Holding the dagger in between my lips, my hands holding his underarms pulling him back towards the sea.
Along with the dogs taking their step forwards towards us as I took a step back towards the lake. Grinning my teeth on the dragger feeling the water on my legs getting deeper and deeper.
Merman who was already underwater under my touch I can already feel him transforming. With that one dog running towards the lake as if it has lost his patients.
Taking a deep breath dripping myself underwater, as my hands leave merman. Slowly my hands slide from, his underarms feeling him move away from me. Hearing a loud splash above me opening my eyes rising my dragger as the dog makes its way towards me.
'I can't, I can't please go away I don't want to hurt you'
Closing eyes turning my head away, pointing out the dragger in front of me at the dog.
*Aurora POV*