
Jujutsu Kaisen: Good Loser

What if you had the ability to 'erase' an aspect of reality? the ability to even deny concepts and causality. What chaos will you create? Our boy Kumagawa Misogi who owned that ability receives a gift from Anshin'in-san. Look forward to what will happen if the King of Minus himself arrive at the world of Curses. Will he become a curse or perhaps a curse energy generator. Read to find out If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 4: New Minuses!


In the dormitory before the 4 left the school grounds, Kumagawa was inspecting the gift that Anshin'in-san left to him before. She has given him 3 gifts and so far he has already used the 2.

[Hmm, well it doesn't matter. At least I can undo what I erased now. Anshin'in-san is really reliable] Kumagawa muttered, fully integrating the new use of his All-Fiction.

It is time to talk about Kumagawa Misogi's ability. The name is All-Fiction and what it does is basically 'deny' an aspect of reality. It is an upgraded version of his previous One-Hundred Gauntlet which has the powerful ability of ignoring the Cause in Causality. Immediately achieving his desired Effects.

This ability does have a notable weakness which is that those matters that Kumagawa erases won't return again. This weakness was erased by the first gift of Anshin'in. It is called 'Non-Fiction', he can undo anything he undid in the world.

In simple terms, Kumagawa Misogi can just [I deny the reality where NTR exists!] and boom, this world will be void of any cursed doujins. It is as simple as that. One thing that Kumagawa can't erase are things that have some emotional importance such as feelings.

This weakness wouldn't have appeared if Kumagawa wasn't reformed by Kurokami Medaka. The previous King of Minus was a menace that no force can stop. Due to him realizing how important feelings and emotions are, his ability weakened resulting in him not being able to erase anything that has emotional value anymore.

He doesn't really mind the weakness though since it represents his enlightenment in the hands of his beloved Medaka-chan. Although he might not win any fight, it doesn't really matter. He is used to being a loser.

Back to his ability, Kumagawa's All-Fiction doesn't have a limit, he can basically erase anything he wants. Even the stars in the sky or perhaps the whole Curse Energy in this world. It would vanish without any hint of notice.

Most people reading this would be puzzled by the title Kumagawa has, which is King of Minus.

A Minus is basically a certain kind of Abnormality. While most Abnormals are considered Pluses possessing positive abilities, some Abnormals become warped by their negative powers. These individuals and their skills are known as Minuses. Unlike Abnormals, who seek to master their abilities, Minuses have no such desire: their very abilities are obtained through further deterioration of their minds from hardship and trauma. Because a Minus is developed as a result of the individual's environment, Minus abilities often manifest outside of their owner's body, though the nature of this power is still deeply intertwined with a Minus's own deranged mind. Unlike other Abnormalities, Minus abilities cannot be researched or analyzed, as these abilities often defy both logic and physics.

With just this, most can already understand the level of Kumagawa Misogi for he managed to gain the title King of Minuses without any competition. His mind is so twisted that he enjoys breaking people to the limits. Unfortunately, this tendency of his was suppressed by the reformation made by Kurokami Medaka.

Let's proceed with the second gift that Kumagawa received. [Unskilled? I see, I see. It is also useful! As expected, Anshin'in-san really knows me the best] he smiled inspecting the skill. He focused his mind and tried merging the ability to his All-Fiction and it didn't take long before he succeeded.

Right now, his All-Fiction has gained a new function and that is he can now erase things temporarily. Kumagawa understood that he received this because of his playful personality. This is really useful for messing around and pranking people. He can already imagine Gojo having a hard time walking because he temporarily erased his eyes.

Or maybe erasing every panties in the world would be better. [No, panties are certainly alluring but hand-bra jeans still persist!] He delved into his fantasy giggling uncontrollably. [Oops, no time for this. Let's see..] he started inspecting the last gift only to be confused as to what it was.

[System? Do you mean something like that overhyped Solo-leveling? I do understand that the art was good but the story was meh. Rather, I think it was a curse! It created a whole new genre of bullshits, how cruel is that?!] Upon integrating it, Kumagawa started complaining about how boring this ability is. He still inspected it though.

(Najimi System

Quest - 2!)

[Hoh, only one category? Intriguing! Well, I like it more this way] Kumagawa immediately clicked the Quest option as the screen changed.


King of Curses? Cute - Completed.

This is the Strongest? - Completed.)

[Huh? It's already completed?] He looked at the quest and understood it. The first one is basically beating the King of Curses which Kumagawa concluded was the man who controlled his body before. The second one is suppressing Gojo Satoru and making him aware of Kumagawa's strength. Unexpectedly, he completed the two without knowing.

[Since this is a quest, there must be some kind of reward right? What is it? Anshin'in-san panty? It would be worth it! No, in fact, I want nothing else but her panty!] Kumagawa imagined Anshin'in being shy because of the absence of underwear. Blood started dripping from his nose but he ignored it.


King of Curses? Cute - Minus, Encounter!

This is the Strongest? - Minus, Scardead!)

[Oya? Encounter and Scardead? Anshin'in-san sure didn't hold back giving the rewards. Well, I would still prefer her panties compared to these though. They are no use to me] Kumagawa might say that but these two abilities are overpowered on their own. Do know that every Minus usually defies logic and physics and these are not exceptions.

Scardead is the ability to open any wounds from the past whether physical wounds or some trauma that one has. For how useful it is then imagine Gojo Satoru being hit by this, his whole body would be riddled with sword holes from the one he gained from Toji. His throat will be slit open and he has to operate Reverse Cursed Technique to escape it. Unfortunately, the skill will stay unless the user stops it.

Meaning that even if Gojo tries to heal the wounds or cuts, it will still open again without stopping. This is how scary the Scardead is. It might sound simple but for those who suffered enough in their lives, this is a lethal weapon. The original owner was a girl who is obsessed with pain and causing pain to others, she usually damages her body just to experience the pain.

[Let's try it now!] Kumagawa joyfully cheered using the new Minus to himself. He widened his eyes as his hair turned white before his body was turned into meat paste. His brain was grounded into bits, his bones were broken and every trauma he has before has now reappeared.

A second passed and Kumagawa returned to his usual self. [Quite effective! I didn't expect that, Shibuki-chan wasn't able to do that much damage or am I perhaps tooo good at this ability? Hehe that must be it] Kumagawa smiled happily as if nothing happened.

This is normal. For the boy named Kumagawa literally experienced every misfortune in the world. There is no pain that can hurt him anymore as he is broken in every sense. Kumagawa is born with white hair because of his weakness, it would not be an understatement to say that he is the weakest creature in the world right now. However, that is what makes him strong. It is by being the weakest.

Now for the next ability, [Gagamaru-chan will surely despise me with this one~! It does not matter!] Kumagawa then analyzed the second Minus and the more broken one. Among Kumagawa's subordinates, Gagamaru is the strongest. This ability would make Gojo cry from envy for how crack it is.

Encounter is basically the ability to push away any damage inflicted on the user whether it is physical, mental or magic attacks. It is the ultimate defense. Only other Minus can pierce this defense for every abnormality is a conceptual ability.

[This ability is frankly similar to my man Accelerator. But more powerful! I wonder if their Shounen Jump is good here, It's decided! I'll buy some later] Kumagawa reached a decision as he stood up and left the room. He will be meeting with the others.