
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · ファンタジー
83 Chs

The Team effort!

Duce,Jodi,Joey, and Jackson stood in the desert. Waiting for the clock to hit zero.

"Before the game starts, each team will be given a crystal! If the crystal is destroyed by or taken, your team loses the match. You must make it to the north side of the Forrest to win the game. The last team to reach the point or get the least amount of points win! And you need at least one point in order to pass!" Amber explained over a mic.

A crystal landed in Joey's hand as the desert changed into a forest. "The teams have already been split up. There's no one around us." Jackson said.

"How can you tell?" Jodi asked.

"I can sense it."

"Give me the crystal. I'll be the one to protect it! And we need to talk about our abilities." Duce said.

Joey handed him the crystal. "Let's go in the cave right there, Looks well hidden!" Jodi yelled.

We tone squeezed inside the cave and sat on the ground. "We need to come up with strategy. Jackson, what's your power?" Duce asked.

"No power, really. I just swing my sword around and use it's attacks." Jackson explained.

"What about your ritual?" Duce asked.

Jackson fell into silence and made a very straight face. "I..I used my ritual once and it went very bad. I can't control the things that spawn from my ritual, so I don't use it anymore." Jackson explained.

Duce shrugged and turned his attention to Jodi. "I know you have the lightning blade, and have a strong jinn at your side. But…what's your ritual?"

"It's not my ritual, but my mother's! She has the ability to transform all beings into low-level jinns. Using a powerful energy that spreads like a fire in a forest." Jodi explained.

"Sounds believable!" Joey laughed.

Duce stood up and began stretching. "We'll have to finish this conversation another time. It would seem…that we have company outside." Duce said with a focused glare in his eyes.

Everyone got up and slowly walked out the cave. They were surrounded by Kilo and three others.

"The rest of you can go away. I'm here to kill Joey, so I'll spare the rest of you." Kilo laughed. Kilo walked slowly towards Joey and reached out towards him.

"Gravity pull." Joey's body flew right into Kilo's hand. Joey could feel his throat being crushed.


Joey tried to move Kilo's arm. But it wouldn't budge.

Jackson quickly ran up and swung his sword at Kilo's thick neck. When he made contact, it sounded like metal colliding with his blade.

"He's neck…it's so strong!" Jackson said, as webs shot at him. Jackson pulled his blade away and jumped back.

Joey quickly jabbed Kilo in his stomach and pushed him back with lots of force.

"Nice hit." Kilo laughed, as he slowly walked towards Joey.

Duce pointed at the ground, jinn-energy formed around his finger. "Jinn beast: jinn tiger!"

A large tiger came from the ground and lunged at Kilo. "Wraith!!!" Kilo yelled.

Kilo was teleported beside his team. "Four on four! This'll be an easy one!" Jackson laughed.

"Don't get full of yourself. We're here too kill Joey." Delta said.

"Killings not allowed!" Joey yelled out.

"You don't remember what they explained? "If killing is accidental then you may continue", they said something like that, which means your screwed!" Wraith said as she grabbed a knife.

"You three, move out of the way! I'll kill them all in one blow!" Kilo said confidently.

"Kilo wait! That attack will destroy everything in the area, try to be a little light!" Spider said.

"Yeah, I guess, your right! Fine then…I'll just-"

Kilo closed his eyes and elevated from the ground. "No gravity." He whispered as Joey's team floated uncontrollably.

(I'm sick of this…) Jodi thought to himself. He pointed at Kilo and yelled at the top of his lungs, "MOMM!"

The huge jinn appeared over Jodi and flew towards Kilo.(the hell?) Kilo thought as he started flying around to dodge the jinn's attacks.

Joey quickly grabbed Duce by the leg and threw him to the ground. "Tiger, protect Joey with your life!" Duce yelled to his jinn-animal.

(My jinn beasts all have a time limit on how long I can keep them on the battle field! Tiger is mainly for offense, but with Kilo here…tiger will only be good for defense.) Duce thought to himself.

