
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · ファンタジー
83 Chs

The unknowing

After school Jackson and Jodi went to the hideout where all the jinn slayers meet. There was Kilo, Spider, Wraith, Flock, Natalia, and ten other jinn slayers were present.

"Am I the only one who's getting weird vibes in this town" Natalie asked everyone.

"Nope" they all responded.

Flock moved closer to Jackson and put his arm around him. "Aren't you the one with that demon sword? Let me take a peak!" Flock laughed as he grabbed the handle.

"Pull it out any further and I'll cut your head off" Jackson threatened. Oh, scary, Flock thought as he let go of the sword. Everyone sat in the dark building, discussing what to do.

"Where'd you get that cut from?" Natalia asked Jackson. Others in the room stared him down. "Some weird girl did it at school"

"With that being said…I believe we should all meet up in school every morning to discuss our plans and what we've seen! We can make a report to our teachers" a boy with yellow hair suggested.

"Who the hell are you" Kilo asked.

"My name is Jaden. And I believe we all are here for the soul purpose to kill a jinn!"

"Kill a jinn? We haven't seen a jinn for days!" Someone commented.

True. But it doesn't make any sense. All of the spirit jinn slaters have gone quiet and we don't know why we're here. Right now…something is kinda….off with everyone. Maybe I should tell my father, but- Kilo quickly stopped thinking to himself about the Tojo clan and remembered what Ahana told him after the games.

"If I were you…I wouldn't wanna go home. If you step foot there anytime soon, you'll die with your clan"

What did you mean by that, Ahana? Did you see the downfall of my great clan or are you just playing tricks on me, Kilo thought to himself.

"We all need to work together on this mission. This isn't about Joey or anyone of that matter, we just need to figure out why people keep going missing. So we will all stick together and get to know each other a bit more!" Jaden said with a smile.

People with smiles….might just be your worse enemy, Jackson thought.

"I guess I'll go first. My name is Abby. Nice to meet you" Abby said with a smooth voice. Abby has black hair, green eyes, was around 5'7 in height, and was a very pretty girl.

"I'm Snow"!a girl with white dyed hair said as she raised her hand.

"I'm Kite"

"I'm Lopez"



"Hello everyone! I'm Jodi and I-"

"We know!" Everyone said.

After everyone introduced themselves they all went to their homes and awaited for the next day of school. Jackson couldn't help but remember his secret conversation with Jaden. "Hey…is that Joey guy popular at your school or something? Everyone asked about him all day long"

What's going on in this town, Jackson thought to himself.

Jackson dropped Jodi off at Joey's house and shut the car off. "You coming in?" Jodi asked.

"No, no I'm just gonna think for a while" Jackson said.

Jodi stared at Jackson for a moment and smiled. "From what I've heard about you…you really have changed, Jackson" Jodi said as he shut the door softly. "It's okay to be lonely, that's why your allowed over whenever you need anything, that's what Lily wanted me to tell you" Jodi said with a smile.

Damn, Jackson thought. Jackson cranked his car up and waived goodbye to Jodi. "Maybe some other day…my friend"


Zuri and her two strong brothers walked down the hall, walking past millions of soldiers who protected the king. The three soon reached the door and stopped. The two. Body guards took three steps towards. "Password", they demanded.

"We're the greats….loyalty to our king"

The two guards stared at each other for a moment and moved out of the way. "Welcome, queen Zuri, prince Kellan, and prince Sage." The guardian got to their knees and allowed the three to pass.

When the three siblings walked in, their dad was sitting on the throne, staring down at his city. Sage was the first to open his mouth. "Father we-"

"I already know, my son"

When he spoke it felt as though Sage was stabbed in his heart. The king's energy was so strong and intimidating, that everyone in the room felt pain in their hearts.

"So…he called for our help" the king said while staring out the window. "Yes, father", Kellan said in a deep African accent.

"You three may go. But…I want my children to come back to my kingdom alive and well"

Zuri was silent. She just looked at the floor and ignored the others. "The phoenix…has the legend with him" Kellan said.

The king turned his head around quickly. Staring at the three. "Then you three know your true mission! We will not sit here and rest while a threat that high is alive breathing!" The king said.

"Yes, sir" the three of them said with determination.

"Leave me and Zuri…my sons"

Kellan and Sage left the room, leaving the king and Zuri alone. Zuri was a beautiful woman, she had long beautiful locs, glowing-smooth skin, and looked to be around 5'7 in height.

"Zuri I fear the worse for my kingdom when my time comes" the king admitted.

"Why's that"

"A woman…has never ruled the throne of our family. Are you ready?" The king asked with a smile.

"Not that I'm cocky or anything but…I was born ready"

The king scuffed and walked towards Zuri while her head was still down. He lifted her head up with a finger. "If you and your siblings return home…you may rule the kingdom of Okeke"

Zuri was shocked by what her father had said. "Are you just saying that? You did this before when we went to go hunt that jinn possessed man" Zuri joked.

"This time I mean it" The king laughed.


Back on fairy island…in a dark and mysterious cave lied six eggs about to hatch. "Finally….my children are finally coming" a woman said with pleasure in her voice.

In that moment one eggs hatched before her eyes. "You'll be the first one! I'll call the six of you….the sinister six"


"If the phoenix really does need our help for revenge…and have that boy with him, it only means trouble, my daughter. We must prepare! Everything is riding on this mission! We have to prepare for what's to come" the king warned.

"Prepare? For what, father?" Zuri asked slowly.

The king paused for a moment and shook his head slowly. "For war, Zuri. For war….."