2 The Lip Gloss Chapter 2

Its been a couple of days since Halloween and i've honestly been trying my hardest to avoid Piotrek. However, this morning i found his jacket he gave me that night slung in the corner of the living room at my aunts here where my mom and i have been staying. Mmmmm that smell, spicy and bold, like fresh rain with a hint of mint. I get lost in that sent. The more i thought of Piotrek the stronger his sent became. As i was thinking of him and getting all warm inside, the doorbell rang. I threw his jacket on the couch and went to answer the door. "Hi Odett!" It was Piotrek. Dame it- by thinking of him and smelling his jacket i know i just brought him here. "Can i come in?" He asked shyly yet with confidence like he already knew the answer.

I tried to stay calm and keep my thoughts together as i stepped back and let him inside. Hed never been inside before. We'd only sat out front and talked till it got dark a few nights now, then him showing up at the Halloween party taking care of me, id only been to his house with my guy friend from school the one time on Piotreks birthday earlier this year. His birthday was on April 20th and His last name is Baker. lol pretty silly-all the kids at the continuation school crack jokes and say how lucky and bad ass it is that his birthday is on americas national marijuana celebration holiday and he has a last name similar to the lingo. Being "baked" or "stoned". He didn't seem to think it was as cool as his friends did however.

"How have you been feeling Odett? I've been trying to call you since you left the party that night. Everything okay?" Yikes i knew this was coming. Even though Piotrek had been so easy with me so far, i hated to disappoint him. I knew he came there because people at the party had called him. YO, Odett Benay is here wasted dressed like a playboy bunny bro! Its not the first time Piotrek has randomly showed up at places i was at. Multiple times now since we have started going to the same school its happened. " I have some of your things" He said as he started pulling my things out of his pocket. " You didn't have a jacket on and no pockets when i showed up. I just trailed behind you picking up things as you dropped them." He exclaimed while laying out my hair pins, dead cell phone, my favorite lip gloss, pack of gum and maybe a crumpled up piece of scratch paper. So that is where all my things were! I should have known.

I got up from my side of the couch and leaned over him, immediately the air became tense, those steel blue eyes caught mine and held my gaze with a soft deep stare. His lush plump lips were like a magnet pulling mine closer and closer to his. My heart pounded in my ears and i could feel Piotrek start to slide his hands up and down my back side. He pulled me closer down onto this lap and i could feel his manhood for the first time. I jerked back and grabbed his jacket from behind him on the couch- pulling away from the oh so close magnetic kiss that has yet to take place. I could see the dissatisfied look his face formed into as i presented his coat. "Thank you so much for your jacket." I stated as i quickly got off his lap and re adjusted my blouse. Dang this boy is dangerous. I've got to concentrate on something besides him to get him out of here before my mom or aunt show up anyway.

Think O think of anything! Anything besides all these new feelings your having....anything besides the yearning you have to be so close to this guy. Hes just a boy, what's so special about him? I've been around plenty of attractive intelligent guys in my grade- im not even sure Piotrek is that smart? And I've heard the rumors. I know he uses drugs. His dad justs give it to him, his mother is an alcoholic somewhere-Poor kids been using since he was like twelve years old! I grab a bottle of beer out of the fridge intending to make myself appear cool or more grown up than i really am. " Want a beer?" I asked him as i was trying to open mine. He must have known i didn't know what i was doing because he let out a little chuckle and sent me a grin that melted my heart as he held out his hand intending for me to give him my bottle. I went to grab another when he said he didn't want one and hand mine back, opened. We went to the garage and continued to talk about Halloween night after that.

"Im really sorry i left you that night." I started to explain, but Piotrek cut me off saying its okay he understands. I still felt the need to explain tho, he took such good care of me and i just bounced out on him! We talked for a few hours before i heard my mother and aunt come home. I didn't want them to know i was in the garage with a boy and open beer, not like they cared, however i hurriedly rushed him out the side gate. " Will i see you at school tomarrow?" I hopefully asked him. I found school to be extremely easy, however i seem to have an issue with authority figures-so i got sent to the continuation school. Piotrek never did any of his school work or even went to class as far as i knew. Hed been in the continuation school much longer than i had. Now that i was attending tho he seemed to show up much more. The thought made me heat up inside. "I'll try." He coolie replied as he slid out the side gate. "Mkkk. Hope i see you tomarrow. Good night Piotrek." "Good night Odett Benay. He simply stated before quickly giving me soft peck on my right cheek causing me to blush. I couldn't think of anything else but the kiss i just received on my cheek, so i didn't notice i was still missing my favorite lip gloss. Piotrek left with it still in his pocket. He ended up holding on to that lip gloss for the next six months!
