
Chapter: 2 Perhaps... Hell?

Eleanor stared at the two rabbits lost in their world of love-making, her mind racing through all the possible reasons why there would be two giant rabbits making a baby in heaven.

The only plausible conclusion was that she was not in heaven as she had initially believed. It couldn't have been!

Heaven should be the land of endless merrymaking... not babymaking. 

This was most certainly hell, and if so, then these two rabbits were demons of hell, and interrupting them would be one hell of an experience... one she could do without.

As soundlessly as she could, she started to step back. Making her way to the cavern she had first gained consciousness in.

But it seems she was not as discreet as she had initially believed herself to be. The pair of giant rabbits noticed the presence of a third party and the one *cough*on top*cough* perked up its long ears before raising its head and shooting an inquiring look toward Eleanor. 

The other rabbit scrambled up in vigilance, looking around for the one that dared interrupt its fun.

Eleanor got a good look at the rabbits' sinister faces, reassuring her that this could be er be anything but hell. 

They had scarlet red eyes and their cute little three-petaled lips parted to reveal rows of sharp white teeth. 

'Rabbits are... Herbivores, correct?'

However, she was not so certain of her assumptions now that she had a good look. 

Another thing she noticed was that both the rabbits were missing crucial organs required to reproduce... basically, they didn't have a dick.

A memory resurfaced from the darkness: her uncle... a hunter, had once taken her hiking, taking the opportunity to teach her about small animals that even she could hunt in the wild.

Amongst them, were rabbits, but she sure as hell couldn't hunt these... whatever the heck kind of rabbits these were.

The main reason why this memory resurfaced, was the fact that while the male rabbits were easygoing and cowardly, the female rabbits were very territorial and extremely aggressive. 

Unfortunately, she was still not in full control of her body and she stumbled, her claws scrapping against a hardened mound of dirt. The sound drew the attention of the two rabbits and Eleanor wished she was not so clumsy... despite no longer being a human.

Eleanor and the rabbits stared at each other in a moment of strange enlightenment. She knew that if she didn't run fast enough, she would be making the top spot on the rabbit couple's menu. 

Without a moment's hesitation, Leo leapt to her feet and ran for her dear life... or whatever her new form had. Her bony wings and claws dangled comically behind her back as she concentrated on maintaining control of her legs.

The white rabbits stared at the unknown creature that they had encountered for the first time in their ecology and wondered if it was a predator... or a prey.

They stared at the fleeing creature and then at each other and concluded that the funny black creature was a weakling and, therefore, to be bullied. 

Eleanor heard the rabbits chatter angrily behind her and turned to witness two very angry white rabbits chasing after her. She turned back and decided to focus on what lay ahead, an endless expanse of grassland. 

The newfound survival instincts of her form kicked in and she ran... ran as if the devil himself was chasing after her.

Eleanor was a newly corrupted, newborn soul, and stamina was most certainly not her forte. She would soon be overtaken and then, the rabbit couple would make a first-class dinner out of her delicate body.

Her only choice was to fight! 

Fight it out, at least then she would have a chance at surviving, an extremely small but a chance nonetheless.

Struggling against her instincts, she staggered to a half and used her momentum to swirl around on the spot, coming face to face with her pursues.

The rabbit couple saw their prey stop and turn around to face them. Too fast to stop at once, they used their momentum to keep enough speed in case other such peculiar creatures were waiting in ambush.

As she drew nearer, the rabbits stopped, their powerful legs digging into the soft earth, kicking up dirt and blades of grass.

As the giant rabbits closed in, Eleanor could see what was hidden beneath their soft, cute paws of fluffiness justice... cruel, lethal scythe-like claws that promised a bone-chilling agony.

It took a great deal of effort to raise her arms much less attack the fluffy demons coming her way. Their murderous intent flooded her body, making it even more difficult to move. 

Biting her rows of needle-sharp teeth down hard, she lept back, just barely making away with her life intact. 

The same couldn't be said for her left hand, it was sliced in two halves. Chopped off may have been a better description had it not been for the thin slice of dark flesh and sinew that kept her hand dangling from her body still.

Eleanor barely managed to keep herself standing and glanced down at the puddle of blood beneath her feet.

The rabbits having bounded quite a distance away from her, prepared for a second chance to finish her off for good.

However, seeing her bleed out like a fountain, they decided she was not much of a threat and there was not enough of her to share. So naturally, the one wearing the pants, or rather the furs, decided to let its partner take the kill.

The smaller of the two giant white rabbits charges while the other waits for a bloody show.

All that running had allowed Eleanor to gain enough control over her body to barely steer out of the rabbit's path 

As the rabbit went tumbling down the grassy slope, Eleanor spun around and bit down hard on the rabbit behind. 

Long, needle-like fangs rank into the rabbit's hard, leathery flesh, piercing past its defenses with surprising ease. Her fangs dug too deep for her to pull out before the rabbit ran past her, ripping out her fangs from her mouth. A stream of burning hot stream of pure agony, crueler than the pain of having her arm sliced in half, shot through her body.

Eleanor crouched down on one knee and glared at the rabbit, angry at being reduced to such a sorry state, her remaining arm tensed and a wave of raw energy flared into her claw. She felt her claw elongate into sharp daggers,



Great now she's lost her damn voice as well.

Unknown to Eleanor her fangs, or rather her venom, had a rather unique and curious effect on those whom it wounded. The rabbit, for example, began to stumble and pant in exhaustion.

This lightened her mood a little, now there were only one-and-a-half Giant Rabbits to be worried about... Oh, cheers!

The one 'wearing the furs' noticed its partner's unique circumstances and, well, unwilling to let such an easy target slip by, it bounded up behind Eleanor and bit down hard on her right shoulder.

The attack took her by surprise alright, but Eleanor managed to recover in time and plunged her intact claw into the beast's right eye. Her palm sank up to her elbow... or whatever the hell she had for an elbow. 

It twitched for a moment before stopping to move altogether and before Eleanor could celebrate her hard-won victory its partner decided to take a bite out of her, ripping off her right arm from the shoulder down.

Eleanor jumped away from the rabbit... though it would be better to say she stumbled away from her attacker, creating just enough distance to make the weakened rabbit reconsider attacking her. Still, it made quite the show of chewing her severed arm in its horrid mouth full of sharp teeth. 

She, however, was contemplating the absence of the rabbit she had just killed off, it had somehow vanished into a could of dust and ash. She looked around for any signs of what the rabbit might have left behind, after all, the satisfaction of her hunger depended on it... and perhaps even her sanity as well. But all that was left behind was a cloud of dust and a pair of dim red orbs.

The very sight of these orbs seemed to have awakened something monstrous inside her brain. She lost sight of the other rabbit and all she could do was drool after the spheres of light lying before her, it attracted her for some reason, drawing her closer and closer.

She lunged at the orbs only for them to disappear as soon as they met her fangs.

Something snapped within her brain, something non-human, something with the instincts of a beast, and something so powerful that all her soul could do was hide and hide and hide within the very depths of her brain. 

So afraid...

So very afraid...

So very afraid of what she had become.