
The Deal

"WHAT?" I shouted almost jumping out of the chair. I couldn't believe my ears. He must be losing his mind what made him think that I would make a deal like this with him.

I don't know him. I don't want to be in his sick game to put his company on top. I don't want to get involved with him. This must be a sick joke.

"You must be losing you mind Mr Rivers because if you think I am going to agree to this you don't know me. I will not get involved in your business and surely not with you. I'm sorry but you have the wrong person." He must be crazy to think I would agree to this.

"Think about it. Anyone would be happy to be married to me. I have money and the looks. It's every girls dream to get married to me." He said leaning back into his chair.

"I have already think about it Mr Rivers and my answer is no. You can go find that girl whose dream is to be married to you because that isn't my dream." I told him.

"No has ever refused me before Ms Green because I'll always get what I want in the end." He said smirking.

"This will be the first then because no way I will agree to marrying you. You're a total stranger. I know nothing about you and I didn't come here to get hitched I came here for a job so if you'll excuse me I will be going now." I said this while looking him in the eye to let him know that I am serious about what I said.

"No one has ever rejected me either, how can they, I am a Rivers after all and you're no exception. You're just like everyone else. They always want something from me. They all want to be with me." He said smugly.

I hate men with big egos and his ego is bigger than every men that I've ever interacted with in my life. I wanted to destroy that ego of his, but I don't want to be disrespectful to him. So I decided to deal with the situation professional. "Well Mr Rivers I am honored to inform you that there is a first time for everything and I am of course rejecting your offer and you."

Was that professional? Did I cross the line? I don't think I did, I was just telling him the truth in the nicest way I could.

He got up from his chair and moved around the desk to stand in front of me. I had to look up at him when he was in front of me because I was still sitting down, and he was towering over me.

"You're only in denial Ms Green and I would be happy to prove to you that you want me just like everybody else." He said folding his arms.

I'm not in any denial you just think too high of yourself. That's what I wanted to say but said instead I said. "I am not in any denial. In fact I don't care what you say and you don't have to prove anything to me because I am leaving so goodbye Mr Rivers." I got up ready to walk out of his office and leave him with his too big of an inflated ego before the both of them suffocate me but...

Why is there always a but? I didn't get far because he got ahold on my wrist and pulled me into him. The force he pulled me in with made my head smack against his chest. His cologne hit me the minute I inhale and gasped in shocked.

"Ms Green I will prove to you and then you can't deny me." He whispered in my ears inhaling deeply. I was still in shock so his words just pass through me ears to exist through the next.

I was tense in his arms and I was suddenly nervous. I don't like the closeness. I haven't been touched by another man in like years. I can't remember sharing this kind of gesture with someone else. I didn't have time to make close friends while I was in college. I was too busy studying trying to get my degree. I didn't have time for boyfriend or hang out so must of my college days was spent inside my dorm room, library, classes, cafeteria, and the places I go to get food and whatever else I needed.

It was weird being hold like this and I didn't like it. "Mr Rivers can you please let go of me sir." I said but it fell on deaf ears. What's wrong with him? I felt his lips on my neck. I pushed him away from me and then let out the breath that I was holding. I looked down at myself and fix my clothes. I dragged a had through my hair and took a deep breath in. I needed to calm down the storm that was brewing inside of me. It was hard, but I was trying my best not to shout at the man in front of me.

I looked up to see a surprise look on his face. It was gone when I blinked and I had to wonder if it was even there. "Did you just push me?" He asked looking at me intensely.

"Of course I did Mr Rivers." I answered confused by his questions. I should get out of here because it's clear he is not in his right state of mind right now. I made a mistake coming here.

"Why did you push me?" He asked like he didn't know the answer to the question.

"What kind of dumb question is that? You just grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me into you, and kissed me on my neck without my consent." I told him upset.

"So you pushed me?" He asked yet again.

"What else did you want me to do when I told you to let me go?" I said folding my arms glaring at him.

"Not to push me. I was hoping for a different reaction." He told me. I was taken aback because I didn't know what kind of reaction he was hoping for.

"What reaction?" I asked because I don't see no other reaction than pushing him.

"Panting and begging me to bend you over my desk and fuck you senseless." He said smugly.

"Excuse me? Who do you think I am? I am sorry to disappoint you Mr Rivers but am not a slut. I will not drop my panties and beg you to 'fuck me senseless'..." I air quoted. "because you kissed me on the neck. I don't know what the other women did when they came into your office but I am not them." I can't believe he thought I would do that because he made me an offer and kissed me on the neck.

"Why not? You came into my office didn't you?" He asked raising a brow.

"Yes I did but to get a job not sleep with you. I don't sleep around Mr Rivers so don't expect anything like that from me." I said staring daggers now.

His face was void of emotions so I do not know what he was thinking about. "Stop lying you wanted what all the others do."

"I'm not lying I don't want sex from you or your money or whatever you offered those other girls. If I had known that this was a sex interview I would never had wasted my time coming here and applied somewhere else. I should have known when I saw all those prostitute dresses outside. I can't believe I wanted to work for a man whose ego is larger than his office and a very arrogant jerk like you and before you apologise for your action you asked the dumbest questions and then accuse me of lying." I rant.

"That's what all you women want, sex and money so don't act like you are any different from all of them. You're just like them. A. Cheap. Slut." He said angry pointing an accusing finger at me when I was done ranting. I gasped and before I could think about my action it happened. I slapped him across the face and his head moved to the side.

We were too busy arguing we didn't hear when the door opened. Her eyes widened. I don't know if it was the way he insulted me or the fact that I slapped her boss across the face. I bet it's the latter. "I guess this isn't a good time." She said and closed the door behind her.

"Don't you dare call me a slut ever again Mr Rivers." I said through gritted teeth. I know I called him names first but I would never had said them if they wasn't true but what he said was untrue. I didn't came into his office throwing myself at him or where provocative clothes for him to have a front row view to my body.

I dressed like a professional woman, not a prostitute and here he is insulting me. He was angry now and I didn't care if he was I was also irated.

"So you get to call me names and I..." I cut him off before he could finish.

"No Mr Rivers I told you the truth about who you are and you're undermining my character by calling me a slut which I am not. Did I came in here charging after you and beg you to take me? Did I asked you for money or anything? No I came here for a job and you insulted me when I rejected you." I told him.

He stepped forward and I step back because of the look in his eyes and mostly I didn't trust him to come close to me. "I own you."

"You own me?" I let out a humourless laugh. "You can't own me Mr Rivers. I am not a material I am a person and you can't own a person. You couldn't even buy me because I'm not wearing a price tag, and I'm not free either." I told him standing my ground. I refuse to make him back me up into a corner like his prey.

He raised a challenging eyebrow at me. "You want to bet on that Ms Green. I will own you. From this day on you are mine and only mine."

"Is that so Mr Rivers? Your not the only person who can hire me. I can get job somewhere else." I told him confidently even if I wasn't sure about it.

"You are in my world now Ms Green." He said walking back to his desk. "From now on you're unemployed and the only place you can get a job is right in this office as my secretary."

"Good bye Mr Rivers." I told him and I was out of his office and out of the building. I have never met someone so self-absorbed in my life. I hope I never have to see him in my life ever again.

Now I will have to edit my cv and search for available job openings. Sigh
