
Japan's Only Male Hero (MHA Fanfic).


The_Eldritch_Troll · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 2: Training and Entrance Exam!

All might started laughing as she clutched her stomach. "That gets too old! Anyway! I deem you worthy to wield my quirk! Young Midoriya!" Said all might.

  "B-but h-how? A quirk couldn't be transferred so easily, but then again, I have a quirk, so I guess it wouldn't be so impossible, right?" Izuku said, as all might nod her head, "You see, my boy, the world needed a natural-born heroine! A symbol of peace if you will and also justice," all might said as she pointed at Izuku. "Now you, my boy, are worthy to have my power; it can be passed down through generations and generations, but anyhow, that's not all of my quirk! It has a stockpile quirk inside of it! That's how I got so strong in the first place! Now, young Midoriya, are you ready to have this quirk passed down to you?" all might said. 

Izuku got up and said, "Yes!" Izuku said as all might put a hand on her face while she looked at him, "Good answer, young man, but however I need to tell your mother, your mother and I go back so many years, it's good to see her again." All might say, "Uh, I think that's her behind you." Izuku said as all might turned around to see Inko with a pissed-off look on her face, which scared the crap out of her, "Izuku Midoriya!" Inko said, almost yelling at him as he flinched, "What were you thinking? You could have been killed!" Inko said as she hugged her son with teary eyes, "I could have lost you; you were the best light I could have had, but you acted like a hero. I'm proud of you." Inko said as Izuku hugged back. "Thank you, mom," Izuku said to her.

Inko broke the hug, stared at all his might, and said, "Toshinori, I expect a well-planned training exercise with my son, but I'll help you out." and Toshi nodded, and she turned around and walked back home. "So you want to know my quirk, right?" Izuku said, breaking Toshinori out of her thoughts, "Yeah, sure, what is it?" She said, "Well, my quirk is a high-level regeneration quirk and a mix of a counter quirk properly from my mother's side, but in any case, I should be able to handle your power from day 1." Izuku said, and Toshinori sighed and plucked her hair. "Here, eat this, and we will train it tomorrow. I'll have Gran Torino train, yaa, since I'm no good with teaching, so she has to be your trainer," Toshinori said.

Izuku grabbed the one piece of hair and stared at it. "Wait, I have to eat this?" Izuku said, and Toshinori gave him a deadpan look. "Either that or you have to swallow my genital fluids," Toshinori said.

"I'll eat the hair!" Izuku said, ate it, and went back home after getting Toshinori's number.

the next day.

The school life was normal as always, but there were some differences: Katsumi wasn't picking on him anymore, and Lily was confused at first but didn't really ask Izuku about it because she didn't want to bother him.

After getting back home after a long walk, Izuku spotted something when he walked inside his house. He noticed that there was another set of shoes at the door, 'properly Toshinori's.' Izuku said in his mind and called out for his mother, "Mom! I'm home!" Izuku said, and Inko appeared from upstairs and gestured for him to follow her, so he did and spotted another female there. "Heya kid, so your all might's successor, huh?" The woman said, "Wait, you know all that might?" Izuku said, almost stuttering on his words as the woman nodded. "I'm her trainer, and I beat the woman into shape after she got one for all that is," the woman said.

"U-umm, I'm Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said, and the woman smirked, "I'm Gran Torino, young Midoriya. After the school year ends, your training will be hell. Are you ready for it?" Gran Torino said, "And by the way, my real name is Sorahiko Torino; Sora is fine if my name is mouth-full." Sorahiko said as Izuku nodded his head.

The next day

The final exams for his school year came and went in a flash. After the exhausting day, Izuku walked back home tiredly and went to bed with his school uniform still on him.

