
Intoxicated Heart

"Intoxicated Heart l" tells the captivating story of Ellie, a young woman whose life takes an unexpected turn after a night of revelry leads to an encounter with a stranger while under the influence. Overwhelmed with regret and confusion, Ellie grapples with the aftermath of that fateful night and struggles to come to terms with the stranger's identity. Unbeknownst to Ellie, the enigmatic man is a driven CEO named Ethan, captivated by the memory of their brief connection. Eager to be near Ellie, he makes a life-altering decision, taking on the role of a professor to get close to her. As they navigate the complexities of fate and desire, the line between truth and deception blurs, and their worlds intertwine in unforeseen ways. "Intoxicated Heart" is an emotional journey of love, redemption, and self-discovery, where two souls seek solace and healing from the past. As secrets are unraveled and hearts laid bare, Ellie and Ethan must confront their vulnerabilities and find the courage to embrace a future defined by the unpredictable nature of fate and the transformative power of love.

CatherineJasmen · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter 4; I want to get to know her.

Three days have passed, but I still can't get Ellie's gentle face and I can still smell his fragrance in my mind. I wonder how she's doing now. She's stuck in my thoughts. I've had many one-night stands, but I easily forget their faces the next day. I took my phone and searched for her on Facebook. Thankfully, I found her full name on her ID on the motel. I smiled when I saw her face; she's really beautiful and has a simple charm."

After a while, I heard the doorbell ring at my door. Even though I felt lazy to get up, I was compelled to open the door, and there stood my parents in front of me.

"Ethan, what's the matter? When are you going to act? Our company is waiting for you," my father said as soon as I greeted him.

I let out a deep sigh. My dad has been persistently urging me to take over the company for a while now, but I keep declining because I don't feel emotionally ready yet.

"Dad, please not now. Just let me be for a while," I replied to them. "We've given you enough space; it's time to stop mourning over your girlfriend leaving you. Face the company," Dad said.

I won't handle the company for now; I'll teach at the university," I firmly responded. Papa got angry at me, but they couldn't do anything about my decision.

"The company can wait, and Elaine, my younger sister, can take care of it too.

Mama intervened and pacified Papa, who eventually left in anger.

I've made a decision. I want to get closer to Ellie, I want to get to know her completely

Ellie POV

The new semester began, and the students were happy to see each other as a (group of friends). I'm the only one left in our batch.

"Wasn't she the Student Leader of Architecture? I heard that she failed, so that's why she's still here in their batch. What a shame. I thought their life together with her partner from the Engineering department, who graduated Summa Cum Laude, was perfect. Turns out the guy messed up."

I overheard students and teachers gossiping about me, but I just ignored them and continued walking."

I entered the classroom for my first subject and sat at the back. Usually, I always sit in the front, but this time, I prefer to sit at the back since I don't know anyone here. I'll endure just taking two subjects so that I can graduate, and then I'll have plenty of free time afterward."

"Hi, Ellie, a cheerful greeting from a girl who smiled and seemed friendly. She asked if we could sit together. I just nodded and smiled back."

By the way, I'm Madison," as she extended her hand for a handshake.

I'm Ellie," I replied with a smile.

"I know, in fact, I consider you as my idol," she answered, blushing.

"Why would you idolize someone like me? Just look at me, I got left behind in my batch," I replied with a smile.

"It's alright; I think anyone would feel down if that happened to them. Noah is so handsome and smart, it's hard to find someone like him," she said reassuringly.

My goodness look Ellie!! , our professor is so handsome," Madison said, her voice was filled with what seemed like giddy excitement as she spoke.

I glanced in the direction where Madison was looking, and I saw our incoming teacher and indeed, he was good-looking and appeared quite young, maybe around 25 years old. I looked into his eyes, feeling a sense of familiarity, but I couldn't place where I might have seen him before. He had a clean face and a distinctive straight nose. Shortly after, our eyes met, so I quickly looked away.

By the way, I'm Ethan Green, your professor for the Thesis subject."

He introduced himself further, saying that he graduated from Harvard University at 26 years old and that it's his first time teaching students like us."

Before we begin, I'd like each of you to introduce yourselves to me, so we can get to know each other." he said.

We introduced ourselves as classmates, using our last names sequence . When my name was called..."

I'm Ellie Marquez, 20 years old, and I'm graduating this semester.

So, are you really going to graduate this semester, Ms. Marquez?" the professor asked me

I believe so, Sir. I will do my best and work hard to ensure that I graduate this semester," I responded

I've heard a lot about you, so your studies got ruined just because of one guy," the professor sarcastically asked.

I couldn't help but smirk at what he said, so he already knew that gossip in our first class today. I felt a bit irritated at the professor.

Thank you for your concern, but I believe everyone faces challenges in life. Yes, there were difficulties, but I've learned from my experiences and I'm determined to focus on my studies now to achieve my goals."I answered him, there was a hint of irritation in my voice.

The professor didn't ask again and just stared at me. I also looked back at him.

Oh, okay, please have a seat." he commanded

I sat down, feeling frustrated. Why do they even care about my personal life? Many others haven't graduated either, so why is mine such a big deal to them? They're so judgmental. I felt my chest constrict with anger, as if I were on the verge of tears as well.

After the class ended, we scattered to our respective classrooms for the next subject.

Madison and I were no longer classmates, so we bid farewell to each other.