
JJK: Master of Cursed Energy

A teenage boy gets transported to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with his personally created innate cursed technique with hopes of becoming the strongest. Follow his journey through the world of Jujutsu Kaisen and his path to potentially becoming the strongest.

KeikakuIntensifies · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 7

"Itadori before we leave for Jujutsu High we have to pick up another student, and I think you'll be surprised when you see who it is," Gojo said with a massive grin on his face, anticipating Itadori's reaction.

"Really? Is it someone I know?" Itadori asked back in confusion and intrigue.

"You'll just have to find out."

"You're not even going to tell me? Fine, let's get going then," Itadori said in anticipation.

-1st POV-

I had just got home when I heard a knock at the door, so I decided to answer it. When I opened the door I saw two people, they were Gojo and Itadori. Gojo had a look of anticipation as he looked at Itadori's face l, and when Itadori saw that it was me who opened the door his eyes widened in surprise.

"Gojo... Sensei and... Itadori? Why are you with him?" I asked in a confused tone, a fake one of course but I'm pretty confident in my acting abilities.

"Umm, why are we at King's house Gojo Sensei?" Itadori turned to Gojo and asked, still confused.

"Hahahaha that's because he's another one of my new students, just like you Itadori," Gojo said after finishing laughing from seeing the confusion on both our faces.

"What! So King can use cursed energy too," Itadori said in surprise, now looking at me.

"Huh, Itadori can use cursed energy? And what's this about being your student?" I said after Itadori, acting as an ignorant person would in my situation.

"Don't act as if your aunt hasn't told you, and it's not like you're going to refuse, I can sense the thirst for power miles away. Be my student and I can guarantee you will become stronger than you would anywhere else, I am the strongest after all." Gojo said with a subtle grin on his face, and the way he said he was the strongest with such nonchalance gave me some goosebumps. I wasn't a Gojo fan boy but his strength and confidence are admirable.

"So are you going to refuse? I'm not forcing you, but I could if I wanted to. Hahahaha just kidding," Gojo once again teased me, as he gained an ominous vibe and it almost seemed as if he was staring into my soul.

"Yes, I want to become stronger, so will you become my teacher," I said flatly, there's no point beating around the bush, I want to become stronger and this is the best way.

"That's the spirit, I like you two already," Gojo said with a smile on his face and a thumbs-up.

"Now let's get going," Gojo said as he started walking away.

"Right now?" I asked in confusion, as I was not prepared at all or told my aunt and uncle.

"No time like the present," was Gojo's response, still walking away. Itadori broke from his stupor turned around and started following Gojo. If I didn't follow them they'd just leave so I ran after them, catching up with them I decided to walk next to Itadori. It would be nice to know what happened after I passed out.

We continued walking and talking, it was mainly me and Itadori asking questions to Gojo and him answering. A lot of it was basic information that I already knew from the show. I also learned what happened after I passed out, and it wasn't much different from what happened in JJK. The power of the plot is truly amazing, it will always find a way. That is bad but also good because that means I know the future, and I can use that to my advantage.

It took a while before we reached the outskirts of Tokyo, and when we did we were greeted by a forestry area, a very beautiful place.

"Are we still even in Tokyo?" Itadori asked as he looked around, seeing nothing but green.

"This is what the outskirts of Tokyo look like," Gojo responded.

"Is the school around here? it looks pretty desolate," I asked as I too looked around.

"I guess you could say it's a bit hidden, we have to keep out of the site of the public so here is the perfect place," Gojo answered another one of my questions.

"Where is Fushiguro by the way?" Itadori asked in intrigue.

"He's being treated by a sorcerer, and at the moment he's fast asleep."

"Who's Fushiguro?" I asked Gojo, as I still haven't met him and shouldn't know who he is.

"Oh that's right, you were fast asleep when he got there. He's another one of my students, you'll meet him soon don't worry." Gojo said, and it sounded a bit like he was mocking me.

As we got to the gates of the school Gojo began to explain the school to us, knowledge I already knew but it doesn't hurt to have a refresher.

As we entered the school grounds I looked around and became a little excited, I was standing in the middle of an iconic anime place for real. It also was a very beautiful place, the Japanese architecture showing perfectly in the buildings.

"Anyway, you two are about to have a meeting with the principal," Gojo said after finishing talking about the school.

"The principal?" Itadori said in a questioning tone.

