

Issei used Soru to appear behind Raynare. Raynare was surprised at his speed. He shot his index finger towards her, intending to use Shigan.

Suddenly, someone jumped in between them. Issei's index finger hit a spear-like weapon and broke it easily.

The person who blocked his attack was a tall and buxom woman with brown eyes and long, navy blue hair that obscured her right eye.

Her attire consisted of a maroon, trenchcoat-like top with a wide collar, a matching miniskirt, and black heeled shoes. The trenchcoat top was open at her chest, giving a view to her breasts and cleavage. She also wore a gold necklace around her neck. She appears to wear a white shirt underneath her top, but it can only be seen from the bottom

Her name is Kalawarna and she is also a Fallen Angel.

Issei narrowed his eyes. He thrusted his index finger forward a little. Kalawarna widened her eyes and spat out blood.

Issei had used Tobu Shigan(Flying Finger Gun) on her. It is the projectile version of Shigan that fires a sharp compressed air shockwave from the finger thrust.

Kalawarna landed on the ground and fell unconscious. Raynare gritted her teeth and created more light spears. She threw them all towards Issei.

Issei dodged them and appeared behind Raynare once again. He chopped her neck with his hand and knocked her out.

He caught her and landed on the ground. He looked at his unconscious attackers and sighed.

"What am I going to do now?"



"Ugh....." Raynare groaned and blinked repeatedly. She opened her eyes fully and looked around her. She widened her eyes as she was in an unknown environment.

She tried to get up but she couldn't. She was being tied up to the chair by thick rope. She looked at Kalawarna who was in the same situation as her. Kalawarna was trying very hard to escape but she couldn't.

"Shit." Raynare cursed and tried to break free from her binds.

"You're finally awake."

Raynare looked at Issei who was smiling at them while sitting on his own chair. Raynare growled.

"Release us damnit!" Raynare demanded. Issei shook his head.

"I can't do that. You and your friend would only run back to your superiors and report to them about what happened." Issei replied. Kalawarna gritted her teeth.

" I'll let you free on one condition. " Issei grinned at them. He leaned forward and looked at them in the eyes.

"Be my maids." Issei offered. Raynare glared at him.

"Like hell we will! We're not gonna become someone's slave!" Raynare immediately replied.

"I'm giving you a second chance to live here. You don't wanna anger the Red Dragon Emperor do you? " Issei asked while making the Boosted Gear appear and cover his left arm.

Kalawarna gulped as she stared at the gauntlet. "Your job as my maids is simple. Cook for me and take care of the house while I'm off to school." Issei explained.

" Th-that's it? " Raynare asked not believing him one bit. Issei nodded.

" That's it. Oh and don't try to run away. I know your energy signatures and I'll chase you down. Once I do I'll kill you. " Issei bluffed unbeknownst to them. He would just capture them again.

" So? What do you say? You wanna live or do you wanna die right here? " Issei asked while flaring up some of his aura. Kalawarna felt like she couldn't breathe. Raynare was breathing in and out heavily.

"Okay! Okay! We'll be your m-maids." Raynare stuttered with a small blush on her face. Issei smiled. The Boosted Gear disappeared and he stood up.

"Good choice." Issei whispered and untied them. The girls stood up and dusted themselves off.

"Here are some clothes for you." Issei handed them some of his spare clothes. Raynare and Kalawarna stared at the clothes.

"Do you want them or not? Your clothes are pretty revealing. And I don't think I can control myself if you keep wearing them." Issei grumbled. Raynare blushed in embarrassment. She quickly grabbed the clothes and handed some of them to Kalawarna.

"Look away!" Raynare demanded. Issei smiled and turned around. After waiting for a couple of seconds, Raynare told him to turn around again.

Issei smiled at them. They looked very cute. They were wearing his clothes which were oversized for them.

"Come on, I'm starving. I'll show you guys the kitchen." Issei grabbed their hands and guided them to his kitchen.

Raynare and Kalawarna were staring at his hands intently. Raynare was trying not to stab Issei while Kalawarna was blushing up a storm.

"Here's the kitchen. Ingredients are in the fridge and the cooking equipment is over there. Now, please cook something up for me. I'll be sitting over there. " Issei grinned at them and sat on the dining table. He was staring at the girls who were not moving a single inch.

" Go on. I'm waiting. " Issei encouraged them. Kalawarna looked at Raynare who shrugged. They started cooking something for Issei. Meanwhile, Issei was watching their every step intently. He was staring at their heavenly bodies. Their curves, their busts and their plump ass. Issei slapped himself to snap out from his trance.

"Stop that bro. You already got over staring at girls." Issei scolded himself. But he couldn't resist. So he gave up and started staring at them again.

Raynare was very focused on her cooking. She didn't know Issei was staring at her. However, Kalawarna knew everything and she was very flustered about it.

Having a man watching her cook made Kalawarna have butterflies in her stomach. She was nervous, but she also wanted to do her best to impress him. She didn't know why, but that was what she wanted.

After a few minutes of cooking, the girls were done. Kalawarna set the plate in front of Issei and stood to the side with Raynare.

Issei immediately dug in. "Mm!" He immediately smiled as he bit into the rice with gravy. He ate the food quickly.

After he was finished, he looked at the girls and smiled. "The food is delicious. I didn't know Fallen Angels could cook so well." Issei grinned at them. Raynare huffed and looked away.

" Now it's your turn to sit down, because it's my turn to cook for you two." Issei grinned. The girls looked at each other and blinked repeatedly.

"Hehehe." Issei chuckled and grabbed their hands. He guided them to the dining table and pulled out chairs for them. The girls sat down.

Issei immediately went to work. Raynare and Kalawarna were staring at Issei cooking intently.

They could immediately smell the fragrance of what Issei was cooking. They started drooling because of how good it smelled.

After a few minutes, Issei finished cooking. He grinned as he set down one plate in front of Raynare and Kalawarna.

Raynare gulped as she stared at the Omurice dish in front of her. 'Is it shining?!' Raynare thought to herself. Kalawarna was thinking the exact same thing.

"Dig in while it's hot. It's delicious I promise." Issei encouraged them. Raynare and Kalawarna grabbed a spoon and took a bite out of the omurice.

They immediately widened their eyes. Issei smirked.

[Cooking: Lvl Max

Cooking God. Foodgasm for the win.]

The girls clothes were blasted away as they became fully naked. Their bodies were stimulated by the heavenly food they had just consumed.



To be continued...
