
Chapter 16: Double Trouble (1)

~Soul POV~

"[Turquoise Blue Overdrive]!"



Launching a concentrated water-based attack combining it with [Hamon] along with the help of [Foo Fighters] I managed to replicate some of the fighting styles of Johnathan Joestar attacks as well as a few of them myself.

[Foo Fighters] is a perfect match with Hamon.

[Turquoise Blue Overdrive] is when a Hamon user can release powerful tempests while underwater with enough force to blast enemies away. In most cases, a good portion of the water is propelled outward as well, to the extent that a lake can be drained to waist-high depth.

I simply replaced it with some help of [Foo Fighters] and plankton to get the same effect but better with Hamon.

But combine that with my Stand [Foo Fighter] it can easily destroy or damage rock-like surfaces as seen from my practice here in the private place that Takaya provided for me 4 months ago.


It feels like forever since I have been in this world and I have to say I have not wasted my time doing nothing. Well other than practicing my Hamon on the hospital now but the mask though is still a pain in the ass to wear.

And I still wear it till I have mastered Hamon naturally without the help of [Foo Fighters]. I can at least do this way as to not be overly on my stand too much.

Practice does make perfect after all and it certainly helped me a lot when I used it on the patients during my stay here.

Even I'm becoming more proficient in healing more people using Hamon now thanks to its effects. The Hamon can heal fractured bones as well as lessen one's sense of pain, allowing Hamon users to use techniques without fear of pain.

But the greatest feat I have done with Hamon so far is the fact that I have been using the [Hamon Hypnosis] well enough on unsuspecting patients. Certainly gave me ample time to improve and learn more in the process.

According to the manual [Hamon Hypnosis], while using the Hamon on people or animals, Hamon user can reorganize their cells, indirectly controlling their bodies. The process requires contact between the user and the target, whether it be a kiss or simply touching one's head with their hands.

The target will then carry out the user's will, with the infused Hamon energy rendering them stronger than an ordinary being. A Hamon user can also knock out ordinary people by applying the Ripple to one's head.

But the really useful technique I found good to use with my Stand [Foo Fighters] is the [Sticking and Repelling Hamon]. A Ripple user can use the Hamon either as a repellent or adhere either themselves or objects to other objects or liquids.

Using the [Sticking and Repelling Hamon] with my Stand I can create water constructs to harden it to create a shield around my body to repel it or I can stick myself to objects.

The real great effort though for my time training my Hamon was finally learning the trick to use the [Hamon Detector] the same way Johnathan used to defeat Jack the Ripper. I needed to learn another method of how to locate my enemies since I don't know how but Hamon was the answer I needed.

[Hamon Detector] is when the user imbues a liquid or object with the Hamon. The Hamon passes through the user's body and the environment, enabling the user to sense their surroundings and detect others even through walls.

And the best part about that is it's completely not Aura-based so people won't be able to find out how I'm able to locate them using my Hamon. Although the differences were certainly something unique I learned from my time 4 months of here.

When Li Ren managed to learn I lived from the news coming from his wife An he personally came to me as well as thanked me for saving his family and his kids from the danger even taking in Nora as their new family members.

Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren.

Cute kids really and they look like a couple in the future.

Although I could do without the hyper activeness and affection I give to Nora about saving her… three times in her life. One for the bullies, fucking reject My Little Pony, and then the drug's here in the USC. After that, she usually comes along to see me how I work healing people in the makeshift hospital practicing my Hamon.

Still though when I was training I got a professional opinion of how a Huntsman or at least a hunter views aura which is certainly intriguing from my talk with Li and Takaya opinions about the subject.

Aura is the manifestation of the soul something similar to a Stand in a sense but the whole process they talk about is different. Aura is related to the soul but it wasn't a manifestation of it to a Stand, to say the least. The process however is different.

Stands are the personifications of the user Will, it's like a signal that would sometimes surround itself me whenever I need to unleash the full power of my Stand.

Aura isn't the case here since Aura is an ability that all those with a soul can use, at least with enough practice. Because Aura is the manifestation of the soul, it can appear very differently depending on who is using it.