Once he was awake, Sorahiko pulled him out of bed and said, "Hey, get changed. We are going to see what one for all does to your body and properly change the training schedule." Sorahiko said as she held a gym uniform. Izuku sighed and put it on as they walked to the beach and found that it was already cleaned''. Sorahiko said, "Welp over these months; you'll be training with me, so get ready, newbie, because it's going to be hell." Sorahiko said, and Izuku gulped, "Now on to one for all; can you feel it?" sorahiko said 

Izuku shook his head. "Alright, imagine the quirk as a whole; it's your quirk now, not Toshinori's quirk any longer," Sorahiko said.

Izuku sat down and closed his eyes. He spotted a multicolored orb and a green and golden orb as he grabbed the two orbs and pushed them together. As he opened his eyes again, he was flowing with warmth as he raised his fist back and punched the air with so much force. It sent powerful shock waves that put all might's punches to shame.

Then he kind of screamed as he felt his arm breaking in multiple places but mended back together quickly as he held his arm. "It looks like your punches her's to shame. Let's train this power to make it your own, but first you need to tone the power down a bunch. Do what you did earlier, but instead of that, take some power out," Sorahiko said.

Again, Izuku closed his eyes and imagined a flame of pure power as he took his hand into the flame. He grabbed half of the power and pulled it out, and now the flames stood in his hand, much smaller than before, as he put the flame inside his body as it filled him with power.

He opened his eyes again, and he noticed one thing: he was glowing bright. He did a punch, and it didn't break his arm. He heard some clapping and turned around stiffly to look at Sorahiko.

"Nicely done, young Midoriya," Sorahiko said, but she leaned forward. "Can you move?" Sorahiko said. 

"I think so," Izuku said as he took a step, but the power quickly dissipated as he groaned. "Try it again," Sorahiko said.

And so, this is where Izuku's training began, but it turned quickly to hell.

Izuku ran and dodged kick after kick from Sorahiko. He turned around to block Sorahiko's kick and punched her in the face, surprising her, but she quickly got over it. This time she punched quickly, and Izuku was knocked onto the ground, panting hard.

Another month passed, and Izuku was glowing as he was jogging with Sorahiko while dodging some cans being thrown at him by Toshinori.

Three months passed quickly.

"What percentage do you think he's at?" Toshinori said, looking at Sorahiko. "I'll say 20 percent at the rate we're going; it won't be long before the entrance exams start; it's only been four months," Sorahiko said.

Toshinori looked at Izuku and said, "Hey! It's time for a break! Go walk for a bit!" and Izuku looked up at her and nodded as he walked in a random direction. "Should we follow him?" Toshinori said, "Don't worry, I'll follow him since I'm more experienced at it than you are." Sorahiko said as she jumped off, using her quirk.


With Izuku.


He was just walking, enjoying his walk, and he spotted some commotion going on as he walked towards it as he saw a girl with black hair with a ponytail wrapped around her hair backed to a wall with three other girls.

Izuku sighed as he walked over there and called the ponytailed girl, "Hey, babe! You want to ditch these losers?" Izuku called out to her as the three girls and the ponytailed girl looked over at him.

The girl hesitated but spoke, "Yeah, sure!" as she ran towards him. "Come on, I know a great place you would like to visit," Izuku said.

The three girls frowned as they gave up and humbled themselves as they walked away.

Izuku looked at the onyx girl. "Hey, sorry about that. You looked like you were cornered there, so I decided to help. What's your name?" Izuku said, and the onyx girl flipped over her words since this was the first time she saw a boy, and she spoke with a nervous voice, "Um, my name is Yaoyorozu, momo, nice to meet you." Izuku looked at Momo before speaking, "Nice name. My name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you." Momo played with her fingers and looked at him. "Did you want to hang out sometime?" Momo said, and Izuku beamed at her, "Sure! Here's my phone number!" Izuku said as he pulled out a piece of paper, wrote his number down, and gave it to Momo as he spoke, "Just call me Izuku." "It's only fair that you call me Momo," Momo said.


"Anyway, I gotta go back home; see you next time!" Izuku said as he ran in the direction of his house.


