

Hiding beneath the bed, I stare at the booted feet of the person in front of the bed as he slowly looks around the bedroom. Looking for something or someone. Looking for me. My mouth is tightly clasped by shaking hands, these hands belong to my mother, she's scared and so am I.

The owner of the legs in front of the bed start to crouch down probably looking for me. They're getting further and further down. My eyes start widening in fear. I didn't want to die.

My mother whispers...




Silently, a pair of eyes watches where heaven meets earth, lost in the rhythmic percussion of the waves on sand.

Through the resounding glowing collisions, sparks sets the sky alight.

Blood poured, as the glory of paradise slowly disappears behind the edge of the world.

Like all things, it has to come to an end.

The sun had set.

Their thin lips bear the semblance of a frown, just enough to show he is dissatisfied with his thoughts.

When the last rays of the heavens passing had vanished from existance, the greens and the purples melts into grey under the silver glow of moonlight.

As mist danced from the forest, it clung to every surface. It was acting like an eraser, erasing the city's existance from the world. Although he knew there wasn't anyone left there, the place still carried memories and emotions of the time before.

All the street lights were being overpowered by the mist as it turned into a dense fog, as if it was blocking all prying eyes from seeing the reality that lived within the city.

'My reality' He thought as a sigh escapes his lips.

As he looks into the distance, a playful smile appears on his well defined face.














"Hello" The boy says to the brown haired boy in front of him.

Behind the brown haired boys eyes, you could see you and relief, but the most prominent emotion, the emotion he is led by is, Fear.

















I was breathing heavily. Not from the heat nor the fatigue, not from my lack of physical capability.

From fear.

Pure fear.

It found me.


The wind slowly caressed my face, as if saying 'go back, it won't hurt you'.

As if.

There was only one thing it would do: Kill.

There was only one thing I could do: Run.

Why did I leave? I thought I wanted some adventure, some risks and some danger. This was not what I wanted.

My legs are weakening. They're now shaking, breaking the strong facade i once had.

As if sensing my thoughts, the creature behind me laughs and grins.

I saw movement. Movement that could only belong to a human. I force my legs to go faster.

Faster than ever before.

The corner is coming closer and closer.

Hope starts welling up.

It was short lived...


Something had grabbed hold of my legs making me fall over.

It was a long claw. There was only thing this could belong to. It was that.

The hope was quickly replaced by despair as I was dragged, slowly. It did that to enjoy my despair.

Warm tears stroll down my cold and muddy face, leaving a mark behind.

Silently, I hope to be saved by someone or something.

I closed my eyes anticipating the worse, nothing happens. The claw around my leg is losing its strength.

Gathering the strength to open my eyes, i see...

A face, a handsome face, the kind that makes you stop in your tracks. He had smooth white skin, a mesmerising pair of light green eyes. They reminded me of emerald; pure, beautiful and a piece if art. A small playful smile rests gently upon his face. He was slim, yet muscular.

He runs his hand in his tousled jet black hair as he says: "Hello"
