
It's started at the event in our school

作者: Shan_Bobis
連載中 · 1.3K ビュー
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What is It's started at the event in our school

WebNovel で公開されている、Shan_Bobis の作者が書いた It's started at the event in our school の小説を読んでください。...



Horror thoughts

Content warning: Horror thoughts She waits with a watchful eye, staring at the pasta. It doesn’t boil. Pacing back and forth across the empty kitchen with the useless pots and pans still in the creaky cupboard, she adds another pinch of salt to the pasta. It still doesn’t boil. She thinks about putting on a bit of music while she waits, but the downstairs neighbors hate when she does that, and she can’t remember where she last left her headphones. They might be in her coat pocket or they might not, perhaps she left them on top of the back bed in the room with the leftover textbooks. Or maybe she didn’t, maybe she left them hanging off the tiny coat rack, right next to her keys. Wherever she left them it’s too much work to run and find them, especially when the pot might boil soon. As soon as it boils, she’ll put the pasta in. As soon as it boils. The tiny apartment is only temporary, and the only burner fizzles on her. She coaxes it, fights it, begs it to make a bigger flame but it does not, settling proudly for the dull little spark that it is. Blowing on a flame coaxes a campfire; she wonders if it’ll help the stove. Probably not. She watches the blue flame dance and stares right through it. Her phone lights up. She has a notification, another message she’s not going to read. Why bother, when she knows exactly what it will say? Still, she checks the name. She reads the first two letters and flips the phone over, wincing as it lands a bit too hard on the counter. Fortunately, it’s not cracked. Unfortunately, that part of the counter is still covered in uncleaned bacon grease from his disaster yesterday, and now her phone is too. The television buzzes a commercial from the living area, or whatever passes as such. She cranes her neck to check the ad, but it's not selling anything good, just some sort of medical plan for old people, the kind of thing she couldn't afford even if she chopped off both arms and sold them. When she left home, she swore up and down she wasn’t ever going to be the kind of person who left the TV on. She wasn’t going to eat in front of it, didn’t even need a good model really, just something to use to occasionally watch old cartoons and maybe a new show if he wanted to. Now, the TV is always on, always buzzing, always saying something, just a little too quiet to hear. The pot on the stove is still not boiling. She thinks she remembered to top the water off with cold water, but maybe she didn’t. She wonders if throwing in a tablespoon or two now will change anything. Probably not; her greasy phone buzzes again. She flips it over, checks the name, and turns it back down. He’s not going to write her. She knows that. Still, she checks, just in case. Banana bread would probably be a smart thing to make,

Zoha_meer · 若者
1 Chs

Survival of the Fittest

The Republic of Herculean Misava lives by the saying, “Survival of the Fittest.” The island is isolated from civilization and lives by laws and values that would cause a riot in our modern-day world. Everyone has only ever known a certain way of living and everyone lives by it without question. Galaxy, Stone, Major, Icterine, Falcon and 6, try to navigate this harsh world as they try to understand why it is the way it is. “ Secrets fill every society in the world. Our world is no different. The Misava people live on an island far away from civilization. Our leaders believe it is safer so we can protect the world we've created and so no one can change the values we have. Our world is different from yours in many ways. We live by our genetic material and what it tells us. Our society believes everything is written in there and it reveals information that is vital to our status. The process of determining this is hidden in the few geneticists available in our world, and they are a rarity that holds this secret. Another important factor is the number 12. The number 12 is used and evident in every society. There are a few rules but nothing too protecting from harm since the motto of the state is, "Survival of the Fittest." The Misava people live by these laws and hold them dearly. Welcome! The jobs of the republic give you your rank as follows: (1 is the lowest and twelve is the highest) 1) Dancer 2) Cleaner 3) Waiter 4) Teacher 5) Police Officer 6) Athlete 7) Doctor 8) Singer 9) Writer 10) Veterinarian 11) Astronaut 12) Leader 12 jobs. In the 84th 12th year, 1008 years to be exact have passed since the Misava people have existed. It is the twelfth month, December, the last day of the month which will bring us to the 84th 12th year, 1009 years since the Republic of Herculean Misava was created. The country has 12 days in a week and they are called by the numbers representing them.”

micahbotha · SF
42 Chs

Walking Dead Fanfiction

This is a Walking Dead fanfiction. I'm not a good writer by any means; I'm a college student and on break, so I thought I'd write this. Im feeling motivated at the moment, but human nature is fickle, and I'm human, so once I lose interest or get busy, I'll probably drop or just stop updating. The stories meant to follow James Cardigan, and it's supposed to be self-insert or reincarnation, but I don't really have chapters planned or anything planned, to be honest, so give some thoughts or ideas, and I might implement them. (If you want it to be self-insert say so; if you don't want it say so, it's pretty adjustable.) I don't want this to be a crack fic where MC gets power-ups and goes on a rampage, banging every woman he meets; I would rather try to build a realistic world (as real as one can make a zombie-infested world), one that follows characters around or close to the MC, main POV being from the MC—focusing on the survivalist theme of the original work. Also, it's supposed to be set at the initial onset of the virus outbreak; there's no real cause given that causes the mass outbreak of The Walking Dead in the series. Like they have to die to turn into a walking dead, so what caused all the mass death that caused the virus to balloon to where it was when Rick woke up a month later? I'm trying to unravel this mystery while writing this initial opening. Give me some advice feedback, criticism, whatever, anything welcome. (don't own anything from the original work)

lusty_maidzz21 · テレビ
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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