
The Three Broomsticks

The loud Thunder and bright Lightning that hit too close to Hogwarts surprised everyone except for Kaiser who knew that it must have been Thor who created the turmoiled outside.

But nothing followed afterward which made Kai suspicious of what was going on when he saw Viktor Krum drop a piece of paper with his name on it into the Goblet of Fire followed by the teen sitting beside Kai at the moment who rushed toward the Goblet to drop her name into it.

Many others tried to rush forward but Dumbledore stopped them by clapping his hand while food appeared on the tables and he says, "You all can place your name into the Goblet after dinner. But for now, let us eat and celebrate the cooperation between our schools."

They began to eat but Kaiser was still having a bad feeling while in Hogsmeade a tall and stocky man in Nordic Armor with red hair and blue eyes was sitting at a table drinking Hot Whiskey when another slimmer man sat down across from him.

"You could have waited with that great entrance until Hallowe'en when the Champions are being chosen," says Loki seriously while glaring at the brute drinking his whiskey when the server brought him a Butterbeer.

"I got too excited," says Thor apologetically while taking a sip from his drink.

"I should have brought Thrúd with me instead of her father," says Loki complaining to himself for taking Thor with him.

"It was my father's decision that I should accompany you. But you are right Thrúd would have been a better choice. She always wanted to meet Kaiser again," says Thor seriously at first before agreeing with Loki since he had better things to do for example to screw with Sif.

"Oh, do you think that Kaiser would fall for your daughter? I remember quite the age gap between both of them," says Loki mocking Thor a bit as he drinks from his Butterbeer.

"Age is no matter to us, Gods. Kaiser will find that out sooner or later and Thrúd can wait until Kaiser has spread his wings around just like us," says Thor telling a truth that both of them knew while the other guests in the tavern thought that two crazy people were talking to each other.

In the meantime in Hogwarts, dinner was over and Kaiser returned to his room with his partners to get a good night's sleep after everything that happened while looking at the key he received from the Keepers.

"Where could you fit in?" asks Kaiser himself before closing his eyes since tomorrow was another day and maybe the answer will reveal itself by then.

The next day Kaiser was the topic of the day between the Beauxbatons students and Durmstrang students after hearing the rumors from the Beauxbatons students about a Masters attending Hogwarts.

Kaiser didn't care as he was on business in Hogsmeade since he received a howler from Loki telling him to meet him at the Three Broomsticks.

Kaiser was on his way when he came across Hermione and Harry on his way to Hogsmeade since he wanted to explore the surroundings of Hogwarts for a bit while Hermione and Harry didn't use the Floo Flames to venture outside the castle not knowing where they could end up by accidentally spelling Hogsmeade wrong.

Harry told Kaiser on the way to Hogsmeade about what happened once he used Floo Powder to travel ending up in the wrong Alley which made Kaiser laugh out loud after hearing that.

"That's not funny," says Harry seriously as Kaiser couldn't keep a straight face.

"Well, it is to me," says Kaiser wiping a tear away from laughing so hard.

"So why are you going to Hogsmeade, Kai?" asks Hermione trying to change the topic.

"I am going to meet with Loki and Thor," says Kai nonchalantly while Harry looks at him seriously.

"Fine keep your secret then," says Harry angry that Kai didn't trust them not knowing that Kai was telling the truth when he hears.

"Wait, Uncle Thor and Loki are in Hogsmeade, aren't they Muggles?" asks Hermione seriously as Kai looked at her confused still not believing that Hermione hadn't figured it out yet that Thor and Loki were Gods like the rest of the group that mostly came to his birthdays like Heimdallr or Tyr.

"You will find out sooner or later anyway so why not from me," says Kai as Harry wasn't angry any longer but felt sorry for doubting Kaiser when he hears, "They are Gods."

"What!" shouts Harry not believing what he was hearing while Hermione looked at him in disbelief.

"I think you have hit your head a bit too hard in your last sparing with Eivor," says Hermione seriously not believing him.

"Well, it is up to you to believe it or not," says Kaiser as they continue walking until they reach Hogsmeade.

They had the same destination with Harry and Hermione wanting to drink some butterbeer and relax from the week while Kaiser wanted to see what Loki wanted from him.

They entered the Three Broomsticks Inn finding it a bit too quiet when they saw why as they looked at a table on which there was no space to place another jug on while a redhead was snoring on his seat.

"It seems, you have arrived, Kaiser, or should I call you 'Mighty Berserker'?" asks Loki who was still up as Kaiser rushed to his side.

