
2. The beginning

Acelina slowly opened her eyes. There was a pleasant smell in the air . A faint gleam of light was seeping in to the room through big red embroidered curtains. " Wait?! Red curtains. I didn't have those in my house!" . Memories of the past events filled her mind like a waterfall. Eventually she got her thoughts together and tried to take a look around the room. She was laying in a cradle with a ton of bedding that made her quite stuffy. After some intense struggles, she remembered her body was not that capable, so all she could examine was the ceiling. To her surprise it did not disappoint. Beautiful embroidery was displayed, a huge painting in the middle indicated that this world was somehow similar to medieval times. By the size of the selling, the room was quite large. This indicated that her parents, or looking at yesterday's happenings, her father was quite a prestigious person with power.

Acelina heard the sound of doors opening. They were opended lightly, as if not wanting to disturb someone, in this case the baby sleeping in the room. Light footsteps were walking towards the cradle. A young woman leaned over to look at the baby. She was wearing a maid outfit and had her hair in a neat bun. When she saw that Acelina had her eyes brightly opened, she started smiling and picked up the baby. " Hi, I'm Agatha, i'll be your personal nanny from today."she said as she held the baby lovingly " Well aren't you a cutie. I'm sure you'll be stuning when you grow up. Don't worry, even if your father is a cruel tyrant and everybody in the castle hates your existance, I will still take care of you with my best capabilities" she blurted out while smiling, with a little pity in her eyes.

'Wait, what are you saying to a baby!' internaly screamed Acelina ' why should it matter that babys don't understand and besides is my father really that bad?' she continued to converse with herself.

Suddenly the air in the room dropped a few degrees. "What are you saying to my daughter?" a man with a piercing ice glare was looking at the maid. His domineering stane released presure that filled the whole room as if gaining complete control of the surroundings. Poor Agatha couldn't even stand straight and started shaking while pressing Acelinas head near her chest. After regaining her composure she greeted the man standing near the entrance " Glory to the emperor ". Although she managed to say something, she still did not dare to raise her head. Acelina also panicked as she felt a chill go through her body. ' What the emperor? What is he doing here? Is he going to kill me, should i be afraid?' still not being able to see the man that came in, she got flustered when, the man spoke once again. Still mainting the cold demeanor, he said " I came to see my daugter" raising his eyebrow slightly, in a bit of a mocking tone he said" Am I not alowed?"

Agatha seemed so flustered she could only let out a quiet "yes your majesty". The man walked to the cradle. " How do I hold her?" the man felt kinda emberesed for not knowing such simple things, but still there standing in his own confidence like everything is according to his plans." Drape her head and back over your forearm.

Make sure that the baby's head is turned outward, resting near the crook of your arm, your majesty" she said half trembeling because of the pressure in the room.

Agatha hesitently gave over Acelina to him afraid that the baby will strat crying and will be punished. What she didnt know that his terifying aura wasn't felt by Acelina at all because he especialy protected her from it so she wouln't be frightened. Although seeing her face terrified was tempting. ' Hmmm...where have I seen him before' 'wait isn't that dad?' 'so if he's the emperor wouldn't that make me a princess?....


No i don't want that, i want to have a leisurely life and now i might be sold of to someone , isn't that how it works in novels?' Acelina complained to herself.

Unfortunately her father couldn't hear any of that and only saw two bright eyes staring at him with interest. "She looks like me" he said with a steady tone, Agatha could almost see a smile emerging and cheerfully said " Yes, she does,your majesty", but the answer was not quite like she expected " I don't like it" as the temperature droped again, Agatha hopelesly lowered her head.

'Excuse me I can hear you, you know. And besides all daughters look like their fathers, it's a known fact' Acelina was not very happy with the way her father treated her. Wanting to show her frustration she tried to get her hands up getting ready to punch him.

Her father saw her tiny hand and couldn't hold back the urge to hold them. His big and rough hand took her hand and held them with the upmost care as if he was afraid to break them. A warm surge could be felt in the room and a devilish smile appeared on his face. Acelina stopped the weak struggling of hers and looked at the man in front of her. She felt the warmth coming from his hands and relaxed her mind that was rampaging a second ago. Is this what a father was like? She thought to herself and tears started to flow onto her already red cheeks. She never experienced this in her previous life so this scene made her very happy and very sad at the same time. 'Will I finaly be able to have a parent?' tear started rolling from her eyes.

The man saw Acelina starting to cry and quickly released her hand thinking he pressed it too hard. The startled man looked at Agatha with worry, as if asking, what he should do. Agatha started panicking, thinink the emperor would get mad, so she hurried over to the them and picked Acelina up in her arms. But to her surprise, she didn't stop crying and just started to cry more. Agatha started lightly swinging her, to calm her down. The emperor looked scared and the atmosphere of the room started getting heavy again. Agatha noticed that Acelina was struggling while lifting her hand torwards the emperror. A smile came upon her face, as she raised her head to speak. "I think the little princess wants you to hold her again" in a calm tone she said while handing her to the emperor.

Those words truly startled the man as he took her into her arms with a confused expression. As soon as he placed her on his chest, Acelina calmed down and got in a comfortable position. After feeling the overly comfortable warmth again she fell asleep. The mans eyes were glimmering with hope, love and a small glimpse of heartbreak as she fell asleep in his arms. He was not planing to have a child any time soon, if he could he didn't want to have a heir at all, but he couldnt' resist the small thing in his hands as he felt her tiny heart beating he could fell his own heart melting away.
