

"He thinks...I have bad taste...in women."

I chuckled. "Really...?"

Before I could dwell on the absurdity of it all, a shout from below ripped my attention to the right. "Hey, you! First year! What's your name?"

The Kyoto guy. He had a booming voice that matched his hulking physique. And right now, that voice was directed squarely at me.

"Kaito Murakami," I replied. Gojo always said 'own who you are'; no point in hiding now.

His eyes widened momentarily, like my name held some significance. Then, a surge of cursed energy pulsed through him and the threads around him snapped like they were nothing but yarn.

"He's kinda strong, huh?" I muttered, more to myself than anyone else. The guy was a beast.

No matter, more threads whipped out from my hands. In the blink of an eye, I'd weave a new net, catching this arrogant oaf again...

And then he was gone. A clap of hands, a flicker of motion, and the space where Todo had been was now occupied by a startled-looking Fushiguro. My threads jerked to a halt centimeters from his body.

"Huh. So a technique that lets you swap when you clap," I analyzed out loud, trying to make sense of the situation.

Just as quickly as he vanished, Todo reappeared, that infuriating grin back on his face. "Hey, Kaito Murakami. What kind of woman is your type?"

Honestly, the question caught me off guard. It wasn't like I carried around a checklist of ideal girlfriend traits in my head. But before I could form a proper response, the man pressed on.

"A guy's likes reflect everything about them. Guys with boring taste in women are boring themselves, and I loathe boring guys. This is going to be my final exchange, so if someone bores me during it, who knows what I'll do. Now, answer me, Kaito. What's your type of woman?" 

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I met Todo's gaze. "I like a woman who's hardworking, has a good heart, and makes me want to be the best version of myself," I said. For a moment, the sincerity surprised even me. Then I added, rubbing the back of my head with a smirk, "And hey, having a nice ass doesn't hurt either."

It wasn't the most eloquent answer, but it was honest. Some part of me wanted to throw Todo off with a joke, but he seemed like the sort who'd see right through it. Now it was his turn.

"The name's Aoi Todo," he declared, the grin widening impossibly. "And as for my type..."

His pause hung heavy in the air, as if he were building up to some mind-blowing revelation.

"...I like tall women with big asses." 

My jaw almost dropped. Really? After all that dramatic build up? 

"Oh nice, so are we done here?" I said, more than a little eager to put this bizarre interaction behind me.

"Murakami!" The shout made me turn. Inumaki and Panda were sprinting towards my direction, a mix of concern and relief in their eyes. 

"Don't worry, I got it handled." 

Panda arrived first, panting slightly. "What are you doing!?" he demanded, turning his exasperated gaze towards Todo.

Todo, completely unfazed, flashed a wide grin. "It's been a while, Panda," he said cheerfully, as if this were just a casual reunion and not an early, tension-filled prelude to the Goodwill Event.

"Why can't you be patient until the exchange? I'm going to announce your return to everyone," Panda grumbled, annoyance making his voice gruff.

Todo chuckled, that unsettling glint returning to his eyes. "We were about to leave soon anyway, even if you didn't say anything," he said, then flicked a look my way. "It looks like my last exchange event won't be boring. With him here, I won't even need Okkotsu to come."

Panda crossed his fuzzy arms. "I'm a panda. I don't understand human words."

While they bickered, I used my threads to lower myself to the ground. Fushiguro still looked slightly dazed from being teleported by Todo. I reached out a hand to help him steady himself.

Just as we touched down, familiar shouts echoed from inside the building. Nobara's voice rose above the rest, her tone a mix of fury and triumph. I smirked - leave it to her to turn this into a full-blown spectacle.

The scene inside was hilarious. Nobara had some girl - a Maki lookalike - in a headlock, while the real Maki stood by with an amused smirk.

"Stay away from... hey! That's my boyfriend!" 

"Yo, looks like you're having fun." I remarked, trying to keep my face as straight as possible. Luckily, it looks like I don't have to worry about her holding her own. 

Nobara flushed slightly, finally loosening her grip on the girl. "Shut up! It's not like that..."

Before anyone could react, Todo dropped the bombshell about some "Takada-chan's IHE event". 

"Who the hell is Takada-chan?" I muttered.

Todo's eyes welled up with very genuine-looking tears. "If I miss my transfer and don't make it to the meetup, I don't know what I will do!" He practically wailed, "Follow me, Mai!"

Mai grumbled and stomped after him, but not before throwing a parting shot. "Hey, you guys! It won't end up like this at the exchange!"

Nobara crossed her arms, a satisfied grin playing on her lips. "Yeah, I'll kick your ass even more!"


The old man tapped his cane rhythmically against the floor, an impatient rhythm echoing in the still room. Masamichi Yaga, the Tokyo Jujutsu College's stern principal, was a no-show for their scheduled meeting, leaving the elder to fume. His precious time - those dwindling days - was at stake.

