A hungover man gets in a bit of a predicament
"And in other news, we have discovered a red crystal-like obj—" As I turned the TV off, I rolled out of bed. My head hurts…. Where am I..?
I looked to my left and right, only to remember I was at my friend's house. Walking over to the mirror, I noticed I wasn't wearing a top. My entire torso felt sticky, too. The sort of stickiness you'd get on your hands from soda.
I checked myself out in the mirror to make sure I was presentable, and, while gently rubbing my temple, I began to comb my hair. I'll have a shower when I get back to my place, it's only 'round the corner anyway.
I took the first T-shirt I could find, and sluggishly slid it over my head. God, everything ringing, and why is the sun so bright?
Anyway, I better go tell Max I'm leaving.
Huh…what was that..? Am I still a bit drunk from last night? I wouldn't be surprised, with how stiff I'm feeling…
Okay, I don't think this is me being slightly drunk… what's going on?
"Aah!" A small yelp escaped my mouth as I shut my eyes tightly and firmly. Preparing myself for the worst, I also hid under a desk on the other side of the room. I dashed as fast as I could, eyes closed and fumbling around, but something…changed. It feels colder, I can feel the wind? Can I?
Half-opening my eyes tentatively, there was no room anymore… I was in the middle of a random street. How did this happen? Maybe I'm still drunk and this is some sort of dream….?
I pinched myself.
Nothing. Guess it was worth a try, though. But seriously, where am I..?