"Screw this up and he could turn both of you down for admission just like that," Gojo said in his same cheery tone as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Huh! and what happens then?! Immediate execution!" Itadori shouted out, his face showing his annoyance.

"What's this? So you're not the boss," a deep scratchy voice said, coming from Itadori's direction.

I turned to look at him and saw a mouth on his face, and not his one. Seeing something animated versus real life is a lot different, I was shown this when I first saw a cursed spirit but I'm once again reminded. This looks incredibly creepy but also interesting, and knowing that it is Sukuna makes this both a lot more eerie and intriguing.

Itadori slapped his face and apologised.

"What the hell was that!?" I asked in shock and surprise, how any normal person would react to a mouth growing on someone's body.

"Oh yeah you don't know, that's Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses," Gojo explained.

"Yes because that really explains it," I said sarcastically.

"Well, I try my best," Gojo said 'humbly', ignoring my sarcasm entirely.

The hand once again grew back on Itadori, this time his hand. "Once I make this punk's body my own you'll be the first one I kill," the mouth said directed at Gojo.

"It's my honour to be targeted by Sukuna himself," Gojo said, his smile not wavering and his confidence showing.

Itadori covered the hand once again, something I find funny is how nonchalant he treats him, seeing as he is the king of curses.

"He's really that famous?" Itadori asked in confusion and intrigue. I too would want to know about a being living inside me.

Gojo went on to explain about Sukuna, telling the legend of the four-armed king of curses.

"Are you stronger than him?" I asked as he finished informing us of him, and Itadori nodded to indicate he wanted to know the answer.

"Well, if Sukuna regained all of his power, it might be a little draining."

"Would you lose?" Itadori asked.

"I'd win," Gojo said with absolute confidence, something that would have been so much cooler if I didn't know what happens when they fight.

Both I and Itadori then followed Gojo to what seemed to be the principal's office. Lit by candles and had wooden carvings, all in all a creepy place. The pile of dolls and stuffed animals didn't help.

"You're late, Saturo," someone said as the doors behind us closed. "Eight minutes late," The same voice resounded again. "Not enough to chastise you for, but I know I told you to fix your habit of being late."

The man speaking, who just so happened to be the principal, was making a stuffed animal in his lap, making for an unusual and weird sight.

"If it's not enough to chastise me for, then don't chastise me. You're just making dolls, anyway. What's a measly eight minutes? That's the principal Yaga Masamichi." Gojo had a straight face, finally losing his smile for the first time since I'd known him. Something he didn't do for long as he turned to us and introduced him, a smile now on his face.

"They're the boys?" The principal asked Gojo, inspecting both of us closely.

Itadori took this opportunity to introduce himself, "Itadori Yuji! I'm into girls like Jennifer Lawrence Pleasure to meet you!"

After his introduction, I also introduced myself, trying to create a better first impression than talking about the girls I like. I bowed and said, "Hugo King! I am British and I wish to get stronger! Pleasure to meet you!"

"Itadori, what did you come here for?" The principal asked while looking at Itadori.

The principal continued to ask Itadori questions, at this point ignoring everyone but him entirely. The same as in the anime/manga happened and Itadori answered the same, resulting in the same response from the principal.

"You failed," he said but instead of continuing with him and following the same order as in JJK he turned to me and started questioning me.

"Now let me ask you, what did you come here for?"

"To gain strength," I replied instantly.

"And why is it that you want strength?"

"Because I don't want to die before I complete my goals," I answered back again, this time after thinking for a little bit.

"What are these 'goals' of yours?"

"I'm sorry but they are personal," as I said this, Gojo stifled a laugh, covering his mouth and looking away. A couple of veins appeared on his head as he looked at me, but after a couple of seconds, he calmed down and finally made his verdict.

"You pass." He made his verdict on me and then turned towards Itadori, moving the doll that was lying on his lap and making it animate, now moving as if it was a living thing.

The principal continued to talk to Itadori, telling him his reason for fighting wasn't correct and testing him with his cursed corpse. Soon the lights were off and I couldn't see any more, and before I could relax the principal addressed me.

"No matter if you only want strength, if you are to gain that because of the help of Jujutsu High then you are to help Jujutsu High in return. You follow our rules and you help fellow Jujutsu students. So fight by his side and prove you two are worthy of this institution!" He shouted at me before adding two more cursed corpses into the fight, now targeting me as well.