Kaiser gave him a small hug which Loki returned with his both arms. Loki received an artificial arm from Kaiser on Kaiser's eleventh birthday not knowing that he got his arm severed because he tried to trick the boy before this opened the path for Loki to accept Kaiser.

Loki looked behind Kai and saw Hermione and another young teen with a scar on his forehead when he says, "It seems you brought the 'Little Lioness' with you and the 'Boy-who-Lived'. But I must say it should be 'Fierce Lioness' now that she is a teen while the other should be the 'Teen-who-Lived' but that would sound a bit awkward now that I spoke it out."

"It seems Thor is sleeping," says Kai ignoring what Loki just said to Harry and Hermione as he stood before Thor and tried to lift the hammer that was placed on the table surrounded by empty jugs.

"You won't be able to lift it," says Loki seeing Kai try to do it again.

"You never know one day I might be able to lift Mjölnir," says Kai failing miserably before letting go of the handle.

Harry and Hermione looked at the hammer and they saw runes on it when Hermione says, "Are those Enchantments placed on the hammer."

"They are runes created by the Dwarves Brokkr and Eitri you might know them better as Brok and Sindri. They made Mjölnir after I made a bet with Brok which I had lost my punishment for losing was quite hard having my mouth sewed shut until the thread came off," says Loki reminded of something foolish that happened in his younger days.

"That can't be except you are," says Hermione when Thor suddenly awakens from his slumber.

"By the All-Father can't you be a bit more quiet. I am trying to sleep here," says Thor annoyed as he looks at Kai before his eyes wander off behind Kai when he says, "Ah, the 'Little Lioness' has joined us as well."

Thor ignored Harry completely as he stood up Harry could make out that Thor is bigger than Hagrid by at least a meter when Thor noticed his stare he says, "My mother is a giant."

"Hagrid's mother is also a giant but you are far bigger than him," says Harry making Thor laugh out loud.

"Well, not everyone can have my size or strength. Maybe the 'Mighty Berserker' will be able to possess it once he is worthy of lifting my hammer," says Thor hitting Kai's back lightly which pushes Kai forward.

"So you really are-," says Hermione as she turns pale.

"Gods? Yes, we are, didn't you hear Thor's entrance yesterday while you had dinner. He came too early to Hogwarts. We were to arrive at Halloween or how you call it Hallowe'en to announce that I would be a judge in the tournament that was created to my honor," says Loki telling them that the Triwizard Tournament was created to honor him.

"The winner would usually get to learn Magic for a month in Asgard under my guidance which they would never believe that existed," says Loki surprising the two students when Thor looks at them seriously.

"Don't get tempted by what he said. The Triwizard Tournament took many lives over the years why do you think it was banned for a while. I would suggest that you two stay out of it since we people of Asgard have our own Champion," says Thor on a warning tone while everyone looks at him surprised except for Loki.

"And who will represent Asgard?" asks Harry curious to find out when Thor's eyes fell on Kaiser who looks back at him.

"You didn't," says Kai not believing that Thor would do that.

"I did, our representative will be Kaiser Masters. I already placed his name into the Goblet," says Thor making Kai glare at him.

"How did you pass the defensive mechanics?" asks Hermione curiously wanting to know how Thor did it.

"It is quite easy if you know the creator of the Goblet of Fire who is sitting across from me," says Thor making everyone look at Loki.

"How could you let him do that?" asks Kaiser of Loki who sighs.

"It wasn't my decision but my brother's who wanted you to participate in this tournament since Logan asked it out of him," says Loki sighing in defeat in the end since he didn't have a say in it.

"Well good luck to you, Kai," says Harry satisfied of not being the focal point of everyone this year with Kaiser now becoming the Champion of Asgard.

He still didn't believe that Loki and Thor were Gods but he then someone else entered the Three Broomsticks which they all recognized as Albus freaking Dumbledore.

He received a Howler as well from Loki which wasn't as the one Kai received when he saw Kaiser, Harry, and Hermione near the table while the whole Inn was quiet as nobody was in it which the trio didn't seem to have noticed.

"You should leave us alone. It seems, my next guest has arrived," says Loki as he claps his hands and the trio disappears finding themselves in a full Inn while the table before them is empty.

"Alright, they have convinced me a little bit more that they might be real Gods," says Harry now believing their words as Hermione didn't know what to say or do since she had spent quite some time with Loki and Thor in her youth while visiting Kaiser.

Kaiser on the other hand walked to the bar while asking, "Do you two want some Butterbeer to calm the nervous?"

They nod before Kai orders three Butterbeer for them while sitting down on the stool at the counter with Harry and Hermione joining him as they digest what they just experienced.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts