
Episode 1

"Danny! Dinner!" Danny's mother yelled down the hallway. She grinned before walking back to the kitchen.

The hall was not that long but still creepy. Three doors sat closed on the left while a fourth one was at the end. Slightly open.

"Die! Die you noob!" Danny yelled as he pressed on the controller in his hands. He sat at three computer screens. The one in the middle had a man slashing people. "Haha! You suck!" He grinned.

"Okay, mister badass! Take this!" A female voice yelled on the other end.

A female character, dressed sexy, walked up to Danny's character. She started to slash at him.

"You think that will work?" Danny started to move really fast. "Ha! Got you-" his grin turned into a frown.

The female jumped up really high and disappeared.

"What!? That's cheating!" Danny yelled.

"Awe is the big baby scared?" The female voice said cockily.

He growled. "You are going to regret-"

The female reappeared behind him. Stabbing his character.

Game over popped up on his screen.

"WHAT!!" Danny laid back. Defeated.

The female voice laughs. "Bye loser!" A sound is heard before she leaves.

He groans. Tossing his controller on his bed. "God..." he stands. Stretching. He was a tall guy with a skinny frame. His hair was a navy blue. A green headband wrapped around his it.

"Danny!" A girl barged in. She was shorter than him. Her hair was a hazel brown pixie cut. She wore pajamas. She had her hands on her hips. "Didn't you hear mom calling for you, idiot?"

He rolls his eyes. "Yes!" He begins to push her out. "I'll be out in a minute." Before she could say anything else he shuts and locks the door in her face.

He leans against the door. Rubbing his eyes. 'Jeez. Can't a boy have privacy?' Dark circles were under each of his eyes. His screen brightens up. "Hmm?" He looks at it. He sees that he got a message. "What now?" He sits down at his desk. Reading the message.

"Hey sucker! I know I killed you but I think we can work together! DM me if interested!" -DGirl43

Danny grinned. "So you want to game together again?" He types back.

"Yeah! I mean I could help you with some things but I think you have something in you-DGirl43

He rolls his eyes. "Fine" he stands. 'This better be worth it'

*Next Scene*

"I'm telling you mom! He just doesn't like me!" The brown haired girl wined. She sat across Danny.

Danny rolled his eyes as he took a bite of rice. 'God! We get it! Every man has to bow down to you..'

Danny's mom grins. "I know honey." She looks at Danny. "So, how is school going? Didn't you say that you have some thing this weekend?"

"Thanks mom for wondering about my life." He takes a drink. "But I do have a thing this weekend but it's not for school. It's a-"

"Nerd thing." The girl grinned.

'I dislike you..' he sighs. "Say what you like about it but I know you like them too."

"No way! I would never spend hours on those stupid games!" She shakes her head while crossing her arms.

He grins. "But you'll spend hours taking selfies because you have such a low self-esteem. I see no difference.."


Their mom laughs. "Both of you stop. You'll make me spit out my rice." She covers her mouth.

Danny stands. "Thank you mom for the dinner." He puts his plate up. "I'm going to head in" he kisses the top of her head as he walks past her.

"Oh! Danny!" She stands.

"Hmm?" He looks at her.

She swallows. "There was something for you in the mail. I put it on the table out there." She points to the living room.

He nods. "Okay, Thanks." He walks to the living room.

A envelope laid on the table. The top of it read, To Danny Joshiro. Important.

'Important? What could be so important?' He grabs it before walking into his room. He tosses it on the bed as he grabs a towel.

*Next Scene*

"Nooo way! I would never!" A girl, in pink shorts and a black tank top, laughed as she sat crisscross in a chair. Her hair was long. Purplish pink hair. A piece laid in the middle of her face. White cat headphones on her head. "Ugh! As if!" She rolled her eyes.

"No! I'm telling you! That guy you played is famous! You should totally date him!" A boy voice said through the headphones.

She chuckled. "What's so badass about him? Is he a meme or something?" She held her head up with her hand.

"No! His grandfather is a awesome martial arts fighter!" The boy yelled.

"So? Just because he was a fighter doesn't mean his grandson is one. I mean I beat the guy in a video game! How badass could he really be?" She sat back in her chair.

Her room was dark. The only light was coming from her screen.

"Yeah yeah yeah. But I'm telling you. You should hop on him. Knowing this weekend you make lose your chance." He sighs.

She looks over her shoulder as something behind her moves. "Maybe..." She looks around slowly. "Say, Tahame I think I need to let you go..."

"Whatever. Good luck with Prince Charming!" He leaves.

She grins. "Guess I should have known you would follow me home." She takes off her headphones. "Just let me stretch before we do this." She stands up putting her arms behind her head.

"Heh. Thought I could sneak up on you. Cause I was wrong." A man comes out of the shadows. He wore a black hood. A sword on his hip.

"Nah. I heard you even with my headphones on." She puts her hair up on a ponytail. "You should learn to be better....but I guess now you can't because I'm going to kill you." She grabs her sword, that was under her desk.

"Ooh kitty wants to play." The man giggles.

She looks disgusted at him. "Don't do that. Creep. So, when did you follow me?" She looks at him up and down.

"Oh don't worry. I'm the only one that did. The other don't know.." he puts his hands together.

"Waitttt are you the ones I took out the other night at club Nix?" She grins. "Because...if that's the case than this will be....EASY!" She jumps at him. Her sword ready.