Momo puts her hand on her chest and says, "I've already fallen in love. How? Is it because that was my first meeting with a boy? Mom warned me that this would happen, but not too soon. I should speak to my mother about this'. Momo said this in her mind as she walked towards her home.


Izuku opened the door to his house and spotted Inko in the kitchen. "Welcome back, Izuku, how was your day?" Inko said, "It's great that Sorahiko and me and Toshinori trained a bunch today, and after that, I made a new friend," Izuku said, and Inko dropped the water she was drinking as she was choking on it. "Mom!" Izuku said as he stood up and patted his mother's back.


Once she was finished, she said, "Oh, Izuku, I'm happy for you! What's her name?" As she hugged her son, "Her name was Momo Yaoyorozu; I already gave her my number," Izuku said, and Inko started to cry even more. "Haha, mom, come on,'' Izuku said. "I'm just so happy that you have a friend now!" Inko said, "Yeah, me to," Izuku said.


Once they were done eating, Izuku headed to his room and slept.


The next day


Izuku arrived at the beach and saw Momo there looking at the clean beach, and he also saw Sorahiko there as he sighed deeply.


"Heya, momo!" Izuku said as he walked over to her. Momo looked back and waved at him, "Hello! Izuku! Do you know who that woman is?" Momo said as she tilted her head, "Haha, actually, she's my trainer; we've been working on my quirk for a while now." Izuku said, "Really? Y-you have a quirk?" Momo said, and Izuku nodded his head. "Of course, anyway, she's waiting for me, so I'll tell you after we are done training," Izuku said as he walked up to Sorahiko. "Ah, there you are, ya newbie; are you ready to get your ass wooped like last time?" Sorahiko said as she stretched her arms and legs.


"Yeah, I'm ready, and a friend of mine is here to watch us," Izuku said. "Eh, let them see you fail," Sorahiko said.


"E-" before Izuku could say anything, Sorahiko flew towards Izuku as she backflipped and landed her feat onto his shoulder, but he dodged it in the nick of time, and he wiled back his fist and shot it forward, making some wind pressure. "Use your legs! You can't just keep on punching!" Sorahiko said.


' Fine then!, 20 percent leg air force!' Izuku jumped forward, spinned around, and kicked the air, sending a huge amount of force towards Sorahiko, who dodged it and went straight into Izuku's face. Izuku pulled his left feet upward, blocking Sorahiko's attack, and using his right feet, he landed a kick and shot her towards the ground, but she got back up again as she shot forward a kick at him. Izuku moved his body to the right, dodging the attack, and sent a fist towards Sorahiko, surprising her at first. He punched her, sending her to the ground.


Izuku landed on the ground, panting. "Did... *pant* did *pant* I win?" Izuku said, panting, as he heard Sorahiko's voice in the fog of dust. "Not bad, kid; you managed to put a scratch on me," Sorahiko said as he noticed a slash mark on the right side of her cheek.


"Welp, kid, enjoy your time," Sorahiko said as she left, and Momo went up to Izuku. "Was that your trainer?" Momo said, "Yeah, she is, and she is really scary if she wants to be." Izuku said while drinking water, "Umm, I want to know if you want to go out." Momo said, "Sure, follow me, and I'll go. Change will be quick, and we can go out," Izuku said, and Momo nodded.




"So your momo, my son's friend?" Inko said, looking at Momo, "Yeah, i-i a-am." Momo stuttered on her words, seeing that Izuku's mom was scary and was much taller than herself.


Inko was about 9 feet tall, and Momo herself was about 8'9, so she was much shorter than her.


Inko looked over towards the stairs and said, "Yaoyorozu-chan, Izuku has not had a friend other than a few teachers at his old school, so please be a friend for him and don't judge him too badly; his only friend is Katsumi Bakugou, and she, well..." Inko said, trailing off a little, "She's someone who doesn't treat Izuku well."


