
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · ファンタジー
83 Chs

The lockdown

Jackson sat in the waiting office in the hospital. "Jackson…he's up!" A doctor yelled over.

Jackson got up slowly and walked into the dark,old, and smelly room.

"Hey there buddy!" Jackson said with a smile on his face.

"Wassup, Jackson." The boy whispered.

Jackson pulled up a chair next to the boy and took a seat. The boy was very frail, pail, and had very long black hair that covered his eyes.

"What brings you here?" The boy asked.

Jackson scratched his head violently. "You've heard about the attack on the school right?" Jackson asked.

"Yes. Elena also won't answer her phone. You know where she is!?"

Jackson lowered his head in disappointment. He bald up his fist in rage and gritted his teeth together. "She's…um. She- Charlie…your sister was killed during the attack." Jackson whispered.

Charlie raised his head up slowly and had disbelief on his face. "Elena's dead?"

Jackson got up, as Charlie started to cry. "There's no way my sister could have died! Not my sister. Elena was…no."

"It's my fault." Jackson said. "I wasn't able to protect her during the attack. I'm sorry, Charlie." Jackson said.

"It's not your fault, I'm sure of that. I just don't know why anyone would attack our school! What's so important to them that they'd attack our school?" Charlie asked as he coughed up blood.

Jackson held Charlie up with his hand. "Very soon…I'll be joining Elena in the afterlife! She's all I had left. One day, I was very sick until she left. Almost like something left my body and never came back! She always made me feel good about myself and smile. But now that she's gone…no one can keep a smile on my face." Charlie explained.

Charlie looked up at Jackson, with his big green eyes. "When your time comes, Jackson. Make sure you have people that make you happy before you die." Charlie whispered.

Jackson stared out the window while holding Charlie in place. "I'll remember that, Charlie." Jackson said.

Jackson lowered his head to see Charlie sitting in the same spot. Not moving an inch.

"I've got a surprise for you!" Jackson said, as nurses came barging into the room.

There where twelve nurses. One of them had a big cake. "Happy 13th Birthday Charlie!" They all said.

Jackson could hear a beeping sound coming from the machine. Charlie's body layers lifeless on the bed. "Charlie!?" Jackson yelled.

He started shaking Charlie to wake him up, but he wouldn't budge.

"He's…dead." Jackson said in a dry tone.

Joey woke up and looked at his clock. "Are you kidding me!? It's only nine in the morning!?" He said to himself.

He dragged himself out of bed and went into his moms room. It was too dark for him to see, so he shut the door back quietly and tip-toed downstairs.

Joey could see Lily already eating all of the cereal. Joey looked in the box too see non left. "You greedy little-whatever!"

Lily had a confused look on her face as Joey sat in the living room. He turned on the tv, went to the new channel and listened closely.

"As you all know, there was an attack at the Heavens gate high school last night. The police have done investigations and said that the terrorist are from the town! The mayor has decided to activate marshal law on the town. No one is allowed to leave or enter until further notice. We will all live our everyday daily lives, but we must not leave. Everyone have a great day!"

Joey turned off the tv and rolled his eyes repeatedly. (They think it's a terrorist attack, which is good! But they're never gonna find the people because it was me and Jackson fighting that jinn! And we can't leave the town…like, at all!)

"Come on pretty hair! We're going out!" Joey yelled over to Lily.

"Wait, why?"

"We're under marshal law. We can't just sit in the house all day! We need to go outside, enjoy the weather and live while we still got it." Joey said.

Lily rolled her eyes and opened the door. "Let's go then." She said.

(Just watch your back! That's all I can say.) those where the Alastor's words. Ahana walked alone in the middle of the day, down the street.

There were lots of people. All holding hands,laughing,playing around,and smiling.

Ahana walked right through the people as she was headed the opposite way.

"All these happy people…it's crazy! Right now as I speak, there's a war going on and even a girl that died last night. But they all smile. For what, exactly? Because they're happy? Enjoying the moment? What if it was you people fighting and having your family's split apart? Why shine out the good people in life?" Ahana asked herself.

