
Crap, the hottest guy in school is my employee

"He Xin High School."

Panic was about to surface. Qi Qing caught her reaction and stepped in.

"Well ain't you hard working. Kids nowadays hardly will consider coming out to work. What makes you want to join the work force so soon?"

"My uncle said he needed help and I was thinking it is time I started saving up for University so here I am."

"Good for you. Go on and enjoy the refreshments before it runs out."

Qi Qing turned to the group and informed that meeting will start in 10 mins.


At the end of the meeting, everyone was back to work and the CEO went back into her office with Qi Qing.

"I forgotten to ask, how was school today? I heard from the body guard that there was an accident but no injuries. What happen after?"

"Well... Let me take off my mask first."

Qi Qing closed off the blinds locked the door and face the little girl in front of her.

"Well, just now that boy. What is this the story? Come on spill."

"I knew you caught it. Hahaha... Well he is the guy I knock on to this morning. I was going down hill too fast and he ran out to save a cat that was on the pathway and we collided."

"Kind hearted. Good husband material. Go on. I feel there is more to it."

"Why can't I hide things from you?!?" She drag herself from behind her desk to the sofa and lay down. "I was walking to collect my bike and I saw a crowd at the basketball court. I walked over and saw him playing there. He waved at me. So I walked away and rushed home. And that's all."

"Ooh... Juicy. So he is very popular. Well that can be seen from his look. Is that really all? This old lady here haven't had drama happening recently and I'm getting a little bored."

"Well you can always go out and find a boyfriend or husband. I'm not stopping you. Plus you are already 24. Not young anymore. "

"But I have to take care of a 14 year old kid. She is very deligent in her work but at times she can be pretty handful too. I don't think I am game for a relationship or having a family yet."

"That's what the old hag says."

"Stop rolling your eyes. There is nothing much for today. Shall we wrap it up and go back?"

"Let's go. I hope I don't bump into him later."

"Then let's bump into him and stop rolling your eyes."

At the back of her mind, Qi Qing is hoping that something good might come out of this.

"I have look through the list of candidates. Arrange for a meeting up this week and let's get a replacement soon. Else my studies might be affected. If that heppens, we both might be eaten by the tigress (my mother)"

"OK. I'll update you on the schedule."