The door creaked open prematurely. It wasn't Yaga, but another figure entirely. Gojo Satoru strolled inside, his usual confidence radiating off him and almost suffocating the space.

"Principal Yaga won't be coming for a while," Gojo announced, an edge to his casual tone. He didn't bother to hide the smirk on his face as he continued, "Gave him a bit of a false schedule, you see."

A flicker of surprise, then a low, amused chuckle from the old man. "Dear me. What could 'this' be?" he played coy, tilting his head.

Gojo's grin sharpened as he leaned forward. "Don't play dumb, gramps. It's about Yuji Itadori. You're pulling strings too, aren't you?"

The elder sighed, a hint of weariness replacing his initial amusement. "Good grief. Can't today's youngsters show their elders an ounce of respect?" 

"Didn't have any intention from the start," Gojo retorted. "The old guard is pretty damn judgmental, seriously."

The exchange was interrupted by a new presence. A woman with long, pale blue hair entered, a frown marring her otherwise delicate features. "Hold on a second, that's problematic behavior. Stop it before I report you to the proper authorities." She chided Gojo, her voice sharp.

Gojo flashed her a disarming smile, "You're free to report me if you want. I don't intend on saying much." It was Miwa, and her heart thudded against her ribs at the sight of that smile directed at her.

Gojo settled back in his chair, refocusing on the old man. "Four night's ago, I was attacked by two unregistered special-grade curses," he revealed nonchalantly.

Even the old man couldn't mask his shock. "That's unfortunate," he murmured, concern etching itself on his face.

Gojo gave a dismissive shrug. "Don't misunderstand. For me, it was a piece of cake." The boast hung in the heavy air, a testament to his outrageous power.

Yet his tone shifted, "These curse spirits, they were organized. And I'm sure there are more of the same grade out there." He paused, letting the implications sink in. "And it's not just our enemies. Okkotsu, your precious Todo...the students are getting stronger, fast. We had the Geto incident last year, the vessel of Sukuna now..."

The old man's gaze narrowed, the air around him crackling with tension. "Get to the point," he commanded.

Gojo's expression turned almost predatory, "You don't get it, do you? All your clinging to your useless traditions and status...it's built up a wave of power. Special grades won't cut it for what's coming." He thought of Kaito, the anger he showed that day he learned of the very people who sought to dispose of Yuji and treat him like a pawn. "If you think I'm the only one who'll bare his fangs, gramps, you're in for a painful surprise."

"You talk too much," he rasped, the words laced with frustration and a hint of suppressed fury.

Gojo shrugged, that infuriating smirk back in place. He rose with a casual stretch, "Oh, wow, how scary. I said what I needed to, though, so I'm gonna go."

As he moved towards the door, a final, parting shot hung in the air. "Ah, I almost forgot! Principal Yaga will come in about two hours! See ya!" His laughter echoed behind him as he vanished from the room.


August 31, 2018

The dojo floorboards creaked beneath my feet as I paced, waiting for Gojo. Annoyance bubbled within me - the man was already twenty minutes late for our weekly spar. I pulled up my stats panel for something to do, hoping the numbers would distract me.

[Name: Kaito Murakami

Title: The Seeker

Grade: 2

Level: 22 (18730/22000 XP)


Enhanced Development (MAX)

Phantom Threads (Lvl 37)

Martial Arts (Lvl 29)

Divine Eyes (Lvl 19)


Strength: S-

Agility: S+

Endurance: S-

Vitality: A+

Sense: SS

Curse Energy: SSS+

Cursed Energy Control: SS+


Guide to Cursed Energy Control]

The past two months had been a whirlwind. A memory flickered in my mind: me on July 5th, beaten and broken, barely able to control my powers. The Kaito of now wouldn't recognize that uncertain guy. So much had changed. The training, fighting the strongest, meeting these insane sorcerer-types...but there was one thing that stood out the most.

Nobara. My stubborn, crazy girlfriend. Since that date we had in Shibuya, it's like something clicked in me. My growth exploded.

"I guess it is true what they say," I mumbled. " When a person has something truly precious they want to protect, that's when they become genuinely strong."

Suddenly, the dojo doors flew open, and Gojo waltzed in, that maddening smirk stretched across his face.

"Yo! You wouldn't happen to know where Kaito is, would you?"

"You might be a bit early for your funeral," I retorted, my grin mirroring his own. Without another word, we launched into our usual spar.

My phantom threads whipped out, an almost invisible blur in the dim dojo light. Gojo was already gone, a flicker of movement betraying his position. I pumped cursed energy through my legs, boosting my speed in a burst. He lunged, but I wasn't there anymore. I reeled in a thread I'd anchored to the ceiling beam, swinging myself high to avoid a swipe that would've sent me flying.

Each exchange was exhilarating. I could feel the difference - the ease with which my body moved, fueled by my cursed energy. My threads snaked out, not just to attack, but to defend, to pull me from danger's path at the last possible second.

