
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · 都市
26 Chs

Chapter 17

"He's mine isn't he?"

My throat felt dry and parched. August who was obviously confused stared at the both of us with questioning eyes.

"W-why are you here?" I looked at our colliding bodies, my face felt warm nope my body felt warm, very warm.

"Hmm..." Darren hummed "Well..." I felt his hot breath on my ears. 'Too close' "I came to visit someone dear to me and received the greatest shock of my life"

"W-w-which is-s?" I tried my best to act oblivious.

"I have a son with a lovely woman" I felt suffocated all of a sudden, is he sweet talking with me?

"W-what makes you think his yours?" I closed my eyes slowly trying to muster up confidence.

I felt the grip on my waist tighter and our bodies pressing into each other. I was losing all senses.


I snapped back to reality. "Yes dear"

"Do you know popsicle man?" August pointed at Darren.

"Yes yes" Darren left me quickly and picked up August in his hand. " I am well acquainted with your mother in fact we go way back "

"Really?" August seemed excited hearing those words. Darren walked towards my office leaving me on a stand still.

"Mrs Gwendolyn " I turned to Mikel who had a delightful smile. "I'll be taking my leave"

"What just happened?" I stood there like lost like a child. I hurried into my office, I had to talk to Darren. But then again what was I suppose to tell him.

"August!!" I yelled as I stepped in. Startling my poor boy. Seeing both staring at me obviously waiting for me to say something, I cleared my throat. "Go downstairs and check if Jesse is at the third floor"

I could see he didn't want to leave but he didn't question me. He came down from Darren's arms and left the room hurriedly.

"Did you have to send him away?" Darren tilted his head with a sad smile. "Don't you want father and son to get to know each other?"

"I never said he was yours" I retorted angrily

"So he isn't mine?" Darren walked towards me slowly. Though he was still across the room I felt pressed against the wall.

I couldn't lie staring at those enchanting eyes. I stared at my feet, begging it to stop vibrating."no?"

I looked at his black shoes which were so shinny I could almost see my reflection in it. Stop being pathetic Gwen. He held my chin lightly and raised my head to face him.

"So is August my child?"

"And if I say yes"

"Well then I'll be delighted of course" he chuckled warmly. His hot minty breathe brushed through my face. Isn't this seduction?

I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him. But that didn't go in my favor the next minute I felt my arms pinned on the wall.


"Why didn't you tell me?" I could hear the suppressed anger in his voice. "That's cruel Gwen, did you hate me that much that you hid the fact you had a son from me for so long"

"I-i was going to tell you" I stammered. "I didn't expect you to come back this soon" I retorted, struggling to free myself from his hold.

"What made you think that way? Why in the world would you think that way?" His hold my hands were tighter than before, he was hurting me.

"Darren it hurts" I shut my eyes tightly, I didn't have any excuse but then again what would I have said.

"You were an heir to the Everest empire, I couldn't ruin your future with something as petty as a child" I opened my eyes slowly but felt cold sweat run down my face. I've seen Darren angry most times but this time was different.

"Do you really think I'd care?" He whispered sadly

"No one want to cater for a child with a girl they have no feelings for" my heart pricked me badly so much I felt like crying. This was the first time in a long time I'm being this vulnerable in front of him. Seeing him look at me that way brought back so many rejects to my memory.

The grip on my hand loosen, I pulled my hand out from his big palms. He gently caressed my cheeks, looking at him now he didn't seem angry anymore. He looked sad, it broke my heart seeing those midnight eyes sad. Darren pulled me to him in an instant, raising my chin lightly he placed a kiss on my lips.

What's going on? That's all I could think of. I felt the urge to resist but I couldn't. Why? My eyes involuntarily shut as I savoured or little kiss. When or lips finally parted I was still on cloud nine.

"I'm sorry" I opened my eyes and stared at Darren dazed by what happened. His face was flushed lightly, it made me wonder how red my face would be right now.

I quickly pulled away from him and adjusted my hair."it's (clears throat) it's fine"

"Would you give me another chance?"

Should I? I felt my heart throbbing. Deep down I wanted to but what if?, just what if?.

Elizabeth stomped through the quiet hallway. Her eyes had imaginary flames that scared any worker who passed her.

She was just bailed from the police cell, where she had spent an entire night with mosquitoes, roaches and worst of all, Felicia. Right now she reeked like the sewer and that alone made her feel like vomiting.

The police officers who happened to be on duty were different from those who arrested them. Turning the entire situation against her favor, they weren't allowed to make any call at that point in time. She wished she could head back to the station and blow their head off.

She has never felt so humiliated like this before. Darren Everest, a man who was both chesty and astoundingly handsome. She would have never thought in a million years he would call the cops on her.

"Back already" Elizabeth halted her steps and the to the man behind her. He was dressed in a butler attire and was much younger than her. He looked like a young teenager but slightly shorter than an average person.

"What is it this time Jude?" Her voice quivered due to the immense anger flowing through her veins.

"You have a job to attend to" Jude strode to her with a mocking smile. "Ahhh, you must have been through a lot to look like this" he stretched out a letter to her. "I'm deeply sorry for what happened, Master Everest is very hard to come by, I should have warned you before you left but oh well you were so confident I decided to test your words"

"One day I will plunge holes through that mouth of yours" she snatched the letter and read it thoroughly "is it urgent?"

"Not really, but she requests you handle it carefully and don't leave any trace" jude left her side and walked away in an opposite direction.

A man dropped off a taxi by the side of the road. He wore a long black coat and a face cap. He also wore a nose mask so his face can't be seen. He hurriedly walks among the pedestrians clinging tight to the briefcase in his hand.

After walking for quite some time he takes a right through an alley. The alley is very quiet and dull, he walks even faster in the alley when be hears footsteps behind him.

His eyes darts left and right trying to find an escape route.

Taking a hard right turn to another alley the man pulls out a gun and points it at the person who is tailing him. The person raises her arms in the air.

"Who are you?" He asked coldly

"Where is it?" Elizabeth glares at him through her side. "Hand it over and I'll forget anything happened"

"Who are you and how do you know about..." The man had sweat rolling down his face.

"From all the families in this city to actually steal from, you chose the Everests" she sucked her teeth in annoyance"you're quite dumb, do you know that?"

"Hey hey I'm supposed to do the talking lady" he pressed the gun on Elizabeth's head "now who are you?"

"Lucky you I happen to be in a terrible mood and happen to be delaying my time" Elizabeth growled, before the man could comprehend her next move, she swung her leg sending his head smack on the wall. The man shot at her but he missed which was he's down fall.

Elizabeth broke his wrist and caught the gun. Pointing it at the man."now, hand over the briefcase"

"Please don't shoot" the man dropped the briefcase on the ground slowly and stepped back from it. "Look I've dropped it "

"Did you see it's content?" She questioned as well.

"No no I didn't I was going to do that once I got home " he answered with a sincere look.

"I see" Elizabeth stared at him blankly, her eyes were filled with bloodlust and anger.


A thud on the ground followed with the loud sound.

"Fool" she kicked the man's leg and placed the gun in his hand on way that looked as if he committed suicide before leaving the corridor.

This was Elizabeth's true identity in the Everest Manor. She was the personal assassin of the family that erased any threat to the family.

Her phone rang in her pocket. It was written Boss, "it's done"




Outside Gwen's plaza.

Darren walked out of the plaza with a straight face. Mikel who stood beside the limo had crossed fingers. He stared at his boss with expectant eyes.

"Open the door" Mikel quickly opened the door and got in after Darren. He sat quietly beside Darren, he had so much to say but right now he decided to keep calm and wait for his boss to speak.

"She..." Mikel's crossed fingers tightened. "She said she would think about it, but would give me access to my son"

Normal one would expect him to be smiling but he wasn't. Mikel looked at his boss puzzled.

"I want access to Gwen too" a warm smile drew across Mikel's face. Many people misjudged his boss die to his looks and sometimes his behavior, but deep down his boss was a compassionate person and a man who had a pure heart.

Most men would be angry at a woman for keeping such secret away after which stomp out of the plaza. Some might be indifferent to the woman after her confession and only considerate about the child. But Darren wanted both in his life, both the woman who hid the secret from him and the secret himself (August).

"Why not get to know both of them while bonding with your son. I believe Mrs Gwendolyn would be pleased having you in her life. She just needs time" Mikel smiled cheerfully.

Darren turned to the once young boy who wouldn't let him be while he was overseas. A smile creeped up his face. "You've grown up to be a reliable person Mikel, just like you promised me"

Darren's words brought warmth to the man's heart. "Thank you sir"


I sat on my chair slowly grasping the situation I just encountered. My fingers brushed through my lips. "He kissed me?"

My face looked like a plum tomato right then I could just tell.

"Mommy?" August ran in immediately but slowly his face turned grim. "Where's popsicle man?"

I snapped back to reality and walked to him "da-dar... popsicle man got an-n urgent call? Yes, popsicle man had an urgent call"

"Ohhh.." he looked sober, still cute. I felt my heart clench, I felt like a villain right now but what the hell I needed to have some dignity. Jumping into his arms, what would he have thought of me? Cheap?

"Are you hungry?" I picked my son in my arm and walked back to my seat.

"Yess" he rested on my shoulders and clung to my neck loosely "I want a popsicle"

"But that's not food" I replied before cradling him. He turned to me with those eyes once more, those adorable eyes. How When?where?will I ever be able to down those eyes?