
Is It Wrong To Be A Black Mage In The Dungeon

作者: Excerpt
Anime & Comics
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What is Is It Wrong To Be A Black Mage In The Dungeon

WebNovel で公開されている、Excerpt の作者が書いた Is It Wrong To Be A Black Mage In The Dungeon の小説を読んでください。Our hero is thrust into the world of “Danmachi” with little help. He must find his way in the world no matter the cost. Authors Note:This is just a personal preference but I don’t really like when sto...


Our hero is thrust into the world of “Danmachi” with little help. He must find his way in the world no matter the cost. Authors Note: This is just a personal preference but I don’t really like when stories don’t follow laws of a world, so this one will. Our hero will not have cheating godlike abilities because why would he? He will of course get strong but only through his own merits, perseverance, and mistakes. (Currently I’m focused on my other Fan-Fic. MobuSeka: A Pilots Wish. I will come back to this when I get some good ideas.)

8 タグ

Cinta pertamaku (SMA)

Menceritakan seorang gadis yang berusia 17 tahun bernama Titah yang hidupnya berubah 180° karena sang ayah di Fitnah oleh rekan kerja atau sesama pejabat sebagai koruptor. Lalu Titah bertemu oleh pria yang bernama Irfandi di sekolahnya. Selama di sekolah Titah mendapatkan bully an dari teman-teman nya, ada yang mengatakan "dasar anak makan uang haram", "dasar anak koruptor", dan masih banyak lagi. Titah yang tidak tahan karena bully an dari teman satu sekolahnya itu, langsung datang pada Irfandi, dan meminta Irfandi untuk menjadi pacar pura-pura nya. Karena menurut Titah, Irfandi adalah orang tepat dan Irfandi juga lah selama ini yang melindungi dan membantu nya saat Titah di bully oleh temannya di sekolah. Awalnya Irfandi menolak untuk menjadi pacar pura-pura nya, tapi karena Irfandi juga tidak tega melihat Titah yang di bully setiap hari di sekolah, akhirnya Irfandi mau menjadi pacar pura-pura nya. Dan teman-temannya kembali lagi untuk berteman dengannya, mereka ingin berteman dengannya kembali di ancam oleh salah satu kakak kelasnya bernama Fano. Fano punya niatan jelek pada Titah yaitu menyebarkan video yang tidak pantas "pada saat Titah tidak mengenakan baju". Akhirnya membuat teman satu sekolahnya itu membully nya lagi. Irfandi juga semakin dekat dengan Titah, Irfandi yang tadinya tidak menyukai Titah, kini Irfandi menjadi suka pada Titah, dan mereka akhirnya menjadi pacar yang sesungguhnya. Dan ayah nya bebas dari penjara karena terbukti tidak bersalah, rekan kerjanya yang menggantikan ayah nya di penjara. Rekan kerja dari ayahnya Titah itu ternyata ayah dari teman satu sekolah nya Titah yang selalu membully di sekolah. Kini semua harta yang di sita di kembalikan lagi pada ayah nya Titah, dan Titah kembali hidup dengan normal atau seperti biasanya. Titah dan Irfandi kemudian terpisah karena Titah melanjutkan kuliah di luar negeri, empat tahun kemudian, setelah lama Irfandi menunggu Titah pulang dari luar negeri mereka bertemu kembali, mereka pun menikah dan hidup bersama di Prancis.

DaoistOVZDbS · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Conquering Space With My Licking System

[Mature Content!] Theodore Black, a normal person in an abnormal world where genetic superiority is everything, and when I say everything I mean everything from the smallest amoeba to the gigantic RI pterodactyl, had a dream. Being normal is like a blessing but not in this case. The world is so advanced that a normal person is worse than an automated coffee table. Due to his normality, Theodore has a very not-so-happy life. He doesn't have a job, like who would even hire a normal wannabe like him for any task? His parents and peers thought he was a lost cause, maybe he was. Until... One day the deputy head of the international space association came to visit him. He first thought it was a prank or perhaps some sort of mistake but soon reality hit him. He was asked to do his dream job, going to space. But there was a catch. .... a few weeks later he found himself stranded on an unknown planet with not-so-friendly races. To take cover he crawled into a cave and got attacked by a woman, not in an aggressive way but a romantic way. She kissed her for what seemed like a thousand years and... And then... Romance, Yandere, System are the main tags. Warning! Mc starts out as a very weak protagonist. But he eventually goes through stuff and then comes character development. I'd appreciate it if I didn't receive comments like, "Why's he so wimpy?" "Why does he just keep on depending on others?" and such. There are reasons and they'll be explained. PS. Do follow me on insta: Nr_Yet1208 or join my discord server:https://discord.gg/xwYrHNDzRv

Nr_Yet1208 · SF
270 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

There are very few fanfics for Danmachi, and the beginning of this one is quite promising. I'm eager to see how the novel unfolds.


Although the beginning promises, this has already been seen and always ends up overshadowed by Bell and his plot armor. Returning to the mc in a worthless extra. Google translator


