
You're Welcome

Bored from repeating the same old routines in party, he decides to leave the mansion for a walk... .He was walking through what he thought the most beautiful mansion in the town. 'I'd spent most of his highschool life here' he thought. Each corner of the wall was beautifully carved, and the designs were made with complete care. With the combination of sky blue and spotless white paint, it was looking like a palace from the fairyland. Greeneries around the mansion was adding more beauty to it. As he admired the mansion, he recalled his own mansion,which never really felt like home to him. He and Michael shared a sort of friendship he never really understood but left it that way. On his way out he passes through some regular faces either wasted or smooching at a corner of the mansion. A drunk student came shouting " You want a piece of me!, why don't we go...you and me?" at Jordan's front. Jordan tried to ignore despite his wanting to show him his place but the drunk kept on shouting "Coward, fuck you!"

He then unconsciously through the bottle in his hand at the already pissed Jordan.The sound of glass shattering had gotten everyone's attention just in time to see a taste of the beast as they called him.

The pissed yet calm Jordan had punched the drunk boy multiple times till he was sure he left a mark and was about to give more when a hand held him.

"Jordan, bro you gotta chill, he's just drunk" Michael said trying to calm his friend down knowing what might happen next if he allowed him. Thankfully, Jordan gave in and left with a shrug, leaving everyone in a shocked state from what they just witnessed.

'That's nothing' He thought with a smirk on his face.

Dressed in an all black attire he blended quite well in the darkness on his way home.

He was particularly used to these streets with the beautiful mansions. Walking farther he's now in another street which didn't have any mansions but rather moderate and dimples duplexes.He walks past a few shops which were closing at the time and he hears a scream...he could make out what he just heard, 'a female' he thought "Stop, don't hurt me" the lady kept on saying.

Moving towards the source of the sound, he could now see two guys trying to steal from a girl. He wanted to continue walking but then he heard a shout from someone "Jordan!!." She shouted "Help me!" not sure what he could actually do seeing there were two crazy guys here.

He turned only to meet her brown eyes recalling she's Mia from his Chemistry classes, the straight A student. Suddenly a sort of rage flowed through his veins at the sight of those two guys who were at first unafraid of him but now saw something changed about him...something that made them fear him.

A left jab on one of the thieves, sent him flying across the road groaning in agony and he was sure would stay that way for some time. Now he was focused on the other thief holding Mia and threatening to hit her if Jordan made a move. All these fascinated Jordan...'how ignorant of him' he thought of the thief and smirked. This surely sent chills to his present opponent.

Jordan wasn't one to be patient and make deals so he surged forward and maneuvered the thief freeing Mia from his grip. He was now able to hit him without hitting Mia.

He punched him hard in the face but then what he did next was a shocker to Mia.

She could see him twisting the thiefs arm, making a very disturbing sound which assured her the man's arms were broken.

'Jordan didn't seem like he would stop hitting these men anytime soon from ' Mia thought

"Jordan" she called softly scared to tap him "Please Stop, its enough" she said audibly enough for him to hear. Finally, he gave in and left them lying, half dead on the floor. Mia was able to clearly look at his face now. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had an appearance that would make him stand out in crowd. His Jet black hair was jusy atone to his outfit, His face which was the only part of his skin not in black was pale white. She could see red stains on his face..."blood" she gasped alarmingly now noticing him staring back at her.

She saw his bright blue eyes and was just trapped by them. "you've got blood on your face" she gestured pointing at his face. She got no reply and he made no attempt to clean it. "Let me get that for you" she said going through her purse for a handkerchief. She moved over to his side and cleaned all the blood stains with it. After awkward moments of standing she decided to introduce herself "I'm" .."Mia" for the first time she heard him call her name was soothing to her ears."Yes" she replied partially scared.

He sensed He'd probably scared her and was on his way home. "Wait!" she shouted bringing him to a halt. "Thanks Jordan. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't save me. I'd like to return the favour someday. the kindest thing he'd heard all day.

'Surely you will' he thought. He was surprised that he got intrigued by her features and how he had felt knowing she would get hurt, something that he never felt...A protective feeling.

"You're welcome" he muttered, back on his path home with Mia on his mind 'What's going on with me' he thought, definitely feeling things he never felt before...


I hope y'all enjoyed the start of my book. I'm aware of some mistakes I made and I'd be pleased to entertain suggestions, thanks.