She saw a brother and a sister holding hands as they were running around the crowd of people. Ahana froze, as her eye widened in surprise.

Ahana could see her younger-self running beside a boy with long black hair.

"Adrienne!" Ahana yelled in a frantic tone. She lowered her hand as the two ran past her. (That's right…I haven't seen you in a couple of years.)

She lowered her head and slowly walked down the road.

"About what that jinn said. He told me to watch my back, and that can only mean one thing. That someone in our ranks…is a no-for-good traitor! But when I find out who it is, I'll kill them." Ahana said.

(There's only ten of us left in the spirit world as jinn slayers. Each of us has people that we train too, so I don't know who it is, but I'll figure it out."

Jackson left the hospital with his head down and frustrated. A black car pulled in front of Jackson.

The window rolled down to reveal his butler. "Get in, Jackson. We need to talk." The old man said.

Jackson got in the car without any questions and rode with the man. "How's her brother holding up?" he asked.

Jackson grabbed the pillow that was in the other seat and shoved his face into it, to cover his loud mourn.

"I see." The man said. He stopped the car. Jackson could see his house in view. "We all lose people, Jackson. No matter how young or old they are, Life can always take an unexpected turn of events."

Jackson followed the butler into his house. Jackson sat down in the living and checked his phone. "No school next week. But you all do have a field trip, would you like to go?" The butler asked.

Jackson reclined the chair he was sitting in and layer back. "Sure. I don't see why not, I just need to leave this house for a few days I guess." Jackson said.

"Jackson. It's the history museum, the one about our town!" The man said in a serious tone.

Jackson dropped his phone and stared at him. "The one where at least ten people go missing? Each time their visitors!?" Jackson said.

The butler nodded and handed him the paper.

"In one week is when we leave. I don't understand. Why would they send us on a field trip?" Jackson asked himself.

"It's quite strange, yes. But you can get out of the house. Just make sure to bring your jinn weapon and glasses. It might be jinn activity there."

Jackson closed his eyes and started thinking. (They know most of us will go, since we want to get out of the house. But the hell would they send us to a place where people go missing every time!? The principle! He's suspicious,why send students somewhere when it was just a terrorist attack?)

Jackson got off the couch and walked out the door.

Jackson felt a tentacle wrapping around his leg. "Where are you going mister?" The butler asked.

"Calm down. I'm going to go tell Joey to go on the field trip, I'll pay for him and his sister. If there really is a jinn there then…I'll need all the help I can get!" Jackson explained.

The butler snapped his fingers as the tentacles disappeared.

Jackson jumped in the car and drove off.

"Shit. I forgot to talk to him about that one." The butler said as he closed the door.

Joey licked the ice cream off of the cone until it fell on the ground. "Are you kidding me!?" Joey yelled in frustration.

Lily busted out laughing at the scene as Joey had a sad look on his face. "That cone…was two damn dollars." Joey whispered.

"Oh shut up. you have a job, remember?" Lily asked.

"I have one-hundred dollars left from my last paycheck. That's not a lot but it's something." Joey said.

Lily rolled her eyes and grabbed Joey by the ear. She pulled him into a ally where no one could see them. "I have to tell you something." She said.

"Yeah? What's up?" Joey asked.

Lily looked around to make sure nobody was listening. "I keep…I keep seeing these things. I don't know how to describe it. It's really weird. It's almost like a-" Lily was interrupted by a car horn. Joey turned his head to see Jackson waving him over into the car.

"We'll finish this later." Joey said as he approached Jackson.

"Castle listen, I need you to go on the field trip next Monday. There's a issue there that we need to figure out. It may also answer my question." Jackson whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Joey asked.

Jackson grabbed Joey by the head and pulled him in closer. "Just know…a jinn might be involved. And if I'm right…a certain someone has to die." Jackson said as he let go of Joey.

Joey nodded in agreement. Jackson nodded and drove off.