"Okay, I'm done!" Izuku said as he came walking down the stairs, "Have fun with your date, Izuku!" Inko said, making Izuku and Momo blush. "See you later, mom," Izuku said as he grabbed Momo's hand and walked out of his house.




They arrived at a tea-selling place, and Momo suggested, "So they have the best tea here?" Izuku asked, and Momo beamed at him, "Yes! The tea is so delicious, and it's so sweet as well," Momo said with happiness in her voice, and Izuku smiled at her, making her blush.


A waiter came by, asking, "Hello, would you like to order?" The waitress said so, and both nodded. "I would like green tea if you will," Momo said, and the girl wrote it down. She looked at Izuku as she blushed while looking at him. "I would like jasmine tea," Izuku said. "Right, I'll be back with your order," the waitress said, leaving through a door that led to the kitchen.


Izuku looked at Momo. "That was weird, huh?" Izuku said, and Momo nodded and looked over at the other tables to see the jealous looks from the girls that she was getting, and Momo had a bright idea.


She stood up and walked over to Izuku, picked him up, walked to her side of the table, and sat him down on her lap while Izuku was blushing the whole time. "Momo!" "What are you doing?" Izuku said, "Making sure that they know that you're mine," Momo said, laying her head down on his head as Izuku looked over the tables to see the sadness on the girls faces. "Oh," Izuku said.


"Oh momo, would you mind telling me your quirk?" Izuku said exactly "Sure," Momo said, "so what's your quirk?" Izuku said, "Well, my quirk is called creation; I can basically create anything non-organic, but I have to know the molecular structure of said object, and I have to be careful because if I create something like money, then we will be in a whole lot of trouble since it would break the economy," Momo said.


Izuku had stars in his eyes as he looked up at her. "That's an awesome quirk! Momo! I wonder if you would be able to *mumble." Izuku was mumbling about how exactly Momo's quirk works, and Momo kept listening to the idea that Izuku gave her and giggled, breaking Izuku's mumbling spree. "You're cute when you mumble, do you know that?" Momo said, "T-thank you," and Izuku said


The waitress came back, holding their tea, and saw them. She sighed sadly as she walked towards them with their tea. "Here you go, one green tea and one jasmine tea. Would you like something to eat as well?" She said as she placed the tea down.


"Yes," both answered, "what would your orders be?" She said again, "Can I have a sandwich?" Momo said, "With everything," and Izuku said, "Can I have grilled cheese, please?" izuku said 


"Okay, I'll be right back with your orders," she said as she walked through the door again.



Once they were done eating their food, Izuku paid for it as they walked out of the cafe. "That was good," Izuku said. "Mhm," Momo said, agreeing with him.


Momo looked over towards Izuku, looked over his body, noticed a bulge in his pants, and quickly looked away but couldn't help herself to look again.


After they went into Izuku's house, he noticed a note laying on the counter.


  'Dear Izuku


Mitsuki and I are going out to have some girl time, so enjoy your time with Momo.




There's a condom underneath this note if you want to have some fun.


Signed, Mama Inko


Izuku looked underneath the letter, found two green condoms, and started to sweat. "Hey, Izuku, are you okay?" Momo asked, as she was right behind him. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said, and he felt Momo leaning on his back with her soft racks touching his back as he started to sweat even more.


"Are you sure?" Momo said as she leaned closer, "Yeah, im s-suWAH!" Izuku yelled as he felt his member being touched by Momo. "You seem hard down there; do you want me to take care of it?" Momo asked as Izuku turned around, and Momo leaned even closer as she started to rub his member with the palm of her hand. "You don't have to," Izuku said. "I want to, Izuku," Momo said, and Izuku nodded.


Momo closed the distance between her and Izuku as she kissed him on the lips. It was Izuku's first time kissing as he relaxed himself, and they continued kissing.


