
journey towards revenge

Nibo was a renowned leader, among allies and enemies alike, with a war record full of victories, evident in his prowess during battles, thanks to his distinguished personality and immense capabilities Since he is originally from a powerful Viking warrior lineage . However, he will face a series of challenges , within a world reflecting the conflict between different beliefs, leading to new adventures and changes in Nibo's and his family's life paths. The narrative also, sheds light on characters driven by revenge, the events of the novel will gradually unfold into highly exciting dimensions. —————— "The cover image is not mine. "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration." My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/whiterose_se6

WhiteRose_Se · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

The second chapter : the search for refuge

The family left the old woman's house, and no one knows , what awaits them on the rest of the way ? 

Hagel "It's unfortunate that , we entered the house of such a stingy old woman"

replied Nibo "Hahaha, it's okay, although I was hoping , she would offer us some food supplies" 


Afterward, they decided to embark on a bold journey.

Hagel urged, "Let's move; we might find

a place to settle on the other bank!"

The ship awaited them at the water's edge.

Nibo said, "We need to board the ship; I'll sail it into the sea; this is our chance."

The family, was forced to depart

heading towards an unknown destination in the sea, searching for an island to live on, providing them stability.


As they sailed, cool breezes touched their faces, and soon they found themselves caught in the sea's whirlpool, the village disappearing on the horizon.

Hours passed like days, hope dwindling 

They exchange tense glances.

Hagel exclaimed "What is this, my God?

I see a distant shadow."

Nibo responded, "Wow, I'll drift towards it for sure."

After every strike at sea, hope was born anew suddenly, the scene of the promising island aroused cheers

Hagel, "wow! It's emerging in full now" exclaimed Nibo, directing the ship with all his strength towards its welcoming embrace.

For them, it was the only refuge

Nibo paused at the miles-long shore, then shouted with joy "Finally, we'll enter it!"

As they disembarked, everyone marveled at the strange and almost deserted island In terms of size, it was moderate, and the climate seemed unstable. 

Nibo examining, said, "this is the place I desire; it will provide us safety, this isolation is surrounded by many natural landscapes"

Hagel added, "Exactly, only the gentle rustle of palm trees and the distant breeze of the waves disturb this tranquility

Nibo, with a smile drawn on his face ",said Living here , will provide us with panoramic views of the azure sky and sea" 

Hagel added " The most important thing is that this location on the island ,will keep us away excessive curiosity, and to prevent your secret from being discovered

Now, let's relax for a moment , as I begin to create a home that will protect you from the upcoming cold.

Look at these walls; they are remnants of homes!"

Hagel, a professional in warship construction, will utilize his skills to build the house. 

Nibo, with his strength, tall stature, and rock-solid muscles, will contribute his abilities.

Nibo went to cut down trees , to use them He sorted and organized the pieces instructing his wife and daughter ,to carry them to Hagel so he could continue his work.

Meanwhile, Nibo assisted in shaping the final engineering design. In just a few hours, they managed to create the house with incredible speed, using only the available equipment , but with creativity and mastery.

Nibo, I am proud of this, and "he calls, 'Oh,

my son, look."

Riflin ! after a short nap, suddenly opened his eyes to the beautiful house in front of him. "Dad, am I dreaming? Where did this come from?

Nibo jokingly replied, 'Do you want me to hit your head, to make sure you're not dreaming? Haha, 

I was determined and committed to helping your grandfather , build it at this speed. 

It seems ideal for you !"

Riflin exclaimed, "Wow, you guys are extraordinary"

The family now owned a home for stability.

*In the evening*

The wife prepared a luxurious dinner to celebrate their accomplishment .

After the meal, everyone slept in peace and happiness, unaware until the morning light entered, accompanied by knocks on the door. 

They wondered, 'Who could that be?'"