"Well that was quick." Lily said as she approached Joey.

"Let's go back home!" Joey said. Oh trust me, I've been ready! Lily said.

Ahana took a seat at the very long table. A tunnel of light was on the other side as five people emerged from it.


"Lower your tone, Flip. This is a sacred place." Ahana said with a serious look on her face.

The huge man took a seat at the table. "You called this meeting, Ahana?" A woman asked as she took a seat.

All five of the people took a seat around the table and looked at Ahana.

"I see we're missing four people. I'll find them after this, so it's fine. But I called this meeting because someone among us…is a traitor!" Ahana said.

Everyone looked at each other and started scolding.

"Any evidence of a traitor? What makes you say this, Ahana!?" Another woman asked to the far left.

"The boy you all wanted killed so badly…killed a jinn in battle." Ahana said.

All of them looked in shock and stood up from the table. "It's your job to kill him! He's a threat to-he's just a sixteen year old boy who doesn't know!" Ahana interrupted.

"Do you guys even know what makes him dangerous? Or are you just listening to the angles above!?" Ahana asked.

"Don't you dare disrespect the higher beings! They are closest to god then we are!" A man yelled.

Ahana smiled and let out a little laugh. "Is that so?" She asked.

No one said anything. They all just stared at her.

"I'm the one who was chosen for greatness. The very moment I was born into this world." Ahana said.

She slowly took off her eye patch to reveal her other eye.

Everyone stared in amazement as it made everyone shiver in its power. "Everyone must bow their heads when faced with power! That's how you people are, it's gross."

Ahana's right eye was yellow, bright,and made the air in the room very thick.

"This is my power. The people that you guys worship so much, the eye of "Allah". Ahana said with a smile.

She covered her eye back up quickly and looked at everyone. "None of you guys here are the traitor. I can see that, now. So I'll find the other four soon."

(No one has seen the eye of Allah since that ancient jinn slayer!) Flip thought to himself.

"Ahana!" A woman called out.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Remember your mission! You have to dispose that kid at once!" She said.

"I can't kill him. And besides, I need him and someone else for my future dream. I need both of them to live until then." She said.

"Amber, try to calm yourself." Flip said.

Amber was a tall woman. She had green eyes, blond hair, tattoos on her arm, and stitches going down from her head, to her ear.

"We're all jinn slayers of the afterlife. We kill jinns, that's all we should be worrying about right now!" A tall man said.

"Exactly! Thanks for understanding, Astor!" Ahana said with a fake smile.

"Don't get it twisted or nothing, Ahana! You still need to handle him! And if you don't, we'll eat his soul and banish him." Astor said.

"By all means. Try your best to reach him! Just know, I'm always watching." Ahana threatened as she got up from the table.

"Can we all just get along one day? We still have a huge enemy who can wake up at anytime!"

"Shut up, Ximena!" Astor yelled.

Ahana walked through the tunnel as everyone else argued. (We all died. No point in arguing anymore. But just you wait Joey. Sooner or later…you'll know the truth! And I'll be ready to accept that. But for now, you need to enjoy your life. These other jinn slayers will come to kill you in the future. So be happy and live!"Ahana said to herself as she fell from the sky and back to earth.

Meanwhile in a dark building.

"What are we doing here?" The man asked.

(This is the place!) the deep voice in his head said.

"For real? You gotta be kidding me! I thought it be something scary, like a dark cave or something! But your sure of it? The legendary orb is here?" The man asked.

(Yes. We just need to locate it without being caught by security when the museum opens back up!) The voice said.

The man had on white jogger pants,a tight black shirt, and low shoes that showed his ankles. "Fine then. I'm a patient man. I just can't wait to kill something!" The man laughed.

(Don't think it's going to be easy! Remember we still need the sword and orb to activate the plan.)

"Yeah I know. But they'll be coming right to us. Let's start a massacre when they come!"

(Patients Toby. We'll catch him before long! It's just like you said…they are all coming to us!)

Next: Cursed Museum Arc

Coming in 6 days