
Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties

No magic; No fighting spirit; Only summons; The protagonist's catchphrase: "Get lost, a divine beast is so impressive? Move aside, I only like beautiful female summons!"

Holking99 · ファンタジー
219 Chs

Are They Even Human?

Tome Shaw was taken aback by the young man before him, Eddie, who was only about twenty years old but exuded a formidable aura that even shook him, a Level 7 Overlord.

The murderous intent surrounding Eddie was like that of a general who had crawled out of a battlefield strewn with corpses, an intensity only possible after killing thousands.

It was an aura not found in ordinary warriors, let alone someone so young.

"Who are you?" Tome Shaw asked, surprised that such a formidable opponent was just a junior member of the Yew family.

He realized the four great families, including the Yew family, had hidden depths of strength not apparent from the surface.

He regretted the Shaw family's hasty decision to confront the Yew family, as they had underestimated their true power.

Eddie ignored Tome Shaw, focusing on the retreating Yew family guards. A guard who ran too far was pounced on by the gray wolf, leaving the others terrified.

Eddie's reputation for ruthlessness was well-known; he had even confronted the acting head of the family, Shawn, and only stopped due to Old Man Haye Yew's intervention.

His willingness to fight even the Feng family of the Piaomiao sect had made him untouchable within the family.

The guards rallied behind Eddie, ready to confront the Shaw family's forces.

The two Yew family elders, though displeased at being overshadowed by Eddie, understood his strength and the current dire situation.

They positioned themselves to support Eddie, as unity was vital for the family's survival against the enemy.

The Shaw family guards, initially shaken by Eddie's swift killing of more than twenty of their men, regained their fighting spirit under Tome Shaw's leadership.

They roared in defiance, hoping to intimidate the Yew family guards.

The Yew family guards, with no option to retreat and the gray wolf behind them, roared back, bolstered by the arrival of more Yew family fighters from the castle.

The Shaw family guards continued to advance from the village below, their numbers increasing.

Old Man Haye Yew appeared, striding out of the Yew family castle, ready to confront the situation.

Tome Shaw was astonished by the young man before him, Eddie, who was barely twenty years old yet emanated an aura that even shocked him, a Level 7 Overlord. 

Eddie's killing intent was like that of a general emerging from a blood-soaked battlefield. 

To have such an aura, Eddie must have killed countless people, a feat not achievable by ordinary warriors.

"Who are you?" Tome Shaw asked, surprised that such a formidable opponent was just a junior member of the Yew family. 

He realized the four great families, especially the Yew family, had hidden strengths. 

He regretted the Shaw family's hasty decision to confront them without fully understanding their power.

Eddie commanded the invaders to surrender or face death. Tome Shaw was furious at Eddie's audacity. 

Given the Shaw family's numerical and strength advantage, surrender was out of the question.

Rage Shaw, another Level 7 Overlord of the Shaw family, equally strong as Tome Shaw, was also making his way up the mountain. 

Both sides were converging for a looming battle.

Eddie, unfazed by Tome Shaw's reaction, demanded the Shaw family to surrender or be killed. 

He was determined to protect the Yew family castle, which was also the ancestral home of the unfortunate man whose identity he had assumed.

Tome Shaw, initially believing only Shawn Yew or Old Man Haye Yew could be his match, was taken aback by Eddie's power. 

He realized the Yew family's deep-rooted strength and the potential backlash from the other three great families if the Shaw family attacked without just cause.

Old Man Haye Yew appeared, his presence commanding respect. 

His aura, honed through countless battles, was even more imposing than Eddie's. The Shaw family guards, already feeling pressured by his arrival, retreated in awe when he spoke.

Tome Shaw formally addressed Old Man Haye Yew, demanding the Yew family hand over Rue and the supposed lover who allegedly plotted against Kieran Shaw. 

Old Man Haye Yew, outraged by the accusation and the attack on the Yew family castle, rebuked Tome Shaw for his presumptuous and unjust actions.

The Shaw family guards, intimidated by Old Man Haye Yew's reputation and authority, were unsettled despite the presence of Tome Shaw. 

Tome Shaw internally acknowledged the need for caution, realizing the strength and resilience of Old Man Haye Yew.

Old Man Haye Yew and Eddie, representing different generations, stood united at the forefront, their contrasting auras a testament to the Yew family's might.

