
Interactive Fairytale Retelling

Have you ever wanted to be a character in a fairytale? Maybe a sorceress? An adventurer? Or perhaps a fairy? If given the chance, can you choose the right choices that lead to a happily ever after? Fairytale in progress: ~Beauty and the Beast

Glass_Rain · ファンタジー
10 Chs

(1-9) Your Room

"My ladies, if you may, will you kindly tell me your names?"

You and Belle are following the beast to your room on the second floor of the castle when the beast asked for your names. Due to fear of the beast's towering build, both you and Belle retained some distance from the beast as the three of you walked silently.

Now the beast has broken the silence.

"Coraline," you answered.

"Isabelle," Belle replied softly.

"Coraline and Isabelle," the beast repeated. "Very beautiful names."

"What is your name?" you replied subconsciously, then stopped. What are you doing, asking a beast for his name? Would a beast really have a name?

"Ah," the beast sounded surprised as he turned around. "My name is Hugo."

You were surprised by his response. So the beast does have a name. "Hugo is a beautiful name as well," you replied politely.

"Thank you, Coraline," Hugo formed what seemed like a smile on his face.

You returned a weak smile. Hugo turned back around and continued leading the way.

After a brief moment, Hugo stopped.

"And here we are," Hugo declared. "As I had mentioned earlier, I had only prepared one room, but if my two ladies would stay here, I will go prepare the other room immediately."

"Thank you," you stated politely.

"Yes, thank you, Hugo," Belle smiled.

"My pleasure, my ladies," Hugo bowed slightly. "Now, I shall go prepare the other room. If my two ladies desire, you may explore the rest of the castle grounds, as you will be staying here for a little bit. It would be best to familiarize yourselves with this place."

You nodded your head, "Alright."

"Breakfast will be in an hour, which is about 7 o'clock. I assume my two ladies have not eaten yet?" Hugo questioned.

"No," you answered, and Belle shook her head as well. You two have not eaten anything since dinner the night before.

Talking about breakfast is making you realize just how hungry you are. And how tired too. As long as the breakfast is not poisonous or dipped in magic that will turn you into a frog, you will just about eat anything.

"Alright, I shall take my leave now. Good day, my ladies," Hugo excused himself.

You nodded your head, then entered the room with Belle and closed the door.

Belle walked over to the floor length window and looked outside while you draped your coat over the low sofa sitting by the wall next to the door.

"Belle," you called out to your sister.

Belle turned around to look at you.

You walked over to her.

"Judging from our situation right now, I think we should explore the palace, as the beast had said. Since we have been granted freedom to observe our surroundings, we need to take advantage of it, in case it is stripped away from us later," you communicated.

Belle nodded her head, putting on a serious face to match yours.

After nodding her head, Belle's expression softened again as she looked out the window, "Cora, Sugar is still tied on the bench outside. Should we go check if there are stables?"

You looked outside the window, which overlooked the front side of the palace, and as Belle had said, Sugar was waiting quietly by the bench where she was tied earlier.

"Right, we need to do that," you looked apologetically at the mare.

"Let's go," Belle said.

"Wait," you stopped Belle. "I think only one of us should go. The one who goes to find the stables for Sugar will also explore the outside of the castle. The other person will explore the inside of the castle."

Belle contemplated your words, then nodded, "You're right. That way, we can split the exploring."

"Yes, exactly my point."

"But who should go, then?" Belle tilted her head in question.


You offer to lead Sugar to the stables (Go to chapter 1-10)

Belle should lead Sugar to the stables (Go to chapter 1-11)