
Interactive Fairytale Retelling

Have you ever wanted to be a character in a fairytale? Maybe a sorceress? An adventurer? Or perhaps a fairy? If given the chance, can you choose the right choices that lead to a happily ever after? Fairytale in progress: ~Beauty and the Beast

Glass_Rain · ファンタジー
10 Chs

(1-8) He's lying

"You're lying," you call out to him.

Without waiting for his response, you tighten your grip on Belle's hand and sprint out the palace doors.

Finding Sugar, you rapidly fling yourself over the mare's back and pull Belle up. Holding the reins tightly, you guide Sugar towards the palace gates.

As you approach the gates, you find to your dismay that the gates are shut tightly. You had intentionally left the gates open, but it is now closed. The beast couldn't have closed it. Is there another individual inside the palace?

With no time to waste, you anxiously descend the horse and dash to open the iron door.

Once again to your horror, the previously unlocked door is now tightly wedged shut. There are no locks visible anywhere, but the doors just will not open, no matter how hard you shove or pull it.

"Cora..." Belle calls out to you. "Are the beast's words true? Can we really not leave?"

You look to your sister in distress.

"Yes, my words are true," the beast's voice echoes through the courtyard, his figure standing at the entrance to the palace. "Now, if my two ladies will, I shall show you to your room."

Neither you nor Belle moves.

Seeing you two's hesitation, the beast pledges, "I shall vow by my life that I will not harm either of you, so please follow me."

Gritting your teeth, you ask, "What is your purpose in forcing us to come and stay in your palace? You knew that the palace was cursed, but you still requested our father to send his daughter here. Or, more specifically, you threatened our father. Why is that?" 

What could the beast's intentions be? After all, his demeanor varies greatly from what your father had described of him. Could the beast be silently scheming a malicious plan? What if he is only treating you and Belle politely because he wants to fatten his prey before devouring them? Millions of questions prevent you from trusting the beast before he provides a definite response.

The beast is silent for a moment before answering, "I'm afraid that I cannot tell you."

"How are we supposed to trust your words then?" you frown in irritation.

"I apologize, but you have no other choice. I would have no reason to deceive you, as you cannot escape the palace grounds whether I decide to harm you or not. But of course, my promise stands true. I will not harm either of you."

You and Belle look at each other.

Belle starts, "Cora, what do we do?"

You sigh dejectedly. Though you cannot fully trust the beast yet, you have no other choice but to follow him, "I think we truly have no other choice."

The only thing you regret, aside from coming here in the first place, is coming here unarmed.

"Alright, let's follow the beast," you state as you guide Sugar, with Belle still sitting on top, towards the palace entrance once again.


Continue to (1-9) Your Room