
its a matter of essence

Sleeping and having nothing and Awakening and gaining everything that could be needed is what Joseph acquired, and there are no rules but everything to gain. What is a man to do when they have lost once before

dontenglish · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 2 oh what wood you do

"Uh, where am I?" I asked out loud in pain. "Master, I've done as you requested and helped you escape from the facility," Barghest said while looking away from what I would assume was embarrassment from the color of her ears.

"Well, good job on that, at least, Barghest, though next time you carry someone, please consider your strength and speed. I'd like not to black out anymore in life than I already have," I said to Barghest with a smirk.

"I understand, master. This mistake will not happen again, I promise," Barghest said with a frown as she turned to me.

"As long as you understand, Barghest, I now have a task for you. Seeing as we appear to be in a forest, please locate any signs of civilization or other human beings while I wait here," I said with a smile.

"Understood, master. I'll try not to stay away from you for too long. Remember, if you are in danger, summon me with your command seals." Barghest said with a serious look.

"Okay, Barghest, I won't forget, so please commence your expedition at once," I said to Barghest with a smile.

"Understood, master," Barghest nodded as she ran off using her superhuman speed.

"Okay then, Guess now it's time to make you boys work again after what a half decade or something. I know I was reaching one with my arm, not so much for you guys. First of all, let's try getting up without using an essence," I said with a frown as I grabbed a nearby tree branch to hold myself on.

"Okay, well, so far, so good. It seems though this was the easy part now, wasn't it?" I said with a smirk. I then tried taking a step with my left leg, ignoring all the pain from using muscles that hadn't been used for so long, and then I went to try taking another step with my right leg once again, a success, but now I didn't have the safety of try to help hold me up now. 

And so, with some hesitation, I took another step forward with my left leg. But as I went to move it, my leg locked up as I started to crash down to the dirt so quickly I diverted my body, having myself instead fall on my arm to reduce any injuries.

"*cough* ow that hurt, but hey, at least I made some progress, and from what I've read about people with like polio and the sort, I did pretty good, though I guess I'm a bit of a cheater seeing as I don't have any issues with my body that I'm aware of any more thanks the essences and with this essences, I should be able to also. Get the point I need without too much time wasted on recovering the muscle strength in my leg now, then let's see if we got the magic on our side," I said with a smirk as I pulled up the screen for my Essence. Everything was still the same, minus the strength increase I was forced to give myself before I had four points left. Now, considering all I was trying to do was manage to walk, my best bet would be to put a point into either vitality or endurance, seeing as in games, there usually are the carry weight or stamina stats.

 It would have been nice to have gotten some form of description to know what I was investing in, but it is better than nothing, I suppose though. I will also put a point into the spatial awareness option to be safe. It will reduce the chances of me falling. Hey, it could give me spidey sense, who knows.

And with that, I put the points in as, once more, I felt that addictive feeling of my body changing to be better than before. Of course, with that increase, I now had only one of these points left and needed help figuring out how to get more.

Now that my abilities had improved once again, it only made sense to try once more, so once again, I pulled myself up to the tree, and already I could feel the improvement my body had gone through. I didn't feel superhuman or anything like that, but I did feel like myself again, something I hadn't felt like in a year.

And so, with the newfound confidence I had, I walked forward. 

"Master, I've returned from the scouting expedition, master? Are you okay? You are crying. Did someone harm you? If so, tell me who I shall slay them as your knight." Barghest yelled out in fury as she grabbed onto my shoulder, and she looked around my body for any injuries.

"Barghest, I'm okay. I just got a bit too excited over nothing. I'm all good now. You said that you'd found something right. Tell me, maybe I'll know where we are from the description." I said with a smile as I wiped my eyes with my hand.

"Okay, master, from what I've seen far, we are not in a forest. From what I've seen, there were several humans of different ages around with strange metal buildings nearby. Some of my brethren were also chasing after some strange flying disks." Barghest said with confusion, reminding me once more she was from a completely different world than mine.

"*laugh* Well, Barghest good news is we are probably in a human city. The bad news is I can not leave wherever we are in case I get arrested for public indecency from the fact I only have this underwear or whatever from when I woke up in the test tube, so Barghest I have another job for you gather information also completely random question are you able to speak to animals or is that specific to certain courts." I said with a smirk.

"Master, I can not talk to animals but speak to my fellow brethren. With ease, if we had Lancelot with us, she would have been able to, though," Barghest said with a smile.

"Okay then, Barghest, do your best to gather information on where we are, whether that means blending in with the housewives and asking how the schools are here or asking for some other good park locations from the dog owners. Until then, I'll rest here," I said calmly as I sat beside my tree.

"Understood, master. I shall make sure I succeed in this task for you." Barghest said with seriousness as she walked out of the park forest.

"Now, for the love of god, please don't have a park ranger find me out here 'cause I do not need to visit the police for the first time in another world," I said with a frown as I got comfortable on my tree.

{A/n Hey guys, I'm back and updating just a day after the first one. First of all, I want to say thanks for all the support in the form of Powerstone collections and for you guys just bothering even to give this Fan-fic a minute of your time really thanks.

Anyway, I should tell you my update schedule for this Fan-fic I will be posting at least one chapter every week, and if I'm particularly happy, I may post another chapter during the week.

Sadly, I can not write more chapters this week because my dog ground my hand open using a tree in our backyard. Hence, this update, in particular, was very painful, but I was just too happy with all the great responses I was getting from you all not to give you another fix.

Anyway, see you all in the next chapter or the comments, and if you will excuse me, I will dump my hand in some peroxide to get my hand better for you guys.}