
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · ファンタジー
83 Chs

Jackson Price, part two

Sho stood in front of Ahana with a wide smile. "I'm gonna enjoy this." Sho leaped towards her and swung his chain.

Ahana disssapeared from his view and was attacking Jodi. Sho used his speed to block Ahana's sword. (Not bad speed. He's definitely up there with Jodi in combat.) Ahana jumped back and snapped her fingers.

Sho could feel his arms starting to twist on their own. "Not this time!"

Joey tackled Ahana to the ground and held her arms still. "You think this is enough?! You all are just easy warm-ups!" Ahana wrapped her legs around Joey and pulled his face in close. She held out her hand. "Slash!"

Joey tried to jump back but couldn't. Ahana's legs were too powerful. Joey had deep cuts appear across his face. He managed to break free from Ahana's grasp.


While everyone was fighting, Jackson looked up at the sky. "Everyone…it's all my fault. I should've listened!" Jackson grabbed his hair and fell to his knees.

"She planned this from the start!" Jackson slammed his fist into the ground in anger. "If only I had listened to you! I let my stupid pride get in the way of that! I've…I've always wanted to our do eveyone around me. Hell, I even thought I was better than anyone who stood in front of me! It all changed when you showed up, Joey. I would go out at night and kill anything with jinn energy. It helped with my anger. You showed up and have outgrown me in anyway possible. When he died…I thought I would be alone but, you and Jodi…and even…Lily have given me life. The same people who I always thought were nothing but trash in this world. However, people like me…are the real trash." Jackson rolled on his back and looked up at the sky. "I want to enjoy this view. Just…one last time before I do what I'm about to do." Jackson sighed.


Natalia aimed her sniper at Ahana. Ahana looked at her and smiled widely. Ahana teleported behind her and kicked Natalia in the back.

Natalia hit Joey. Sho and Jodi pursued Ahana. "This all you've got?" Ahana laughed as she spun and kicked both of the two in the face.

Jodi used his lighting to spin himself and face Ahana. "Lighting punch!"

Ahana moved her head to the side and uppercutted Jodi in his stomach. He went flying into the air. Ahana made a gun hand-sign. "Ban-"

Joey came from a nearby building and landed a powerful kick to Ahana's face. As Ahana was going backwards, Sho pulled out a long spear from Jiniki's mouth. "Gotcha." Sho whispered. He threw the spear at Ahana and watch as the object pierced through her body.

(Watch out!!) Sho jumped up and could see the ground behind him growing . "The hell?"

Sho turned back to see Ahana charging towards Amber and Joey. (The spear didn't do anything?)

Sho put his arms close to his body and was headed towards Ahana. Before Sho could make his move, Ahana turned her and and lifted her head upwards.

Sho felt a powerful pressure that sent him higher into the air.

Ahana grabbed Joey by his hair and threw him into Amber. Ahana turned back towards Sho and leaped into the air. She pulled out her sword and swung it at Sho. Sho managed to lean back. His eye was the only thing caught with her blade.

Ahana kicked him in the Stomach and pushed him to the ground, creating a small crater.

He fell on top of Sho and stabbed him repeatedly in the chest. She rolled off of Sho and looked directly at Natalia, who was setting up a shot.

Ahana teleported behind Natalia. "She healed your body before…but I doubt she'll be able to now." Ahana laughed. She grabbed Natalia's right arm, broke it, and ripped it from her body.

Ahana kicked Natalia away and into Sho. "Now, die!" Ahana laughed as a giant ball of energy formed in her hand. Before she could throw the attack, Bakemono crashed from the sky with Jackson on top of his head.

"There you are, Price!" Ahana laughed as she turned around and darted in the opposite direction.

Bakemono flew over Ahana and shot barrages of energy blast at her. Ahana ran around and dodged each attack.

It was like a shower of blast. Ahana jumped on top of a nearby house and ripped a piece of the chimney off. She jumped up and tossed it directly at Jackson's head.

Bakemono swiped it away and shot flames at Ahana. Ahana jumped out of the way and flew directly towards it. "Up, bake! Move!" Jackson commanded.

Joey came into view. He landed a powerful kick on Ahana and sent into a house. Before Ahana could react, Jodi used his lighting and shot it towards Ahana.

Ahana rolled out of the way.

Ahana held out her hand and threw the lighting at Joey.

"Ahana!!!" Joey dodged the lighting. (Oh?) Ahana thought as Joey landed another hit on her.

(What'll is this pressure? His attacks are the only ones starting to do actual damage. These are no normal punches…these are-)

"Infinity counter…punch!" Joey landed another hit on Ahana. Ahana for a moment lost her balance and was shocked.

(When did he learn this? I didn't see this with my eye! Why? Why aren't I accurate?) Ahana jumped back. And blinked quikcly and pushed Joey away with a powerful force.

