


-(Musutafu/Kujo Residence, Four Years Later)-

Well... It didn't take too long for Jotaro to deem his childhood tiresome; he couldn't wait until he became old enough to do things independently since his overcaring mother kept trying to follow him everywhere he went. As a child, Jotaro didn't smile too much; it felt a little unnatural to him. However, he made exceptions when his mother was around since she was the most ideal mother he had ever met, apart from the... Sudden outbursts at times - her name was Jorine Kujo. Anyway, today, Jotaro was walking around his house's yard, bored out of his mind because there was nothing to do; he had no friends, and his mother was working at the local hospital. Actually, he did know a couple of kids from my school, but they were kind of irritating to talk to, especially when a certain "ignorant blond" was their ringleader. Nonetheless, the most noteworthy thing about this typical morning is that it was the day when Jotaro finally got his powers - a Quirk and a Stand...


-Kujo Residence-

"Man... Being a kid sucks; I can't leave home, or else I'll get in trouble or probably get kidnapped by some perverted weirdo with a Quirk," Jotaro said with intense boredom. "The most fun I have had so far is poking a stick at this stupid ant hill..."

Another thing to note - Jotaro was the most intelligent and mature student in his grade. Sadly, those were the only reasons other kids would hang out with him; though, he somehow managed to compete with popular kids such as that 'ignorant blond' in terms of favorability. As Jotaro was poking the ant hill, he felt a sudden sensation in my legs; they felt like they were on fire.

"CRAP!! WHAT'S THIS FEELING?!" Jotaro remarked, standing up quickly and scratching his legs to get rid of the itchiness but to no avail. 'It's not stopping! What's going on?!'

Jotaro then checked closely to see what was causing this tremendous amount of pain, and it appeared to be a bunch of tiny ants that climbed onto his legs, seeking revenge for the destruction of their home.

"Great, now I have to explain to mom why I have a bunch of tiny bug bites on my legs at dinner!"

Jotaro was about to shake off all the ants because they had their pincers stuck into his legs, but that was when they all instantly disappeared from sight almost immediately, seconds before he was about to flick off the first ant. Jotaro, after seeing the ants gone, became confused and a bit worried; he thought that someone with incredible speed may have entered his home, but he was not prepared to see a massive hulking figure standing right behind him. Startled, Jotaro fell backward and tried to shield himself from the tall man with his minuscule arms. The Stand said nothing and only focused its gaze on Jotaro. Eventually, Jotaro got some confidence and looked at his Stand in its eyes which made him notice that its eyes were the same as his own, a pair of teal eyes.

"Uhm... Who are you...?" Jotaro asked as politely as he possibly could; he didn't want to invoke the Stand's wrath.




"Okay..." Jotaro said skeptically. "Can you leave my house now...?"

"... Ora." It answered and shook its head.

Jotaro assumed that the guy could only say "Ora," which would probably make it hard for Jotaro to understand anything the Stand said. Jotaro would consequently become curious about the Stand, so he examined it all over, from its head to its toes. From its appearance, it was a humanoid Stand, resembling a tall, well-built man. It also has long, flowing hair with a darker shade above its eyes and on the bridge of its nose, blurring the distinction between its hair and head. The spaces under its eyes, cheeks, and chin are a darker color and are divided clearly from the area around its nose and mouth. The Stand also wore a cap on his chin and a golden metallic headband in three pieces; the central piece was shaped as a star. A wavy line runs from each arm to the front of its torso, continuing down its legs.

It has a minimal range of clothing and armor, including a short, circular scarf, shoulder pads with a spiral design, long gloves with studs on the back, knee and elbow guards, a loincloth, and short boots.

'It looks like some sort of bodyguard, or guardian spirit...' Jotaro commented, cupping a hand on his chin. 'And those spiral patterns seem to be some kind of ripple pattern, almost like an infinity symbol...'