The tiger grabbed Joey's foot with it's sharp teeth and took off running with him, dragging him across the ground in the process.

"You damn cat! Let me go! I can run on my own!" Joey yelled as his voice faded away in the distance.

"Glad that's taken care of! Now…I can really let loose!" Duce said.

"Jackson and Jodi! You two can take on Wraith and Delta. I'll take down Kilo and Spider." Duce said.

Duce looked up to see Jodi and Jackson both gone.

"What the hell-"

"Don't worry. They're not on our kill list! I teleported the both of them somewhere in the forest." Wraith explained.

"Duce Kline. Eighteen years old, six ft two inches, 192lbs, and watched his whole family die!" Kilo laughed.

Duce felt a pinch of anger flow through his body. "When your powerless in certain situations…there's nothing you can do to win or help the people you love." Duce said.

"I don't have that to worry about! I'm part of the Toni clan, after all." Kilo said.

Duce rolled his eyes and slowly walked towards the four. "It's time for me…to get serious!" Duce said.

He slammed his fist into the ground. Jinn energy formed in the dirt as he slowly pulled out a fury head. "Jinn beasts: Gorilla and cimp!"

A large gorilla came from the ground, with a little chimp on its back. Duce made a hand sign. The gorilla opened it's mouth, Kilo and the others watched as a ball of energy formed in the apes mouth. "Death beam!" Duce said as he snapped his fingers.

The gorilla jumped in the high in the air and tilted it's head backwards.

"Incoming!" Delta yelled.

A huge beam of energy shot from the gorilla's mouth, destroying everything in its path. Delta quickly jumped in front of everyone and started screaming. "Aaaahhhhh!"

The last reflect and shot back at the gorilla. Duce clapped his hands and ended up in the air. He held out his hand and caught the blast. Before he could do anything else, spider and delta jumped and kicked Duce, knocking him down to the ground.


The little ape grabbed Duce with his tail and began swinging tree to tree. Duce turned his head to see the three following him closely behind. "Damn it! Kilo's going after Joey!" Duce yelled.

Before Duce could think of anything else, the chimp was hit with a throwing knife, and plummeted to the ground. Duce landed head-first as his vision was blurry.

Duce stared at the animal as it was bleeding out. "Shit." Duce said. (If my animal dies in the real world…I can't use them again. Gorilla should be on its way…but still,in this situation,this feeling of uncertainty, and lust. I feel as though I'm about to really let my true side show!)

Duce slowly got too his feet and looked around him. He was surrounded by Wraith,Delta and Spider.

"Astor's pups! Supposed to be one of the strongest! I easily took Gon's number back in the first game!" Duce laughed as his chimp returned.

"Your alone! Just give up and die! These are our orders from Astor, so forgive us in the afterlife!" Delta said.

"Forgive? I don't believe in forgiveness, I thought you of all people would know that!" Duce laughed.

(This next beast will run right through my jinn-energy! But…that's fine!)

Duce clapped his hands and punched the ground. Jinn beats: jinn elephant!"

Meanwhile, Joey was running and running until he slipped and fell on a tree branch. Suddenly, four people jumped into the opening and surrounded Joey.

"We found the bastard, Flock! Would you look at that!" A girl with green hair laughed.

"Shut up, Natalia! Flock yelled back.

Flock pulled out a two-handed sized axe and walked slowly towards Joey.

"I don't think you guys should worry about me! You all need to worry about the guy that's following me!" Joey yelled.

Flock looked up and noticed Kilo falling towards them. "Everyone, run!" Flock yelled as his team took off on another direction.

"Hey,come one,man. This is a load of crap!" Joey said.

Kilo landed and stared Joey down with anger.

"Hey there squirt! I'm gonna kill you…but not for Astor's pleasure! But for my clan!" Kilo laughed.

Next chapter: The awakening

Coming in 3