
It Was All Worth It

She is sharp, she is fiesty and she is strong, but she goes through hell. People around her try to break her like a doll she seems. Will she let them ruin her or will she fight back and conquer her dreams and be the warrior she is?

m_aria · 若者
6 Chs

The Present

Jane! Jane!? JANEE!!!

"Huh?" She came back to the present. Her mom had been calling her from the kitchen and was now standing infront of her, eyeing her with a confused look on her face. "Where has your mind been wondering off to lately, Jane?" her mom asked her with concern in her tone. "Is everything alright?" Jane didn't answer. She kept staring at the floor beneath her as if it was never there before. "Look sweety I know things have been very hard for you these days. I know it's gonna be hard for you to leave your friends and everything behind and move on. I know it's not easy for you to take in everything that's been going on. With this sudden plan of moving to another place but trust me everything's gonna be fine. Do you understand?" She lifted up her face and looked her in the eyes. "You can do this. I know you. You're so strong. My brave little girl." she said it so earnestly that it almost made Jane cry. She turned on her heels and rushed into her room, closing her door behind with a loud "thud". Her mother let out a deep sigh. She wanted to tell her all about their migration but she couldn't. She couldn't tell Jane the truth. At least not yet. And it was hurting her too as much as it was hurting Jane. After almost 30 minutes Jane came out of her room, dressed in her uniform and with her backpack hanging on her right shoulder, ready to leave for school. Her eyes clearly showed that she had been crying. She climbed down the stairs and moved towards the front door to leave. Her mother saw her and called her from behind but she ignored her. "Jane don't skip your breakfast! Eat something before you go! Jane are you hearing me!?" she said it harshly this time. Jane paused at the door for a moment, grabbing the knob tightly. "See you after school mom" she said quickly and stormed out. "JANE!! Stop!! Do you hear me!? You're grounded for a week MARY JANE HUDSON."