Jotaro then focused on the color scheme, which was pretty simple to describe; its body was a purple and dark purple mix, had yellow body stripes, its hair was black as the night, golden armor which covered critical parts, and a red scarf around its neck.

"Are you my bodyguard or something...?"

The Stand nodded in response, and Jotaro let out a loud and happy cry.

"THAT'S SO COOL!!" Jotaro exclaimed. "Wait! Can you show me what you can do? You look pretty tough!"

The Stand nodded and looked at the ant hill which attacked Jotaro a second ago. Then, with significant momentum, the Stand readied its fist before punching the ant hill straight into the ground. Ants and sand flew everywhere; some may have gotten into Jotaro's hair, but he was pretty sure that the Stand removed them with impressive speed. A hole in the ground was about one foot deep and was a perfect imprint of a fist.

"We are going to be the greatest of friends..." Jotaro said with a rare grin. "THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME-"

Suddenly, Jotaro heard a car pull up into the driveway; he pivoted to see his mother exiting the vehicle, stepping towards him to find out what he was doing.

"OH CRAP! QUICKLY COVER-" Jotaro said in a hushed voice, but it was no use - his mother had already appeared right behind him.

"Son... Why is there a hole in the ground?" Jorine said as she gripped Jotaro's head lightly.

"Uhh...digging?" Jotaro said with the most suspicious tone ever; he looked back to his Stand but saw that it was gone. 'Huh?! He's gone?! Wait! How do I call him back?!"

Jorine looked at the hole for about five seconds and then turned back at Jotaro.

"Okay... Then is there an imprint of a fist on the ground? And why is it so distinct?"

Jotaro sighed loudly before looking her right in the eyes.

"... Mom... I think I have a quirk now..."

"... What...?" Jorine said with widened eyes.

'Okay...' Jotaro thought, believing he could order his Stand to make itself known by his commands. 'Can you come out now?'

Suddenly, Jotaro's Stand appeared again, and, in response, Jorine hugged Jotaro to her chest - as if trying to protect him from some sort of villain.

"OH MY GOODNESS! WHO IS THAT?" Jorine says with extreme concern in her voice; Jotaro guessed people could see his Quirk if they were related to him.

"That's my Quirk, mom," Jotaro muffled; his voice was quiet because Jorine was forcing him to her ample chest (no incest, boys, wipe those brows). "I'm going to call him a Stand, and it will fight the bad guys for me!"

"Oh... Okay... Wait... What happened to your legs?"

"I was poking at an ant hill, and they started climbing up and biting my legs, but my Stand flicked them all away super fast!" Jotaro answered while breathing into Emiko's chest; it was like the inside of a sauna.

"I see... WAIT, WHAT'S HAPPENING TO YOUR LEGS NOW?" Emiko said, pointing at Jotaro's legs.

Jotaro moved away from his mother to see that his wounds were sealed up and the pain had disappeared.

"What the..." Jotaro muttered. 'Did I have another Quirk...? THAT'S BOMBASTIC!!'

"We need to go to the hospital! I'll get the car ready!" Jorine said, dragging Jotaro with her to the car.

Jotaro's mother had the power of healing. However, it depended on the time of day and her breathing; for instance, if it were noon, she would have enough energy to fix many critical injuries. Nonetheless, if it were the morning or night, her power would be decreased, and she could only heal specific wounds like a bruise or a small cut (I'm making a note, but this does not imply incest in the future, it's just for the reader's visualization, she has a curvy body like Midnight).

'I probably got this weird healing Quirk from my mother... But where does my Stand come from?' Jotaro wondered as his mother drove to the hospital; his Stand sat next to Jotaro the whole ride, making Jorine a little stressed since she still didn't trust the mysterious figure.


-(Musutafu/Local Hospital)-

"Your son has a hybrid Quirk, I think..." The doctor said skeptically.

"You think...?" Jorine questioned.

"It's just that his first ability doesn't seem to align with either the father or mother's Quirks, while the second is probably the combination of you both."