Tome Shaw, facing the combined auras of Eddie and Old Man Haye Yew, felt the intensity of their presence. One was fierce and domineering like a tiger descending the mountain, while the other was composed and solid like an ancient pine on a rock, exuding a natural authority.

Together, their contrasting auras complemented each other, amplifying their impact. Tome Shaw realized that even with a vast army, it would be difficult to shake the Yew family's resolve. He sighed inwardly, acknowledging the Yew family's enduring strength as one of the four great families.

Rage Shaw, on the other hand, had a simpler mindset. He believed that by engaging Old Man Haye Yew and Eddie in battle, they could draw out the Yew family's hidden strength, prompting their powerful backers to intervene and destroy the Yew family.

But Tome Shaw reconsidered his strategy, realizing a direct confrontation with the Yew family could lead to severe losses for the Shaw family and potentially allow other families to replace them as one of the great families.

Tome Shaw decided to change tactics, proposing a discussion with Old Man Haye Yew instead of a battle.

He argued that the Yew family should hand over Rue and her alleged accomplice for their supposed involvement in Kieran Shaw's death.

By doing so, he aimed to resolve the matter through negotiation rather than force, aware of the Yew family's formidable strength and the potential interference from their powerful allies.

Tome Shaw's plan was to bring the matter before Alexander and the other great families, hoping they would not intervene on the Yew family's behalf.

He believed the Yew family wouldn't surrender Rue, allowing the Shaw family and their backers to challenge the Yew family's fighters.

If the Yew family lost their top fighters, they would lose their status among the great families.

Tome Shaw was determined not to let the Shaw family be used as a pawn by their backers, knowing that a direct clash with the Yew family could weaken them significantly.

He aimed to preserve the Shaw family's rise to power without risking their hard-earned position.

Old Man Haye Yew, experienced and wise from his years of battling, saw through Tome Shaw's schemes.

Unperturbed, he instructed Eddie to fetch Rue for a face-to-face confrontation with the Shaw family.

Eddie, known for his aggression, was crucial in keeping the enemy at bay and ensuring Alexander wouldn't need to intervene directly.

Tome Shaw and Rage Shaw were relieved to see Eddie finally stepping back.

Despite their strength as Level 7 Overlords, they felt unnerved by Eddie's intense killing intent, feeling like prey in front of a predator.

According to intelligence, Eddie was believed to be the long-enduring son of Quinn Yew, having inherited his father's swordsmanship and even surpassing him.

Eddie's rise had led the Shaw family's backers to suspect that Quinn Yew might still be alive and guiding his son.

Eddie appeared to comply with Old Man Haye Yew's command, but suddenly unleashed a powerful slash with his Ashen Demon Blade, startling Rage Shaw and striking fear into the Shaw family guards.

Eddie effortlessly cut down numerous guards before clashing with Tome Shaw. The impact sent Shaw family guards flying, while Eddie landed gracefully back near Old Man Haye Yew.

Rage Shaw was outraged by Eddie's unexpected attack during the negotiation.

Eddie casually dismissed the guards as insignificant before leaving the scene.

His cold disregard for life sent chills down the spine of both the Shaw and Yew family guards, who respectfully cleared a path for him.

They felt a mix of fear and pride in his formidable presence.

Rage Shaw wanted to engage Eddie in an all-out battle, but Tome Shaw signaled him to stay calm.

Tome Shaw had realized a shocking truth during their clash: Eddie was not just a Level 6 Sect Master but a Level 7 Overlord.

Despite Tome Shaw's preparedness, he found himself at a disadvantage against Eddie, sensing that Eddie still had untapped strength.

Thus, it was no wonder Eddie acted with such disregard for others; his own formidable strength meant he had no need to heed others' opinions or reactions.

Rage Shaw, since becoming a Level 7 Overlord, had never felt so humiliated.

"Brother, you..." Rage Shaw was astounded, as Tome Shaw, known for his formidable defense, especially his hands protected by the 'Thunderfire God Arm' artifact, had suffered a scorching injury.

Rage Shaw was shocked to see the blackened palm of Tome Shaw's hand, a clear sign of the intensity of Eddie's attack. That Eddie could inflict such damage with just one strike and merely the blade's aura was beyond Rage Shaw's comprehension.