her purse.

"I want to know too. I'll tell you when I get back." Allison left the room as soon as she had gotten what she needed.

She straight up went to the hospital that called her on her phone. When she reached the registry, she asked the nurse, "Excuse me. Is Mrs Henderson here?"

"Yes. She is in the third room on the left." the nurse answered and pointed to her right.

"Thanks." Allison replied and went to the direction where the nurse was pointing to.

"One, two, three. It's the room." Allison spoke under her breath with anxiety. As she arrived at the third room, she opened the door immediately.

She went inside and she saw Nathan's mother who was lying in the bed. She was awake but her lips were pale. Normally, her eyes would glow with enthusiasm everytime she met Allison. This time her eyes were lifeless. It showed that she had definitely gone through something bad.
