
Iridescent 1314

Human is always greedy to be entertained. In a not so far away future, human looking for an entertainment. Iridescent is a project to entertain human. This is not a vlog nor scripted movie. This is real people in some kind of imaginary world. People crave to be in an adventure but most of the people don't want to experience it. The scientist and the show businesses work together to produce this simulation. Some people were offered. Some people were chosen. Some were trapped. Only one choose to be part of Iridescent. Her code name is Iris. Iris will always be Iris. In this number is the new start for her. All 1313 stories have been erased when she win on the 2nd 13. She asked for it. Asking to only remember who she was. She is tired from remembering all 1313 stories which many of them involving AE. The one who broke her heart for almost in every stories. Now in this new stories, she can only remember her name and her ability. She's currently living as an abandoned princess ready to engaged to the cold and harsh young Duke. An Iris will be Iris. Always.

Niken_Os · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Chapter 53

Iris woke up and found herself in Iowyrthe's embrace. They were inside a tent. She carefully woke up and went outside the tent. She left Iowyrthe who was in a deep slumber. She went to the infirmary tent and found many knights were injured.

Metuselah who was trying to help with his magic cannot fully recover all the injured. He was exhausted from the battle. He also needed some rest too. Their Euntaras essence was depleted too. Iris then came to Metuselah. She said, "I have an idea, Mets. Can I talk to you, just the two of us?"

"Don't tell me you going to use your healing skill? Nope, it is too dangerous."

"No, I can use my blood to at least ease the pain. Don't draw it too much, just enough to dilute it with water and have them drink it."

"How do you know it will work?"

"It can neutralize poison in Euntaras Spring. So, I believe it can at least heal too. It was effective because I don't have to use mana to heal."

"But you will lose lots of blood, it will be apparent either, Princess."

"No, I said, don't draw too much blood, don't make it obvious either that they drink blood. It feels a little gross when I think more about it. But maybe you can say it was infused with magic? Come on, we should help them…"

"By the way, I saw that you are healthier. So, I assume that you get the flower?"

"Actually, I am confused about that, Mets. All I remember was wake up in his embrace and he kissed me." Iris was blushing when she told Metuselah about this.

"Hehe… Cieee…"

"But seriously, my body do feel lighter and refreshed. I guess it was safe to say that we get it."

"That's nice to hear. We can check it when we were in Callavan, whether your health energy capacity has risen or not. But I see that you are obviously healthier. Alright, so, when can I draw your blood and dilute it unnoticed?"

"When we in that water storage?"

"Yup, okay."

Iris and Metuselah walked towards the water storage. They passed Felix's bed.

"Felix… How was he?"

"He was clawed and I think it was poisonous. We can check with your ring."

Iris was thinking for a while. She never really knew the meaning of the ring colours. Therefore, she decided to ask.

"Gili…" Iris whispered, "can you tell me his condition?"

"Sure, he was in critical condition. The claw of the flying beast was poisonous. We should use antidotes or neutralize it. If related to poison I use black black colour to let you know."

"Oh, thank you. Gili said that it was poisonous. Can you cover me? I want to try my theory. After that you can rest too, Mets."

"Hmm, let's move him to my tent." Metuselah asked for Felix to be moved to his tent. Once they were in the tent, Metuselah asked them to dismiss and said that he wanted to try some experiment with his magic. Therefore, no one were allowed near the tent.

Iris pricked her finger with a needle and dropped her blood to Felix's wound. There were some red smokes emerged. The wound also dried up and getting smaller. Seeing that reaction, Metuselah and Iris was screamed silently. Now, they tested it with diluting one drop of blood to a glass of water and put the water into the wound. It worked the same even though the effect is not as significant as pure blood.

They decided to draw the blood in one slit and diluted it. After that, Metuselah shared the water to the infirmary tent to be used for the wounded knights. He instructed the carer to put the water little by little until a smoke come out and the wound smaller. He divided the "magic water" to several bowl and shared it to all the wounded knights.

Meanwhile in the solitary tent, Iris used her healing skill to heal Felix. As she was exhausted, she rested there. Metuselah also came back to his tent and rested there along with Felix and Iris. Not long from that, Iowyrthe woke up and he found no one at his side. He walked outside the tent and felt a little furious. He was clearly looking for Iris. Chan told him where.

Seeing Iris, Felix, and Metuselah sleeping soundly in the tent, he felt annoyed. She chose to be with those two rather than him, that's what he thought. He really wanted to take her back to his tent but afraid to wake her up. He also knew that it will make a commotion and wake Felix or Metuselah who was exhausted after the battle. He decided to cover Iris with his cape and went outside.

That night noise of sword hitting tree was heard faintly. Iowyrthe poured his rage to the poor sword and tree.