Then, that strange sensation - something pulsed behind my eyes. Not pain, more like an awareness stretching, demanding to be used. And suddenly, I could see him. Not just his body, but the trajectory of his fist arcing towards my face.

My body reacted before I could fully comprehend what was happening. A sidestep, but not just any sidestep. Whatever force I'd put into the movement doubled without me meaning it to. I spun, landing several feet further away than intended. The fist connected with empty air where my head had been a split-second before.

The spar ground to a halt, Gojo lowering his hand slowly. He reached up and pulled off his blindfold. I stared into his now fully visible eyes - the Six Eyes, shimmering an impossible blue.

"Kaito," he said quietly, his tone no longer playful, "The lilies in your eyes are red."

Red lilies? What the hell did that even mean? Almost on autopilot, I sprinted towards the small bathroom attached to the dojo. 

My reflection stared back. It was me, but different. The usually soft hazel and gray were still there, but where the muted lily pattern was, crimson tendrils bloomed within them, pulsing faintly with a raw, internal energy. My breath caught in my throat. Wait... could this be..?

Mentally, I pulled up my stats screen. There, under Techniques, "Divine Eyes" gleamed, the number beside it no longer 19, but 20. A surge of triumph was quickly dampened by a wave of nausea as a throb began deep within my skull, threatening to erupt. 

I gritted my teeth, focusing everything on those pulsating red eyes in the mirror. "Go back," I willed, channeling every ounce of control I possessed. "Deactivate."

Slowly, almost agonizingly, the crimson receded. The throbbing in my head intensified for a moment, then subsided as quickly as it arrived. Gasping for breath, I slumped against the sink, sweat beading on my forehead.

Straightening, I met my own eyes again, now back to how they were. Turning the knob, I stepped out of the bathroom to face Gojo, his expression unreadable. 

"Looks like my eyes must have reached another tier." I shrugged. 

Gojo leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. He studied me intently, that ever-present smirk replaced by something closer to...calculation?

"Another tier, huh?" he mused finally, his voice thoughtful. 

"I mean," I began, a slightly defensive edge creeping into my tone, "this is a new technique. Maybe I just had to use them enough to reach that next level." There was no way I was admitting that something else might have caused this power shift.

Gojo inclined his head, a sliver of his smirk returning. "Maybe. Maybe not. But don't think I'm not paying close attention, Kaito. Your growth's kinda nuts, even for me."

A half-laugh escaped my lips. "Yeah, well, you did say I had potential."

He shrugged, his gaze shifting to the far end of the dojo. "I meant what I said," Gojo's tone had turned serious. "But you know, with great power comes great responsibility, blah blah blah. It's that whole cliché thing..." He trailed off, a hint of a warning lingering in the air.

I held his gaze, something within me coiling tight. "I can handle it," I replied, my voice firm. 

Gojo chuckled, breaking the tension. "Well, let's test that, shall we? How about we spar again, this time with some...extra spice?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What kind of extra spice are we talking about?"

"Let's just say," he grinned, "we'll be testing the full limits of what those eyes of yours can do."

We fell into a comfortable rhythm, continuing our spar. But now, it wasn't just physical movement I was studying. I tracked Gojo's cursed energy flow, the way his techniques formed - everything became clearer. It was as if a veil had been lifted. There was a focus now that hadn't been there before, a new level of awareness.

The surge of adrenaline was intoxicating. I moved with a precision and fluidity that even surprised myself. Still, Gojo was Gojo. Even with my new eyes, he was an elusive target, his speed and technique seemingly unmatched.

But something had definitely shifted. The tide of the fight was less predictable now. When Gojo aimed a punch, my eyes caught the ripple of his cursed energy in the split second before it became solid. I reacted, the phantom threads instinctively yanking me out of harm's way, giving me those precious milliseconds to counter-attack.

Sweat dripped down my forehead, my breathing ragged and head throbbing. But there was a fire in me now, a thrill sparked by this new level. Maybe Gojo was right. There was power here, untapped potential. But I wouldn't just let it consume me. I would master it, mold it alongside the skills I'd honed, a testament to everything I'd gained since that fateful day in West Tokyo. Because now, I wasn't just surviving - I was pushing my limits, and there was no force stronger than the will to protect, and to become worthy of the strength it ignited within me.

End of Volume One

Hope you guys enjoyed my first volume! Also, for those wondering what do Kaito’s eyes do, his eyes are not Adam’s from ROR but they are based on Samsara. A lot of things in JJK take things from Buddhism and Hinduism. Kaito has unlocked the Deva path- giving him heightened perception of cursed energy and slight time manipulation and now he has unlocked the Asura path- giving him enhanced strength, speed, and durability. The only one Kaito can use with little side effects is the Deva path and the further away the path is from the heavenly realm, the worse the backlash is until he fully masters the technique and completes the cycle achieving ‘Enlightenment’. I hope I explained it well.

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