
Journey for Survival (and for Right Boots)






The story begins as we see a vision of the group struggling to fend off the monsters.

Vanoss: Get in, get in, get in. Mario, jump!

Miniladd: I'm too fat! I'm too fat, help me! Ok, I'm here, ok.

Vanoss: I got a grenade! (accidentally throws grenade at Miniladd) Fire in the hol- OH SHIT!

Miniladd: *dies*

(Present Time)

Vanoss: I got beds for everybody in here, man.

Sark: Do you? Ok, I'll come upstairs.

Vanoss: Sark, where are you gonna sleep?

Sark: Uhh, let me see... What are my choices...?

Sark: I'll sleep on this one. (bed near stairs)

Vanoss: Alright. So you're gonna die first, if anything come up the stairs.

Sark: Yup, yup.

Vanoss: Here's your pillow though. (gives cardboard box) There you go.

Sark: Oh thanks! HaHa! That's gonna be perfect for my lower back~

Group: *laughs*

Sark: Oh my god, I picked my pillow up and it collapsed. Alright, I'm gonna put that down because sometimes I do pee in the bed

Sark: This is so crowded with two eight-footed Italian plumbers.

Group: *laughs hard*

Wildcat: Italian plumbers with heads the size of Volkswagen Beetles that are as tall as Shaquille O'Neal.

Vanoss talking to Sark: Here's a two-week old-post, expired Chinese food beside your bed.

Sark: Oh, thank you!

Vanoss & Sark: *laughing*

Sark: Alright, I'm gonna put it in this corner and save it for later.

Vanoss: Here's the bathroom, right here. (puts bucket and newspaper under very corner of attic)

Miniladd: Bucket & newspaper. I can't even sit on that 'cause of the f*ckin roof.

Group: *laughs*

Vanoss: These are my weapons, ok? I'm gonna give you one weapon, ok? And one weapon only. I'm gonna put right here, beside your food. There you go!

Sark: I appreciate it. Let me see what we got.

Vanoss: *laughs* One hand grenade. Use it wisely.

Sark: I appreciate it man. I'm gonna put it right next to my pizza. Hopefully I don't wake up in the middle of the night & eat the grenade.

Sark: Alright, my store is uhh... My store is ready to open.

Vanoss: The world's smallest and sketchiest pawn shop.

Sark: Hehe, yep.

Sark: Look at your weapon pile! All I've got is an AK from the prop store, and I keep a grenade under my mattress

End of Chapter 1
