

Lily watched as James tickled their twin little sun shines mercilessly. Even though they were still only one they had high energy levels and wouldn't sleep without each other in the room. James was kneeling next to them with Harry on his left and Katrina on his right Harry was just sitting there while Katrina was constantly slipping away and crawling to the other side of the room just to have James walk over and hold her above his head and tickle her up there then set her on the ground with Harry. Harry had inherited a lot of his father's traits, like his untamed curly black hair, his trouble making skills, and his short temper, but Harry still had one thing like Lily, his eyes were the vibrant green that sparkled in the sun and seemed to glow in the dark. Those beautiful eyes had gotten Lily many comments about how pretty she was. Katrina however had a lot of Lily's traits. She had a cool temper that never seemed to go off, seemed to stay out of trouble fairly easily, and her hair was exactly the same as Lily's. The long red hair that barely curled at the tips and the thick bundle that seemed to always be tangled and even some freckles on her nose, but just like Harry her eyes were he father's, they were a bright blue that went beautifully with her gleaming red hair and looked so innocent and guilty at the same time. Both of their children were adorable to say the least.

"James I think that it's time for the kids to go to bed." Lily said as James complained "But why, Lily! Why?!" He pretended to get down on his knees and beg to stay up longer with the kids. The twins started laughing at their father and it made Lily laugh to see her family so happy. "I'm sorry James, but you know the rules." She walked over to the kids and bopped each one of them on the nose for each word. "No staying up past bed time." James sighed while walking over to the kids and swooped down to pick them up. Lily knew full well why James wanted to stay up. Ever since that prophecy that Sybill gave Dumbledore was more well known Voldemort had been hunting the twins to kill them and any moment could be the last one that they ever have with their twins. James took them upstairs to the nursery and set them in their crib. Lily went to kiss them on the top of their heads when they heard a loud crack from outside. James went downstairs to see who it was guessing that it was most likely Pettigrew, who was their secret keeper, only to see a black hooded figure walk up to the house. "Lily! It's him he's here! I'll hold him off get the children out of here!" Lily ran downstairs and hugged him saying "I won't leave you here. I will not." "Protect Harry and Katrina. I love you." and with those words he pushed her upstairs. Harry and Katrina were hugging and laughing. Lily ran into the room and locked to door then in a split second decision barricaded the door with a dresser. As soon as she did she heard James yelling and then saw a green flash of light and heard a body hit the floor.

James was dead.

The twins were sniffling about to start crying when the door slammed open from a blast of green light. Voldemort stepped in the room and said "Step out of the way Lily, and you will be spared." "No, I will not let you kill my children." "Step out of the way or you will die." "Why are you doing this?" Lily cried trying to keep him from getting to them. "Out of the way." he hissed. She stood her ground even as he yelled...

"Avada Kedavra!"

Memories flashed behind her eyelids as the beam of light hit her square in the chest. She fell to the floor, dead.

Voldemort looked over to the crying children deciding to kill the boy first he raised his wand and did the same spell that he had used on James and Lily.

As it shot it hit Harry on the forehead and the ricocheted to the girl hitting her on the shoulder. then bounced to him hitting him in the same spot as it hit their mother.


Hagrid landed and walked through the tattered house going to the room where the twins stayed. He walked in and found Harry with a wolf pup.

He ran over and set the pup free. It ran and hid under a dresser. He went and grabbed Harry, but as he went to leave Sirius showed up and said "Hagrid, I'm his godfather please give him to me." Sirius was white and shaking he looked like this was just as hard on him as it was on anyone else. "Sorry, Sirius, but special request from Dumbledore. Can' give 'im to you." "At least take my motorbike I won't need it much longer." and with that Hagrid took the bike and left. Sirius walked through the house and found the pup still hiding under the dresser. He coaxed it out from under and as it left it turned into little Katrina Potter.

Sirius scooped her up and took her home. He contacted Dumbledore and told him what happened. Dumbledore had already dropped off Harry at the Dursley's so he decided to take Katrina as his own.

Once Dumbledore had Katrina Sirius used the floo to get to Remus's house.

"Remus! I need to talk to you Moony!" "What is it Padfoot?" Remus replied sleepily coming out of his room while still rubbing his eyes. "Pettigrew was the secret keeper for the Potters not me. Wormtail sold Prongs and Lily out to Voldemort." That woke Remus up "I thought that you were the secret keeper." "I convinced James to use Pettigrew instead and he ratted them out! Just...please remember what I told you. Remus I'm going after Pettegrew."

Sorry if information is wrong! It will most likely take a long time to update because I want to use the book's timeline as best as I can! Sorry if this chapter seems short it is 1022 words though so that is something. DISCLAIMER: J. K. ROWLING OWNS ALL OF THE CHARACTERS EXCEPT FOR KATRINA, DRAKE, AND IVY. I MIGHT ADD MORE IN LATER BOOKS AND I WILL POINT THEM OUT IF I DO!!!!!!!!!!

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Hailey_Merrillcreators' thoughts