
Is lovin' you a risk?

WARNING ⚠️ Slow burn book Did you forget about me so soon?....... I told you it was a mistake, I didn't mean for any of it to happen?.... Catherine said in a frustrated manner. You didn't mean for it to happen but you finance did. He said with a smirk........ ............................ Catherine is innocent, strong-willed and a tad emotional. She is a beautiful and loving lady, up until she was used as a tool of exchange by her fiance and was bitterly betrayed by her cousin(Chloe). She sacrificed her dignity, freedom and other rights to seek vengeance and take back her father's company, which was in possession of her uncle and under the mercy of her disloyal fiance. She agreed to a contract marriage and found herself entangled in a stream of emotions. Battling love,death and lots of drama, find out if she loving Kelvin really is a risk worth taking. I Agree.....she said as he turned around What took you so long.....He said with a smirk I had to think about it......She answered Let's get married........He said

Ivy_Rafatullah · 都市
24 Chs

Chapter 9 Pin 15519

Starline Mansion

Anything else?, Catherine asked. Let's get married.

^ . ^

NOW?!, She asked surprised. Yes now, when do you want us to sign the marriage certificate if not now?, or could it be that you are still not willing to marry me?, Kelvin asked. No, that's not what I meant, it's just..... I didn't expect us to get to sign the marriage certificate today and I'm ready, Catherine said trying to summon a little courage.

Then if you are ready let's go, Kelvin said as he stood up. Like this?, Catherine asks as she looks down at her outfit. Kelvin looked at her and said.

This is just a Contract Marriage, It's not real. He said with no hint of emotion. Oh, Catherine said realizing she gave too much importance to a contract marriage. I'll be right back, Kelvin said as he went up the stairs.

5 Minutes Later

Kelvin came down, wearing white jean, a lindworm shirt leaving the first three buttons open, a black loafers with a brown coloured belt.

Set?, he asks. Yes, Catherine said snapping out of her thoughts as she stood up. Kelvin then walks towards the door, leaving Catherine to walk behind him. Catherine follows right behind leaving an appropriate distance. When they got to the garage, he picks up a key on the shelf and pressed the button on the key. A harvest gold Lamborghini Aventador blinked it's lights, on a roll of luxurious cars.

Kelvin stylishly walked towards the car and got inside the car. Do you want me to carry you in or would you rather walk in like a normal human being, Kelvin said in a disdainful tone to Catherine who stood rooted on the spot in a daze.

No, Catherine said with her head hung low as she walks to the car and got in. Do you also need to be told to fasten your seat belt? Kelvin said.

Catherine's POV

Does he need to be rude at all time, is it so difficult to say something politely?. I just have to bear with it.


Catherine sighs and fastens her seat belt, Kelvin powers on the the car and accelerated off (Vroom).

1 hour Later

Kelvin stops the car in front of the marriage Bereau. Catherine who was fast asleep jolts up, Finally, I thought you would never wake up I'm tired of your drooling, Kelvin said in a mocking voice.

Catherine puts her hand by her mouth and wipes the invisible drool, she the glares at him for pulling such a dirty prank on her. Kelvin then smiled and said, shall we?.

He opened the door and got out of the car without looking back at the person he is with. Catherine quickly gets out of the car and followed behind him.

20 Minutes Later

Kelvin and Catherine came out with a certificate in hand. Catherine looks at the certificate in her hand as tears welled up her eyes. So this is the end?, Catherine lightly said to herself. Do you want to go or would you rather prefer standing there and staring at that thing in hand all-day.

Catherine wiped her tears that threatened to fall as she walked towards the car, got in and fastens her seat belt. Kelvin also got in and fastened his seat belt as he accelerats off.

Uhm...where, Catherine said in an hesitant manner. Where did you get my I.D?.... I mean how did you get my I.D and household register,fir the formalities.

I sent Greg over to get them?, kelvin simply answered. Who's Greg?, Catherine asked confused. My personal assistant.

You would be attending a banquet with me later this evening, Kelvin said. Banquet?...Ok..... but is ....but is it has. No, as my employee, kelvin said midway Catherine's sentence, knowing her question.

Oh ok, She said in a low voice. Can you take me home?, Catherine asked. That's where we are headed. Catherine looked out the window and said, No... I mean my house. What for?, Kelvin asked with a brown raised.

I need to get my clothes and other important stuff. Is that all?, Kelvin asked and answered himself without giving her a chance to reply. I will get you new ones..... and don't ever call that place your home, your home is where I am and if you aren't satisfied with the mansion I will buy you a whole estate.

uhm.... Catherine said as she stairs out the window. Kelvin drives the the car into the drive way of the mansion and Parked it in the garage. Catherine got out of the car and walks to the door, Kelvin followed right behind her and opened the Mansion's door with his finger print. Come here he said, Catherine walks over and stopped a foot away from him. Your hand, he said as he stretchs his hand. Catherine then place her hand in his hand.

Kelvin pressed her index finger on the door monitor. Your finger print has been installed and the pin is 15519.....you got that?. Yes, Catherine answered gently. He then walks in and Catherine follows right after.

Sarah!, kelvin called.

Yes sir, Sarah came out of the kitchen and greeted. Welcome sir, she said as she bowed at Kelvin and glanced at Catherine. Show Catherine around the house and take her to my room when done. Yes sir, said Sarah as she gestures Catherine the way and walks ahead of her.

Kelvin went to his study and Sarah took Catherine to the garden, the cottage and the room's on the 1st and 2nd floor of the mansion.