Nibo glanced out the window, saw many sheep, and heard the echo cries of "maaa" 

At that moment, he went out found a young man, amazed, scrutinizing that construction

The strange young man said, "I am the shepherd of the sheep , I passed by here yesterday; there was no house like this.

This morning, I was surprised. Will you understand my words?"

Nibo replied, "I understood you. You're right; this house is new. It's handmade by us ,

I came with my family; we wanted to stay here, as you can see" 

The strange man said, "Truly remarkable and intriguing , how did you do it, and where did you come from?" 

Nibo replied, "Nothing is impossible for us

I don't like too many questions , I thought this location was completely deserted."

The stranger replied, "Well, I apologize for the inconvenience

The population on this island , is very little Having people like you among us would be a great additions, We might need your skills."

Nibo replied, "Thank you, it's a pleasure."

Then returned to his work. 

They wanted to make some final additions on the inner side , and above the surface to protect them more , when the snow falls.

At that moment, the young man continued on his way, curiosity flooding his consciousness.

Hagel: "I want to tell you all, we need to make a good impression in front of the island residents, so they accept our presence among them, but we shouldn't allow anyone to know our secrets and our past lives... we will start a new life."

Helen: "Alright, Grandpa, but where will we earn our livelihood, after Dad left his job in

the army?"

Nibo placed a reassuring hand on his daughter's shoulder, saying, "We will adapt here; you won't feel any shortage 

There's no need for comparison."


After about a month had passed

with the news of Commander Nibo's disappearance , spreading throughout the kingdom of England .

the king's anger knew no bounds , Upon receiving the news, he was like a storm, his words dripping with disdain 

His eyes flared, "then he issued instructions to intensify the search for him and to bring him back wherever he may be.

King Hans said, "Oh trainer, I know that during this time of the year, war is dormant.

Therefore, we must exploit this by training and preparing one of the soldiers to become the new commander."

The trainer said, "Present , sir

In fact Nibo's strength and skill used to intimidate the enemies.

I believe no one can match his presence He made a difference during battles ,that's why it's difficult to replace him , with anyone else."

King Hans interrupted, "Enough, I don't want to hear these justifications.

Consider him as good as dead , we'll replace a warrior in his place , However, if that coward is found, he will never escape my punishment."

The envoy heard the king's loud outcry, shaking the ear valves 

Then he intervened saying, "Sir, we are conducting investigations to uncover the truth about Nibu's situation , there are no developments indicating that he has been targeted by enemies or external ambitions.

Even his personality reflects principles bravery, and perhaps excessive pride, It's unlikely he can be deceived easily,there are suspicions about the possibility of his escape."

King Hans: "Really! In any case, he is for me in the black circle, how dare he make this challenge? Therefore, he will harm himself with this action .

Leave me out of this matter now, and present any updates to me later."

The envoy " very well, your order first, sir "


On the other hand, Nibo's life and his family's have become stable and prosperous, so much 

In addition to that" Nibo is investing in some sheep, which he bought from that strange young man who always passes by his house, in exchange for some pieces of gold.

His wife said, "Your deal has been successful , we need to take care of them so they multiply, and so we have a large herd" 

Nibo replied, "Exactly, we will all do that".


While Riflin happily runs outside, boredom creeps up on him, reminding him of his grandfather.

He hurriedly went to him.

Hagel was getting ready ,to go to work

then he hears , his grandson's screaming "what are you doing here at the beach?

Can I ride with you?"

Hagel: "You're here, Riflin! Do you know I'm running late as

I'm about to sail far away, for fishing and the trading process.

I promise you, when you grow up a little, I will take you with me "

Rafleen said "I understand, Grandpa. 

I am now seven years old , There is not much time left for me to grow up"

replied Hagel "Haha, sure, I hope by then you become strong and can help me" .

* I will soon publish the third chapter, so add it to library, continue enjoying, and explore the other chapters of the novel Leave your feedback here ، and vote for the Power Stones to motivate me.*

WhiteRose_Secreators' thoughts