
Jujutsu Kaisen: The End

The most powerful shikigami also known as the Divine General Mahoraga has been reincarnated in the flesh! The world of Jujutsu Kaisen may soon be in shambles... (I'm not too caught up on the manga so please don't expect much.)

_SOL · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Special Grade Assassin

It was a breezy night, The Ze'nin household was quiet as well...more quiet than usual as well although nobody was sleep. Everyone was too busy anticipating the upcoming assassination and were anxious of the results. Some of the Ze'nin were ready to step in themselves as Plan B if the assassin failed.

Mahoraga wasn't sleep either, he was too busy doing physical exercises like he usually did every night unbeknownst to anybody in the family.

(Flashback: Yesterday Night)

Ze'nin Clan Head: "I hope you're ready...do not underestimate this child nor do not use your techniques around him...you must kill him without him noticing and in one fell swoop, he's too dangerous to be kept alive!"

The Clan Head of the Ze'nin family would order to the Special Grade Assassin whose identity was unknown. The Special Grade sorcerer looked at the Clan Head as if he was a fool.

Assassin: "Do you really think I, A special grade sorcerer will have trouble defeating a sleeping six year old!? Ha, just make sure you have my special grade weapon prepared for me once I return"

The assassin would boast...but could be really defeat...Mahoraga!?!

(Flashback End)

Mahoraga was currently doing push ups on the wooden floor. The room was pitch black and the breaths of Mahoraga from exercising could be heard. Suddenly and instantly, from out of the shadow beneath him, a man would pop up from under Mahoraga with a dagger rising into his gut.

It seemed the assassin's cursed technique could allow him to pass through shadows as he was able to appear under Mahoraga's belly, undetected. As Mahoraga rose into the air, the assassins dagger still plunged into his abdomen, he'd react with immense shock. He was not used to surprise attacks of this scale and this man was going for the kill!

The assassin was cocky, after plunging his dagger into Mahoraga's abdomen, he'd stand while smirking and looking at the child who was on all fours and breathing heavy.

Assassin: "You had potential boy but unfortunately you must suffer the cruelty of the world before you could even enjoy your innocence!"

The assassin pulled out another dagger this time and slowly walked up to Mahoraga. Although the man couldn't see it, tears came from the eye of Mahoraga...but his face wasn't sad. These were tears of anger, in a situation like this, his fight or flight response would naturally become a fight response.

The adrenaline strong but it was just the amount needed for Mahoraga to stop feeling the pain. He'd pull the dagger from out of his belly, while subconsciously healing his wound with RCE and dashing at the assassin.

Assassin: Impressive for someone who was recently a sperm cell!

The assassin would remark with a smirk as he faded into the shadow of the room to avoid Mahoragas attack but instead Mahoraga would reach his other hand towards that direction and pull it back quickly in a snatching motion. This would make the assassin get rejected by the shadow he tried to retreat into and Mahoragas slashing attack would connect.

The assassin was quick enough to parry Mahoragas dagger and jump back to create distance. The assassin was trying to maintain his composure but he was really stressed now.

Assassin: 'How the hell did he do that!? I went into the shadows...and then was forced right back out!?'

The assassin thought quickly as he and Mahoraga both stared each other down, although not being able to see each other in the pitch black room they could still sense each other's cursed energy.

Mahoraga: "So your cursed technique allows you to move freely and instantly between shadows within a certain range and you can even store items in your own shadow"

Mahoraga would state which made the assassins heart drop. In the world of Jujutsu, a sorcerer would prefer their opponent not to know what their cursed technique is as it could cause a possible disadvantage. The assassin had a flashback to the Clan Heads warning and now he regretted it.

The intelligence of Mahoraga was not to be toyed with and the fact that Mahoraga was accurately able to tell him his own cursed technique only meant one thing...it was now Mahoragas cursed technique as well!

Mahoraga: "Don't be scared now...let's dance!"

Mahoraga said, taking the initiative this time and dashing at his assassin. The assassin swung his dagger down into Mahoragas skull but he was too slow as the dagger passed through a blurred image of Mahoraga. Mahoraga had dashed onto the assassins side and shoved the dagger into the mans liver.

Mahoraga would instantly let go of the dagger, leaving it inside the assassin and then jumping and sending a kick with both his feet into the assassin's side, hitting the dagger which made it push further into the mans body and sending him flying into the wall which then Mahoraga would use his own Shadow Cursed Technique to make the man fly into a shadow instead of the wall.

The man was quick to react, as although Mahoraga tried to move him through his own Shadow, the man escaped into his own Shadow and managed to grab a sword from his personal inventory. It had immense levels of cursed energy stored in it and seemed to have a binding vow as well according to what Mahoraga calculated off the energy readings alone.

The assassin came out a shadow from the living room which Mahoraga followed and lunged at the man, being at chest level and slashing with attempts to cut his heart out. Unfortunately the strength of the assassins new weapon was overbearing and as they clashed, the sword broke through the dagger and the man was now prepared to strike Mahoraga down.

Skillfully, Mahoraga took advantage of the pitch black aura to manipulate himself as a shadow which caused the sword to slip through him as he manipulated his body into the shadow realm but not his entire physical body. This phenomenon left the assassin extremely shook as he hopelessly looked at the six year old child who was currently reeling their fist back with killing intent.

Assassin: 'It was never possible for me to retain my body in the physical world while at the same time putting myself in the shadow world...I'm either in the shadow world...or the physical but what he did was just both at the same time?'

(Note: Like Obito Kamui ability)

The assassin was left contemplating his life and once again his eyes buldged out his head as in the split second of a second, a commonly known black and red spark of aura emitted from Mahoragas fist. Mahoraga had pulled off a Black Flash! right to the assassin's solar plexus.

He crashed through the wall, destroying the front of their house and through multiple trees and terrain before finally, his body could be seen knocked out and ragdolled while his eyes were rolled back in his head. Many of the Ze'nin came to investigate the noise and those who were aware of what was supposed to happen were beyond shock.

They all immediately looked over once they saw footsteps and would see Mahoraga walking up to the now dead assassin who unfortunately bled out from the earlier dagger attack.

Mahoraga looked at his hand seriously. The use of that Black Flash made him feel greater than he had every felt before! He was already completely adept with the concepts and theories of cursed energy and it's manipulation, but thanks to the experience of using Black Flash, Mahoraga had no doubts within himself. Those around him could tell that he had another breakthrough as his aura was much much more refined than last time, only showing as a thing outline around Mahoraga.

Mahoraga had control of his cursed technique as if he had Gojos six eyes and many of the Ze'nin family members who wanted him dead were now too afraid to take the initiative of attacking like they had originally planned in the first place for if the assassin was to fail.

The Clan Head would walk up, being only a medium distance away from Mahoraga.

Ze'nin Clan Head: "You may have survived...But unfortunately I cannot allow you to continue breathing boy!"

The Clan Head would declare as he wanted Mahoraga gone by any means necessary. The cane which the Clan Head always walked around with would be unsheathe and revealing itself as a Cursed Tool. Before the Clan Head was about to rush into action, someone shouted.

???: "Did you really think I'd be sleeping peacefully while you guys are trying to murder my son!? PISS OFF!"

"Ten Shadows Technique: Nue!"

I forgot to mention that a strong factor in Mahoraga being incarnated is the fact that his mom has Ten Shadows!!

_SOLcreators' thoughts