

Hello everybody,

I am so sorry for this, but I am officially dropping this story. In fact, I will be dropping all the stories that I am writing so far.

I initially started writing fanfiction in order to help me improve my English and because I thought it was fun. Don't get me wrong, it was actually very fun, from reading the comments to just researching and learning more about the verses that I was doing fictions of. However, actually writing was boring.

I actually enjoyed writing different and developing different character, but it was such a pain in the ass fitting them into the overall story that I just did not find it enjoyable. Not only that, but it was just boring writing characters all the time; I mean the world was practically laid out for me, where was the fun of that. No hate to other fanfic writers, this is just my personal take.

So as I said, I do apologize for this sudden news. I just started writing an actual novel, and I plan to dedicate most of my time there instead with the fanfics which was the main reason why I dropped.

There are plenty of amazing fanfiction available on this website that you all should check out, and for those that actually enjoyed these fics: I do not plan on deleting them, so they will still be available on this site.

Thank you,