It had been an hour since they got to the hospital, and the doctor was perplexed at the abilities that Jotaro could. Jotaro showed him that he could move and pick up objects without lifting a finger and crush things into pieces. The doctor then asked him to write or draw something in the room without using his hands, so Jotaro proceeded to mentally order his Stand; it drew a picture of the doctor with extreme precision.

"His first ability is amazing: telekinesis, extreme precision... The list goes on, but the only drawback is that it can go only so far - about two meters," the doctor says with a smile. "Furthermore, his second ability is just as incredible as the first."

Jotaro's second Quirk was simple; he could heal himself but needed to breathe. There is nothing too special about it other than when I hold a cup of something containing a liquid, it causes a ripple effect to come from the direction of my hand. The doctor said his second Quirk would be called 'Vigorous Breathing' since it gave off a warm sensation whenever Jotaro healed.

"To be able to heal himself by merely breathing is beneficial to have if he were to become a hero," The doctor said happily; Jotaro was also a little excited to hear that. "But... What I still have trouble with is that his first 'Quirk' isn't really connecting to his mother or father; it may be hereditary or something else bizarre-"

"OH, MY BOY CAN BE A HERO!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU, JOTARO!!" Jorine expressed happily as she bears hugs Jotaro; he's so glad she can control herself because he would be crushed by now. The two thanked the doctor and left to return home; Jorine couldn't stop talking about his powers and how he could use them to protect people. Jotaro's mother was remarkably strong-willed; she would always go out of her way to help someone if they needed it; sadly, she retired early as a hero because of my birth; she wanted to keep me safe at all times.


-(Musutafu/Kujo Residence, Six Months Later)-

Jotaro, throughout several months, has begun learning a ton of stuff about his Stand and healing abilities... (Look up Star platinum and Hamon abilities)

Training his healing for the first month didn't seem to progress anything; he didn't even know where to start. Apparently, merely producing a fair amount of energy for healing requires the user to breathe precisely, which Jorine noted after Jotaro's long hours of 'training' to breath; she said it enhances the Quirk's power to actually make it and efficiently wield it in battle. But, as Jorine put it, even though Jotaro was still a child, that doesn't mean he shouldn't get a head start on training his body and exercising his ability to make sure he becomes more powerful as he aged.

So, Jorine did precisely that; she created a hyper-rigorous physical training course to increase Jotaro's breathing ability and the amount of power he could output; this was essentially just doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run every single day; she wore a pair of iconic dark shaded glasses throughout the training. Although the activity explained is focused on the rhythm of breathing, it doesn't stop Jotaro from using physical exercises to achieve this goal. For example, prolonged swimming in his pool or forcing himself to stay balanced on the tip of his finger enhanced Jotaro's ability to be in tune with his body and mind together as one, and the naturally typical benefits of working out, being as mutually seen as further drawing out the "flow" of energy the sun gives to all life on Earth. Jotaro obviously underwent martial arts training to acquire battle experience and fighting skills that will be enhanced by his healing.

"Having to go through all this work just to get stronger sure is tough... Maybe I should've just let my Stand punch my enemies away."

Jotaro then realized something; he hadn't named his Stand yet.

"Hmm, what should I call you...?" Jotaro pondered as his Stand suddenly appeared behind him.

"Ora." The Stand replied before drawing something in the sand - it was a Star.

"Hm... How about... 'The Star'?" Jotaro asked.

"Ora." The Stand shook its head, indicating that the name didn't sound right.

"Okay... How about Star..." Jotaro said, looking around for something to end the name with; he then spotted a platinum ring his mother bought years ago. "'Star Platinum?'"

The Stand nodded, and thus its name was now Star Platinum.

"I didn't think Quirks were picky..." Jotaro remarked before holding the tip of an iconic cap he was wearing; it was kind of hot outside and looked cool to him.

"Yare Yare Daze..."


another remake, another dollar.


filler thouhght

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts