
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · 都市
26 Chs

Chapter 15

Words clogged in my mouth. Why was he here? Did he follow me? Gwen be reasonable.

"You seem shocked to see me" he bent closer to my face, my breath hitched. "Are you going to run again?"

I tried to talk but I didn't even know what to say."Darren-n" his name came out more like I needed him instead. It was so lewd my eyes shut, in an attempt to cover my mouth my hands danced around his chest.

Darren seemed stiff all of a sudden. "Gwen, I need to talk to you" I opened my eyes and stared at him. He looked serious, somewhat I felt my heart skip.

"(Clearing throat) excuse me sir I believe we were about leaving, can you let go of her" my face felt hot no my entire body felt hot. I then realized that I was body plastered to Darren.

"Can we talk Gwen?" Darren turned to face still having a tight grip on my waist. He's eyes brought back so many memories including the sad ones.

I was gaped from this world dancing in memory lane non-stop.

"Gwendolyn" I turned to Grey who had a sour expression on his face."let's go immediately, remember you have somewhere to be"

"Ahh, yes" I placed my hands on Darren's chest in an attempt to free myself but damn he wouldn't budge.

"I'll take you" Darren volunteered.

"I was going to do that mister" Grey walked towards us. What was this energy that was filling the atmosphere?

Grey stretched his hand to pull me but another guy popped out of nowhere and held his "let go of me" he sent a death glare.

"Believe me, I'm doing you a favor" the man bowed slightly.

Our little meeting began to attract some passerbys and I didn't like this. "Darren..." I whispered looked at the thin almost none existing space between our bodies. "... people are watching"

Darren was quiet for a while and slowly let go of me. "Thank you" yeah said to soon.

I felt my feet off the ground.

"Darren!!!" I panicked.

He picked me up in a princess style and walked away from the crowd.

"Hey!!" Grey yelled " I'm talking to you"

Darren stopped walking and turned to Grey who was adjusting his jacket and walking towards us.

"Let her go" Grey looked more serious and less composed than he usually was.

They were both tall and I couldn't help but wonder why they tried to look down on each other.

Darren glanced at me to get a reply. Why me? My heart skipped a beat

"Put me down please"

He did so without even faltering. "Grey, thank you for the dinner today please can you take Jesse back to the plaza, I'd like her to take care of my schedule"

Grey seemed shocked but I couldn't do anything, I really wanted to hear what Darren had to say. "Thank you"

"You're leaving with him" I nodded slowly and smiled reassuringly

"Don't worry about me, I know him"

The man who held Grey's hand walked to us and stretched his hand.

"Follow him Gwen" I looked at Darren and quickly looked away and followed the man.

Darren stared at Mr Grey for a long time. "It was nice meeting you" His words were a huge contrast with the stoic face he has.

Grey tilted his head and scoffed "Must be a hot cake to think you have Gwendolyn wrapped in between your fingers so easily" Darren scrutinized Grey from head to toe. It stung his heart that Gwen was with a guy this good looking but it also irritated him that the man wasn't up to his caliber.

"I am a hot cake, but you got something wrong. Gwen has me wrapped in between her fingers" a vein popped up on Grey's head. A bright dashing smirk grew across Darren's face before he walked away.

Grey glared at the retreating figure of Darren. "Mr Grey?" Jesse cautiously walked towards him.

"Do you know him?" Grey still had his eyes locked on Darren.

"No, this is my first time meeting him" Jesse was puzzled and confused. She has never seen such a man daring as the man who stood beside her boss. "But it seems my boss is well acquainted with him"

Grey sighed out heavily to calm down. He turned to Jesse with a smile "let's go"

The two left for Mr Grey's car. Along the way Grey couldn't stop thinking about Gwen and the man who held her. He felt so angry when the man picked Gwen in a princess style. Who was he to Gwen? But for some reason he had a hint of who he might be.

He's looks were almost identical to Gwen's son, August. Grey's hands were balled in as fist. He felt so jealous he wished he had punched the man in the face.

Jesse kept glancing at Grey with a worried about him. She knew he had interest in her boss but now a mysterious man appeared out of nowhere.

Looks, Status, Money, Aura. To Jesse she has just encountered the greatest love rival match of the century.


I sat beside Darren quietly. I could feel my hands sweaty and sticky. I had my eyes glued to my hands. Why was I so nervous? I couldn't figure out a thing in my head. It was all messed up.

"Stop here" Darren said to his driver. My breath hitched and my heart beat accelerated.

"Yes sir" the car stopped immediately, I looked up to see where we were.

"Highway?" I asked, finally looking at him. He smiled warmly and stepped out of the car. I opened the door as well but Darren was there. Reflexes kicked in and I tried to close the door.

"Are you that angry at me?" I stopped midway and looked at him. His eyes looked sad but he still smiled. Why was I acting this way? It wasn't anger no it was guilt, guilt of hiding a big secret from him but then again it wasn't my fault he didn't love me or did he love me?

I stepped out of the car, my back was leaning on the door. Although Darren was at least 2 steps away he felt so close to me.

"You had something to talk about?" I looked at our surrounding, the highway was quiet. It was some what lonely up here well that was how I felt.

"Yes I wanted to" Darren started. He loosen his tie a little bit. He looked nervous, Darren nervous? Something I never believed I'd see.

His lips gaped but no words came out. He was fretting.

"So?" I found his behavior amusing and cute. Gwen!!

"Who was the man at the parking lot?" He looked away as soon as he asked. My amusement turned to annoyance. This wasn't the question I expected.


"Well, he seemed to be close to you and you also seem close to him. I just wanted to know who he was and the kind of relationship you both have" Darren backed away slowly. "It's fine if you are dating him or want to it's none of my..."

He paused a bit and turned to me

"You haven't seen me for 6 good years and the first question that pops up is about a guy" i took two steps towards him "are you so daft?"

"Daft?" Darren stared at me a stepped closer" he called you by your name like you're his girlfriend what do you expect me to think?"

"That doesn't mean anything" I scoffed "To think I was actually waiting for you to contact me"

"you blocked me out of your life like I was a criminal" Darren stepped closer leaving a few inches between us.

"That doesn't mean anything, at least you could have tried to see me" I stepped back, he was gradually closing the distance between us. "I never called you a criminal"

"You must hate so much to do that" he voice sounded pained.

"I don't hate you" I looked away when he stood up close to me. "I was just trying to keep a distance, that doesn't mean anything" I glared at him.

"You ran away when we met each other at the party" I couldn't help but bite my lower lip. I guess the saying actions have consequences were true after all.

"I tried to find you Gwen but you cut me out. I made contact with your friends but no one knew your whereabouts" Darren closed his mouth as if he had something to say but was contemplating."I began staking you since the party"

"Why go through all that just to talk to me" My voice was low and calm. I really wanted to hear those words, those words i couldn't hear that night. There was a long silence between us, a long agonizing silence that i wished Darren would do something about.

"I don't know " I felt instant disappointment, he didn't even have a clue.

"You're really daft" I couldn't look at him anymore, to think I was already floating on cloud nine, waiting for his confession then we share a true love kiss. Nonsense, I pushed him away and opened the car door. I picked my things and walked out of him.

"Let me take you..." Darren stretched his hands to me.

"Don't touch me " I yelled at him before walking away. My heart hurt so much I felt like wailing like a child.


Darren stood there looking at his hand, he felt bad. Did he say something wrong?

"Sir!!?" He turned to Mikel whose face was twitching.

"What is it?" Darren was sobber he couldn't even be strict.

Mikel on the other hand who have been eavesdropping on their conversation was beyond bewildered. His boss was a hottie who knew absolutely nothing to do with his feelings.

He was overjoyed when he convinced his boss to stalk Miss Gwen and talk to her but to think his boss would drain all his efforts. That was beyond enraging, but what could he do to punish his boss and not lose his job as well.

Darren turned to Gwen who was miles away. "Mikel"

"Yes sir"

"Make sure she gets home safely" Darren got into the car. "Let's go"

Brandon glanced at his boss through the mirror before he drove out.

Mikel who watched the car leave, bit his tongue harshly."I need a salary increase"


I got to the plaza a little bit late. Jesse sat outside with both August and her daughter in her arms. They were watching some videos on her phone.

"Mommy!!!" August who had spot me first ran towards me with open arms.

"Hi baby" I picked him up and hugged him tight. "How was school?"


"Welcome ma" Jesse stood up and bowed slightly. I smiled and rubbed her hair softly.

"Thank you Jesse"

"Took you long enough" I jolted in fear and turned to the voice behind me.

"Mr Grey" he emerged from the door. He still had a sour look on his face.

"We both waited for you" he glanced at the gates with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah I'm sorry" I smiled "August go get your things, Jesse you too I'll drop you off"

They both left while I held Jesse's daughter.

"Mind explaining?" I turned to Grey with arched brows.

"Explaining??" He nodded slowly and looked at the gates.

"The guy from this afternoon, who is he?" I got agitated and annoyed.What was up with men.

"A friend, a very close friend" I replied calmly though I felt anger coasing through my veins.

"A friend?" He inquired once more.

"Yes a friend" I replied once more before heading to my car. Today turned out to be the most bittersweet moment of my life.

"Are you sure he isn't more..." he tailed behind me hurriedly.

Thank you for lunch today Mr Grey, I really appreciate it " I bowed to him before walking away.

"Mommy, I'm ready" I smiled at August's behavior at least he had a good day. That was enough to soothe my pain.

"Let's go baby" I helped him get into the car and placed Jesse baby beside him.

Once every one got in I drove out of my plaza. Pouring all my anger on the steering wheel on the accursed traffic up ahead.