

I've had harder times with my group, being the leader I should take all of the damage and pain instead of them. I'm weak aren't I? Dark says I'm not, but he's a half breed, he doesn't feel pain like some of us do. We've been fighting against these forest guardians for days, Sylia has died, Joe I'm pretty sure is half dead, the rest I'm not sure because I've been forced to hide from becoming blind.

"Die you filthy bastard, you've killed enough of us" I hear Dark shout as a loud crash is heard in the distance. "Dark don't" I shout out into the darkness, if someone was going to sacrifice their life to kill the damn guardians, it'll be me. I force myself to stand up, using the noise and flashes of what I think is light to find my way to where the fight is. I prepare myself for what would be my last time alive, I might be blind now, but my power is still strong.

"Ivy what the hell are you doing?" Jasmine shouts, it sounds like she's in the air.

"Sister are you trying to kill yourself?" Moon shouts out from behind me.

As i hear the shouts of my remaining friends, I feel the guardians foot stop beside me. I've already decided to kill myself, and no one can stop me. I feel a hand on my shoulder, there's only one member in the group who places their hand on my shoulder.

"If you're trying to stop me Angelo, don't" I push his hand off my shoulder.

"But Ivy, your blind because you had poison thrown into your eyes"

"I don't care, I'm useless now, might as well use the last of this demon's power for something"

I send a wave of power out towards the guardians, hoping I hit them. I start to feel light headed, I notice that I'm no longer on the ground. "Everyone, get away from here" I shout into the forest, hoping that they listen to me one last time. I start to feel ice cold, the demon soul leaving my body. "Ivy, please" Joe barely shouts it out. I use the last of my strength to create a living bomb, I use myself as a vessel, and everything goes black.