"Learned some new tricks, Joey?" Ahana laughed. Ahana was about to make her move but, behind her, emerged Rock from Sho's shadows ability. (She can't detect is inside of his shadows! This is an advantage we must take! Ahana quikcly dodged each of Rock's fist. Joey ran behind her and threw a powerful overhand.

Ahana used her arm to block it and kicked Joey away. Rock dropped to the ground and kicked Ahana from underneath her feet. She was falling.

While falling, Joey appeared over her and was about to land another powerful punch. (Not yet!) Ahana used her Allah eye and shit Joey away.

She turned her head to Rock. Rock's nose started to bleed and he held his neck. "Time to die, Rock-"

Jackson used Bakemono's flames to get Ahana away from Rock. Rock could breath again and took a moment to gather what had happened.

"I…almost died!"


Ahana flew into Bakemono's back and ran towards Jackson. "Ahana, you must die!" Jackson yelled as he pulled out his sword.

"No, Jackson Price…it is YOU who must die!" Ahana laughed as she stopped Jackson from attacking.

She froze him in place and punched him off of Bakemono. She used her Allah eye and burnt Jackson's left arm.

Jackson landed on the ground and was holding his arm. "Thanks…" Jackson sighed.

Ahana stopped and looked around. (A summoning circle?!?)

Bakemono dissapeared and Jackson slammed his sword into the ground. "You know, I'm still new to this power. Hell, I'm not even good at controlling it, yet. But, I sure am willing to risk everything if it means saving all my friends." Jackson said as he slowly put his hands together.

"This one erases all energy. You'll be like a normal human, Ahana."

Ahana stood in front of Jackson with an unamused look on her face. "Jackson…"

"Don't try to talk your way out of this one, Ahana! I'm gonna summon the thing even worse than Bakemono and there's nothing you can say-"

"I know your true mother, Jackson."

Jackson halted his summoning. "What…did you say? What do you mean?"

"You don't know? Your mother….was a girl that your father kidnapped and used for pleasure before you were born. Your father was friends with my teacher at the time. We were all shocked about the case."

"SHUT UP!! You've lied enough, Ahana. Stop playing games and accept your fate!"

"You can't kill or stop me Jackson. Tonight, you…are going to die. Your mother was a young woman. You were just a child…and your father tricked you and placed a spell on your step-mother to make it seem like she raised you and gave birth to you. You wanna know something else, Jackson?"

"Your mother…was the one who sent Elizabeth to kill! She cursed Elizabeth."

Jackson notcied it was hard to breath. (I can't focus on that right now. What matters…is killing her! Even if she is telling the truth, I have to press on!)

Jackson clapped his hands together. Ahana's smile disappeared as she took a fighting stance.

"No one can leave this ritual! Only until you've killed me…or if I kill you!"

"Fun." Ahana said.

Jackson closed his eyes. "With this power…I summon one of the generals. A power far beyond Bakemono…I'll give you my life energy, my soul, and…everything up for everyone!"

(Oh? A vow? Jackson is insane. Even…I didn't see this coming true. I have to kill him now! He is a threat to my plan!)

"With this…I summon the legendary-"

Jackson couldn't move or talk. Ahana was holding him still with her eye. "Sorry, can't let you continue. Everything is fine, Jackson." Ahana said as she walked towards him.

Jackson could see Joey running towards the sphere that surrounded Jackson and Ahana. "Jackson!!!" Joey yelled.

Ahana turned her head to Joey and gave him a smirk. "It's a shame you have to watch this, Joey. You really are a kind and beautiful kid." Ahana turned back at Jackson.

"Do what you gotta do." Jackson said.

"You don't fear death, Price? You…don't fear me?"

"Fear death and you? Nah, you aren't special. I know the truth. You…are nothing but a lost bitch who's trying to make three kids do as you please. When I look at you…you are absolutely nothing. Beneath a damn ant pile. Ants do more to life than you." Jackson chuckled. Ahana grabbed Jackson by his arm and broke it.

Jackson yelled in pain. "You are my favorite. It's a shame it'll end like this."

Joey managed to reach the sphere. He threw a punch and did nothing to it. (No damage?!?)

Joey continued to punch through it as Ahana was talking to Jackson. "You'll die alone and with not a single soul loving you. Your mother doesn't care about you, your father, and other family members. You've failed everyone in this life. Charlie, your girlfriend, and…yourself. YOU…are the one who's nothing."

Jackson smiled as blood poured from his mouth. "Not true. Down the road…I was cherished by people who loved me and cherished me. In their lives, I'm something. Which makes me and my life have meaning. And that, Ahana…makes me something."

"I see. How sad you had to go out like this." Ahana made a gun hand sign with her hand and pointed it at Jackson's head.

"Any last words, Price?" Ahana asked with a grin.

"Yeah, I have a few. Do it now, Jaden."

