

There was a world known as Arcania, in other terms it is known as Magic World.

Magic World was created by the magical God named "Galax" with his feo apprentice, they build and they conquer.

Rafaela is his first and loyal apprentice who has a duty of healing wounds. She was praised by some region of the five continents of the Arcania.

Argus is his strong and trustworthy and brave apprentice. He used to kill all the evil creatures in the magic world. But because of his power, his pride ate him. Causing him to become one of his hateful creatures. He became evil. With an evil sword who was tempting him because of his power, he was sent down in the other dimension where do evil stay. The "Reverse World", there he became the stronger evil and became their Lord.

Meanwhile in Galaxus where Galax stayed, he saw Argus and he felt hurt. Argus became his enemy now because of his pride. Rafaela sorrow is Argus, she comforts Galax and promised to him that she will help Argus back to his real identity.

That was a legend since then. But Arcanian people do believe in one god and his two apprentice.

In a nice and peaceful world of Arcania there were five continents. Each of these continents sustain the balance of needed. And it is always a peaceful place.

Argus temptation made him to do such things he never knew he could do now. He conquered the five continents with his evil apprentice.

"Argus mind is full of temptation. I hope he won't be stuck up in his condemnation" Rafaela said to herself while floating in the sky and watching Argus doing such bad things. Rafaela felt hurt.

"Haha. Soon the karma will be on his way" The wings of vengeance said to her. She looked at her and she knew that woman.

"Pharsa? The Wings of Vengeance?" Rafaela asked.

"Yes it's me. But don't digress, I do not came here to join force on you. I am neutral. Good or evil I am here to give vengeance. Do good and I will avenge for good. Do evil and I make things worst in his life. Well... " Pharsa said.

"I know. But why are you here? "

"A karma for Argus was born in the kingdom of the richest and powerful Continent of Arcania. In the continent of Arigosa, in kingdom of Arcan. Daughter of the Light Queen and Fearless King. Argus already conquered the four continents and they are now planning to conquer that continent. " Pharsa explained to her.

"Queen Heart and King Skyler." She thought for herself. Pharsa looked at her.

"You must hurry and save that karma. That girl will help you to stop Argus from his evilness " Pharsa said before she vanished in to the air like a popped bubbles.

Rafaela is so worried about Argus. But she has no other option but to save the Royal's daughter.

She went in the kingdom of Arcan and she saw that there was a war between the outsider and the Arcan people.

She felt her heart was thorned by what she saw. She yelled and make them paralyzed with his holy baton.

"Argus!? Brother? What have you done? Is it still you? You're not the Argus I met. He's loving and gentle, caring and fighting for righteous! " Rafaela said trying to condemn him.

"Oh my Rafaela! Did you see me now? I'm powerful than our Mentor. I can conquer all the five continents! " Argus said while still paralyzed.

"Argus, your karma was born. Your life will be torn by her. Can you survive til the crack of dawn when she fights you?" Rafaela said.

"Stupid angel! " Pharsa said and she went straight to the kingdom.

"P-Pharsa? The Wings of Vengeance... Is there something wrong we've done? So that you are avenging us with evilness? " King Skyler asked.

"No. I am not here to avenge. I am here to save the karma of Argus."

"Karma of Argus? " Queen Heart asked.

"Your daughter. is the Karma of Argus. I need to bring her in shelter. Where she should be taken good care."

"But... She's too young"

"Young or old, she should be stayed away from Argus' present or else life in this world will be in danger" Pharsa said. "Also the other world will be doomed" She added.

The queen and king had no choice but to let Pharsa do her job. To save their daughter. When she got the baby, she vanishes with it.

King Skyler and Queen Heart was very disappointed in life. So they became mad and more fearless, they faced Argus. Rafaela's sorrow doubled.

"Skyler. Heart. You should take care of the Karma of Argus" Rafaela said.

"No need! My baby was gone!" Said the King and he became the Mythical Dragon known as Agni.

"Grrr! Purify! " Argus said then the paralyzing spell was gone.

"I am the demon God now! Stronger than anyone in this world!" Argus yelled

"I don't care. A fallen Argus like you should be punished! " The King said and they attacked both each other with their powers.

"Stop!!! Doo-" Rafaela cant talk now because Argus power silents her and the King.

He punched and kicked the King even Rafaela. Rafaela and the Arcan People Spells were muted by his dark magic.

"Give up your throne. And soon I'll become your God! " Said him.

Skyler and Rafaela was very exhausted and they lost a lot of energy from his power. Queen Heart tried to fight him but she has no chance of defeating him.

"Because you can't be pleased by the words of the mighty God! I will imprison three of you in the Hell Jail!" Argus said and he made them fall asleep. Then with his crew and army they put the three on the jail.

Meanwhile, Pharsa brought the baby and left her in the cabin in the unknown forest woods. Where elves and humans do live.

"I hope someone will take care of you" Pharsa said. She leaves the baby with the white dove who will always guide her unti she became ready to fight the evilness in the Arcania....