
They Meet You

The play opens with Mary's mom in the kitchen washing, then suddenly, Mary immediately rushes in.

Mother: Your looking happy today, what's the occasion?

Mary: I just got invited to the birthday party of the most popular girls in town.

Mother: And what time is the party?

Mary: This afternoon.

Mother: Is 2:00 pm now.

Mary: Mom, that's why am here.I just need your permission to go.

Mother: Hmmmm, my permission you say.

Mary: Yes mom

Mother: Okay, permission granted.

Mary filled with excitement, left the kitchen, then her mother calls her back.

Mother : Where do you think your going dressed like that?

Mary: Mom, is just a birthday party. I will be back before midnight.

Mother: Okay if you say so.. Don't be late oooh.... (She says placing her hands on her left ear, as a sign of warning).

Mary : Yes mum.( She says hugging her).

Mother: Have fun dear.

Mary: I will.

While at the party, Mary meets 2 girls, Alice and Uju popularly known as slay Queens.They were known for their constant changing of outfits,Driving fancy cars, and wearing the latest trending outfits .No repeats, and always attending big functions. But they hardly work, or have a job... You can say, just like the Kardashians.

Alice: Mary, you made it.(She says while hugging her ).

Uju: Thought you couldn't pull it off.

Alice: Will you stop teasing her. She just arrived.

Mary: So where do you want us to go?, i kinda told my mom am going for a birthday party, just so she could allow me go out.

(The girls both laugh )

Mary: What's funny?.

Alice: What's funny is the fact that your a Chicken.( She says imitating the sound of a chicken).

Mary: No am not.(she says looking sternly at them).

The girls: Yes you are.(They both say).

Alice: Seems like you don't know where your about to go.

Uju: Yeah, she really don't know.

Then they both stare at each other and laugh once more..

Mary: Would you girls tell me already?

Uju: Okay, okay, we're going for a function.The most influential man, Mr Nwosu... Invited us.And he said we can invite a friend.We couldn't think of anyone other than you, since you see us as your " role model ".Even though, your sense of style is ...(Then she paused..)..Uju how will i put it..?

Uju: Like, no way compared to ours.

( Then they start giggling as usual, in an annoying way )..

Alice: Don't worry, just don't embarrass us with this your Mary amaka, or what do they call it ...Uju help me here...(Laughing).

Uju: Deeper life dressing...(She says mockingly ).

Mary : Okay ooooh if you say so.You know that am bourgeois..( Belonging to the middle class).

Alice: Yeah, we know. Thats why we kinda took you.We wouldn't want anyone looking more gorgeous and sofisticated than us...(Giggling ).

Then Uju calls her ubar driver to pick them up..

When the driver arrives, They both go into an expensive car

Mary: Wow, so you girls can afford an Ubar driver ?. By the way, when would we be coming back?, my mom said that i should'nt be late.

The girls laugh at her mockingly

Uju: (Mimicking her).My Mom said i shouldn't be late.

Alice: You ask like, a bunch of questions.How do you expect me to answer them all.

Then Uju wispers in her ear

Uju: Remind me why were taking this local girl with us again?.

Alice: For our plan silly.Now quit talking or you'll screw the whole thing up and blow our cover.(Then she turns over to Mary ).

Alice: Mummy's girl..

Uju: Mummy's hand bag.

Mary: I just asked a question

Uju: Ah, ah, that's what we just answered na, or Alice did we put water in our mouths while talking?

Mary: Ooh, when we call you a Nerd now you'll say we're yabbing you.

Mary: Okay ooh, it's okay. I won't ask anymore questions again.

Back at home, Mary's father

arrives from work,

and don't see his daughter

Mr Daniel: Peace be unto this house

Marys mom: Sweet heart, your back

( Pecking him on his ch


Mr Daniel: Where's your daughter? I doubt if she's at home.As usual, always out.

Mary's Mom:My love don't talk like that.

Mr Daniel: Where is she? I know you've

allowed her to go out for

that her late night party.

Your just spoiling that girl.

Mary's Mom: How am i spoiling her now?, you wouldn't let her go to her friends house or to a birthday party, you just keep her locked up in here.For goodness sake, she's my only child.My only eye.

Mr Daniel: Correction, our only child, and I won't sit back and let you spoil her like this.Like, never.And by the way, when is she coming back?

Mary's Mom: Before midnight.

( Mr Daniel immediately dropped the cup of water he was drinking, which made a loud noise because the glass cup broke ).

Mr Daniel: Do you mean you told her to be back before midnight???

( He paused for a bit, and then continued ), you keep spoiling this girl. At her age, she suppose to be in the house helping you with the house chores, but instead, you allow her go out there and have a good time with her friends.

Well....Am not amazed, neither flabbergasted. After all, you were just like her when i met you.

Mary's mom: Okay, that's it. ( She says with her voice filled with rage ) I can no longer take this insult from you.Infact, this is the case of a pot calling a kettle black.You we're no better, you know right.Back then when you were a play boy, a casanova, you promiscuous philandering man; always flirting with almost all the girls in town.I didn't want to say this but you pushed me by your blame and critism. ( She stumped out ).