From inside Jackson's sphere, a boy with little jinn energy was able to hide himself within Sho's shadows inside of Jackson's new ritual summoning.


"It's me she wants dead. You're a rat, Jaden. When the time comes…I want you to cut her with your sword. You have the least amount of jinns energy and you'll be hard to detect. Keep your thoughts to yourself and be calm. One strike with that sword and her abilities will slow down and her regeneration will decrease. Please…make it count."


Jaden appeared from the portal and swung it sword. It was like the world had went in slow-motion.

Jaden swung his sword. Jackson watched and could see the blade starting to slice Ahana's hand off.

Ahana smiled as Jodi came in and kicked her away while her hand was sliced off.

Jodi flew into the sky and dissapeared from view.

"The plan worked, Jackson! We actually-"

Jaden turned around to see a pool of blood and Jackson holding his heart area. "No, no, no! Jackson!" Joey practically shoved Jaden out of the way and looked at Jackson.

(His breathing and heart…are slowing down. This can't be real! This can't be real! Jackson…is dying!)

"Go get help!" Joey yelled.

"Joey…I don't know where-"

"Just find Amber! She's the only one who can heal his wounds! Hurry up! Why are you standing here?!?"

Jaden closed his eyes and ran off in the opposite direction.

"Jackson? Stay with me!"

"I didn't think…that getting shot would hurt so much…hehe." Jackson began to cough up blood and was wheezing. "I tried to do everything right, Joey."

"Shut up! You'll be okay. Just hang on. SOMEONE HELP!!!"

"Joey…this is it, huh? But, I don't want to die. I'm not ready to go yet." Jackson said as tears fell from his eyes.

Joey bit his bottom lip and held back his tears. "I don't want to leave you all. I love it here." Jackson said as he could feel the coldness spreading around his body.

Jackson thought about his life. He couldn't help but think about his family, how his father lied, his real mother, sports,Charlie, his dead girlfriend, Lily, Jodi, Joey, Wraith, and more.

"I'm sorry. For everything…I'm so sorry." Jackson whispered. Joey lifted Jackson's head off of the ground and hugged him. Joey comforted Jackson.

"You all will stop her. I know it. Oh, man. I'm getting cold, Joey. And…tired. I'm so damn scared."

"Jackson, no matter what she told you…don't let those words curse you. You did an amazing job and even changed as a person. For that, I know you'll make it to a peaceful place. You put your life on the line-"

Jackson put his hand on Joey's heart. "Thank you, brother. But I know…all of my sins will outweigh all the good that I've done. This will be the last time we ever meet again…my friend."

Joey looked around as tears came pouring down. "Joey, I feel it. I'm…I'm scared. Will you stay? Please…"


Jodi flew Ahana through multiple buildings. He stopped and slammed her against a wall. "Why?!? How could you kill, Jackson?!?" Jodi asked while pressing her deeper into the wall.

"Someone is pissed." Ahana said with a smirk.

"I'll kill you!"

Ahana rolled her eyes and used one hand to lift Jodi in the air by his neck. "You can't win. I've already told you…you can't defeat an Allah user. The only person who had a chance was my brother's body. Being he wasn't even all that strong, I easily killed him. Now, you all have nothing!"

"You suck at telling the truth don't you Ahana?"

Ahana's smiled dissapeared. She dropped Jodi on the ground and let out a little laugh. "If it isn't Kebushie. The one boy who wants to change the world." Ahana chuckled.

"You killed my best friend right in front of me. This is all your fault."

"Is it? You…you are the one who activated my brothers eyes and caused me to go down this road. This…is all your fault."

"My fault? I know everything, Ahana. After the fight with Nebula…I did some good research and found some things out from a certain angel. You…are the TRUE red-eyes user! When you were in your mothers stomach. You swapped eyes with your brother without killing him. You know this, right?"

Jodi fell into shock and stared at Ahana. "Look at you. Finally caught me, huh?"

Kebushie snapped his fingers. Two tall jinns appeared at his sides. "Jackson is dead. I'll take his sword and continue with my plan after you die."

"You're gonna kill me? I'm all that's left."

Kebushie pulled out a pair of nunchucks. The two immediately thought about the past and all of the laughs they had. "I used to love life. But this is nothing. You took everything from me,Ahana! This is a cure you created! Now, there's no one in the world who even loves me."

(I loved you so, so much…you dumbass.) Ahana thought as she prepared herself.


Joey slowly walked down the city with Jackson's dead body in his hands. "This is where you want to be buried? I wish it wasn't this way…but I know you are resting now." Joey said with a crack in his voice.

Lily and Amber came running towards Joey with Jaden behind them.

"JACKSON!!" Lily screamed.


My name is Jakcson Price. And I've lost everything and everyone in my life.

Next Chapter: Joey and Kebushie