After a while of kissing, they broke the kiss with saliva coming from their lips, and Momo bent down and pulled his pants down. He saw his dick and was amazed at how long it was; it was about 7 feet long and was thick.


She gently grabbed the base of his dick and started to move her hand up and down softly. Momo heard Izuku mumble quietly, and wanting to hear him moan some more, she continued her handjob and started to go faster.


Izuku shivered in pleasure before spewing his sperm all over Momo's face as she grabbed a tissue. "Oh geez, I'm sorry," Izuku said.


Momo wiped the sperm izuku sprouted out and cleaned her face as she stood up and started to undress.


"Wah!" Izuku yelled as he closed his eyes after seeing Momo undressing. Upon seeing this, Momo giggled at his reaction and prayed to open his arms out of the way from his face to see her naked.


"Are we really doing this?" Izuku asked. Momo moved her hair out of the way and spoke. "Yes, I researched online on how to do this to a male just in case I see a man I like, which means you, izuku, not in a friend kind of way, i mean in the romantic kind of way," momo said as izuku tilted his head. "Wait, are you asking me out?" Izuku said, "Hmm, yes." Momo said


"Do you want to do it here? Or in your room?" Momo said, "In here," and Izuku answered quickly, not wanting to ruin his entire collection.


Momo sat down on the floor and then laid on her back and gestured for Izuku to lay on top of her. Once Izuku got on top of her, he felt his dick rubbing against her pussy as he pushed it in. They both moaned at the same time as Izuku started moving his hips.


Momo took the lead as she pushed Izuku on the ground, put her hand in front of her, and leaned in on him. She started to ride on him with their hips slapping against each other, with them both feeling the pleasure of what they were feeling.


Izuku realized that he hadn't put the condom on and panicked, "Wait, wait, wait! Momo! I didn't put the condom on! S-slow down!!" Izuku said, but she didn't hear his plea as she kept on going faster and faster till she felt Izuku's warm sperm sprouting in her pussycat and stopped feeling satisfied.


Momo looked at Izuku with hearts in her eyes and said, "Don't worry, Izuku, if we have a baby, I'll be able to take care of it." Momo said, and that made Izuku pass out.




Izuku woke up and looked down to see that he was lying on Momo's lap and saw her pussy leaking out. "I'm sorry if I made you pregnant," Izuku said. "Don't worry, I swallowed some pills, so we can do it raw," Momo said, and Izuku sighed.


"Im home!!" Inko called out, and Izuku started to panic, but he was grabbed by Momo, and she sat him on her lap and hugged him from behind, and Inko saw them. "Have fun, you two?" Inko said, "Yes, we did." Momo said


"Well, go get some rest," Inko said as she handed Momo a spare rope she had.


Once Izuku led Momo to his room, Momo almost laughed as she saw the all-power swine that was in his room. "Izuku, you need to tone down the shrine room a little bit," Momo said as she got into his All-Might themed bed and watched Izuku get into his sleeping wear as they both slept.


Huge timeskip 


"Izuku, stop staring at the entrance. Come on," Momo said as she pulled Izuku along and quit staring at the UA high school as they both got into the school and into the exam hall.




Izuku and Momo had to go to different parts for the written exam, and after an hour of the written exam, Izuku had finished with everyone and had to go back to the exam hall.


Momo and Izuku sat together again and listened to President Mic's spill: "So we have to defeat 1 pointers and 2 and 3 pointers, and there are these big bots that can be worth 1 or 0 points. "I bet there's something else to the exam," Izuku said. "Yeah, maybe... maybe... wait," Momo said as Izuku turned his head to her "hero points." They both said, "It's not just villains you have to defeat but actual hero points that you have to save people. Being a hero isn't just about capturing villains; it's about saving lives.


"For that, I might kiss you," Momo said as she kissed Izuku on his head.


"You there! With the unkept hair! And onyx hair! Stop those pervernades at once! If you want to do that, then you aren't supposed to be here!" A blue-haired girl said, Izuku turned around and saw Momo's eye twitch, but quickly calmed her down with another kiss on her cheek.