Here it can even be stated that the soul works completely different here than what a Stand can do. Here the aura appears to be far more entwined with one's soul.

Similar to a Stand in that degree but from one of my talks with Li it appears that Aura can manifest in different ways when in use and takes on the color of one's inner energy. It appears as a slight glow around the body. Li even stated that the activation of an Aura requires training and willpower, though someone with considerable training can unlock the Aura of another person.

However, the most interesting part I discovered about Aura would be the unique fact that Aura can help awaken other specific abilities at random to each person, known as Semblances, which appear to be unique to certain individuals. According to Takaya, Semblance is the projection of Aura into a more tangible form.

Basically, for me, that just sounds like a Stand to me.

But I do get how Aura and Stands work though with some hypotheses though.

Since Aura is the manifestation of the Soul the same as a Stand in that regard that could mean that I harm the Huntsmen/Huntresses hard and fast because of the rules of my Stand. Only a Stand can harm a Stand.

And since Aura is the manifestation of the Soul… they can be harmed the same way... in theory anyway.

A Stand is invulnerable to any harm except against another Stand or if their Stand User is harmed, as stand damage and user damage are linked, and one will be hurt in the same way as the other with few exceptions.

Although I haven't tested it out in practice I do have to be-


Glancing around I could swear that I felt someone here?

Opening up my hand and using [Foo Fighters] to help me locate the person in question I used [Hamon Detector] to help me feel secure about that- Bingo.

Glancing around the specific area I began to go towards the location in the center of the area as I began to call out to the stalker, "Yo! Stalker would you do me a favor come out I can feel you in the area!"

What I didn't expect though was an actual response.

"You're the one messing with our work Soul Silver."

"Yes, he's been healing the sick not buying the Hana products. How troubling!"

Two voices one female and one male seem to come out of nowhere as I take my stance while having my Hamon Breathing Mask on as I will be extremely careful of whose here. From what I can tell there are only at least two people with voices.

The [Hamon Detector] also helped out by telling me the exact number as they couldn't understand but the real looming question was Hana Crime Guild again.

This time they didn't take kindly of someone helping people as I began to call them out what they wanted with me as I began to get [Foo Fighters] to coat my arms, "What the hell do the Hana Crime Guild goons want with little old me? Can't you drug lords go about your business elsewhere?"

"Hahaha! Very funny wise guy?"

"How could we if someone just heals them bad for business don't you know?"

"Luckily for you though our Boss miss Hana took an interest in your abilities?"

Their voices…

Sound very young from the way they speak… They may be spies within the USC here under everyone's noses since they have the skills to pull this.

Possibly they are teenagers from the way their voices speak at the very least.

Don't bother agreeing with their crap as it will only make them think I'm someone they can dispose of as I glanced at my eyes not yet knowing where they are yet…

I know the location I just need to get them out of their hiding spot or is it a semblance related to the mind perhaps?

Anyway, I continued to listen to their voices about their offer as I stead carefully…

"Hey! Aren't you even listening you dumbass!"

"No worries I bet he's trying to figure us out where we are? Shame he'll never find out."

"Sigh… we still need to get an answer from him about joining or not."

"Silver how about it join the Hana guild and we can profit these suckers for all of their worth?"

"What you say?"


[Mission: Double Trouble

Description: Two spies of the Hana Guild took interest in your abilities to heal the people that were suffering from their drugs. They will want to have you join under a tight leash or kill at the sight of the threat level you are to their business. Kill or Defeat the two spies that are from the Hana Guild.

Rewards: 2,000 Lien, Bound Slot open, Sword Pluck, and [Anubis].]

I see…

Avoiding them is not an option but their death will help me get my secret safe but for how long till the other members will take action to this…

Well, regardless it looks like I have to fight to live this day. Time to see what my 4 months of training will do against these guys!

Fight on and Stand Proud!


A/N: Alright now I would like to hear your guy's opinions should Stands to be able to harm the Huntsman/Huntresses aura like how a Stand does to each other because of how similar they are to one another or not?