"OI!! You sonic reject! You don't have to tell them what to do! Are you even trying to be a hero like that? Katsumi yelled from above them, Thanks, Kacchan,"'Izuku thought.


"Whoa whoa whoa chill their ladies, you can't fight or you have to quit being a hero here and go somewhere else to be a hero," president Mic said.


The blue lady sat down, embarrassed, and Izuku looked up at Katsumi and gave her a thumbs up. Katsumi smiled at that and continued with the explanation.


"The 0 pointer is just a big object that you can either fight or run away from, but anyway, listeners! Get on the busses to head to your designated places!" President Mic said.




Izuku saw Momo and was going to try and speak to her, but somebody grabbed his shoulder, and he flinched badly and turned around to see the blue lady again. "Are you going to try and ruin her chances of getting in?" she asked, and Izuku swiped her hand away.


"If you must know, she is my girlfriend, and I was going to try and go over there and form some sort of strategy for us and get us more points that way, so please don't touch me again," Izuku said as he made his way towards Momo.


"Heya momo, I think I might have a solution for us to win this with hero points and villain points," Izuku said. "I'm listening," Momo said. "How about I go rescue the examiness from harm and you go take out the robots that the robot attacked with, so that means we can have both hero points and villain points?" Izuku said.


"That's a good plan; let's do that," Momo said.


The door's open, and Izuku and Momo rushed in there. "What are you guys waiting for? There's no countdown in a fight! Follow those two, for  example."President Mic said:


Up in the booth


"People have limited time to actually get the highest number of points; for some people, they use their own skills to pass the exams," Nezu said, looking at the screen. "Oh, that is interesting," Nezu said as she watched Izuku save an examinee from a robot and Momo destroy it. "It seems those two figured the exam out," Nezu said.


"But that boy...hmmm, I wonder what body he has," midnight said as she smacked her lips, only to get sprayed by Aizawa. "No, bad nemuri," Aizawa said as she hissed at her.


"It looks like those are the only two that have figured out the true meaning of the exam. Congratulations on them," Cementoss said as she looked at the screen.


"Yes, so let's see how they react to a giant problem, hm?" Nezu said as she pressed a big red button.


Back with Izuku and Momo


Izuku just saved another girl from a robot, and Momo hits it with a big hammer that she created. "Go and find robots that you can handle," Izuku said as the girl nodded and ran off.


"We are doing good so far, huh?" Izuku said, "Yeah, of course, we are bound to get in." Momo raised Izuku's confidence more as he smiled at her.


Izuku noticed a looming shadow above Momo and him as he looked up to see a giant fist heading straight towards them. Izuku pushed Momo to the ground as he held up his hands, using one for all at 100 percent as the robot slammed its hands onto them.


"Izuku!" Momo cried out as she saw his hand breaking under the pressure of the robot, and she saw them healing fast.


"Go go! I can hold this!" Izuku said as he slowly sat up and tried to lift the robot's hand off of them as Momo crawled out of the way. Izuku saw this and powered up one for all at its max and punched the robot's arm as wind pressure came out of the said punch, destroying the 0 pointer with just the wind itself.


Izuku panted as he held his arm as it was mending itself back to place. "You alright?" Momo said as she looked at his arm and held it gently.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to my regeneration, I can go to my max, but it has its limits as well, so that's why the regeneration takes a while to complete," Izuku said as he saw his arm slowly turn back to normal.


"Huh, super strength and super healing—that's a good quirk, Izuku," Momo said. "Mhm," Izuku said.




They both got home after letting Momo's parents know that she was at Izuku's house. They agreed to let her stay at his house. They noticed that Inko was gone, and Izuku sighed, "Wonna have some fun?" Momo said, "Sure, why not?" Izuku said.


They both went into Izuku's room, had fun, and went to sleep.