
Instintos Nefastos

In a world where a mysterious, omnipresent force controls humans, society attempts to become seemingly utopian, devoid of crime, hatred, and violence. However, it is the complete opposite. However, beneath this veneer of faux perfection lies a dark secret: suppressing basic human instincts has bred a new kind of darkness that plagues the supernatural, unseen and unspoken. Amelia, a determined and curious young girl, begins to sense the cracks in the facade of her family life and structure. Once dulled by living among the human societal norms, her instincts start to resurface as she investigates a series of inexplicable bodily changes. Each second, she uncovers something that points to an unfathomable world that only exists in story books. As Amelia delves deeper, she runs and encounters Luciano, a powerful stallion in Prada; he is dark and dangerous. Luciano seems to be the sole reason for the strange changes Amelia is going through due to Luciano's position that stretches to the highest echelons of power, revealing a chilling agenda to eradicate free will and individuality, or is it so? As tensions rise and the truth becomes a weapon, Amelia and Luciano must decide: will they continue to live in the safety of ignorance or risk everything to ignite a revolution of humanity? The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and only by confronting the nefarious instincts within can true liberation be achieved.

Justyagirl_kudzie · ファンタジー
9 Chs

4. ¿Que es el? ¿Ellos?


Nico took long strides towards the chair right next to me but his gaze never faulted as I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. As he neared, the hairs on my back all straightened in fear. Finally gathering the little strength I had I shifted my gaze from the book I was currently reading and looked at him questioningly.

"What?" I all but bit out of my lips.

"I know" was his simple reply.

what does he know?

please God, this can't be...

^~^*********End of recap**********^~^

I peered at him multiple times during the lesson trying to figure out what he meant... but, I came out short and I know he knows that I know that he noticed me occasionally staring at him courtesy of the evident smirk that graced his tainted lips. I wish I could just slap it off his face with a metal chair.

The siren went off marking the end of the lesson and possibly the end of my life. I could taste it.

I stood up, packed my stuff and ready to leave when the door slammed shut and a unusually cold hand gripped my forearm and I froze,

Not literally, but I know I did.

"Why are you in such a hurry, princess?" I heard his voice a few inches away from my ear, his minty breath fanning my lob. I could not help but shrink into myself and quiver in disgust.

"The next lesson," I answered a little braver because I can't deal with him at the moment 'let me g_"

Andddd yes you've guessed right, I was just cut off...

By what you may ask,

Well it's just the usual, you know your be-raged old brother busting throw the door looking like the devils on his tail.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

he was brooding, his eyes were dilated, turning darker as the minutes passed.

'what the hell are you doing in here with my sister, Nico,' Leon all but barked out. 'im not asking you again?'

I looked between a grim looking Leon who is all but ready to beat the hell out of Nico, and a calm and composed Nico standing at my right spotting his infamous smirk. He was just standing there waiting. Daring Leon to make a hasty move.

'Well,' Nico started. 'As you can see, im just having a little chat with Stormi over here'.

Nico chuckled a bit clearly enjoying pissing Leon off

'I was getting to itat least, but well, you just had to badge in here and taint the moment, didn't you.'

In a flash, Leon was on top of Nico who was sprawled across the floor. Leons fists continuously collided where ever they couldbon Nicos body. Nico turned over and had Leon by his throat.

'Nico,' i screamed. ' L-let him go'.

an ear piercing scream escaped my lips as Nico raised his fist and punched Leon square in the nose.

he was brooding, his eyes were dilated, turning darker as the minutes passed.

'what the hell are you doing in here with my sister, Nico,' Leon all but barked out. 'I'm not asking you again?'

I looked between a grim looking Leon who is all but ready to beat the hell out of Nico, and a calm and composed Nico standing at my right spotting his infamous smirk. He was just standing there waiting. Daring Leon to make a hasty move.

'Well,' Nico started. 'As you can see, I'm just having a little chat with Stormi over here'.

Nico chuckled a bit clearly enjoying pissing Leon off

'I was getting to it at least, but well, you just had to badge in here and taint the moment, didn't you.'?

In a flash, Leon was on top of Nico who was sprawled across the floor. Leon's fists continuously collided where ever they could on Nico's body. Nico turned over and had Leon by his throat.

'Nico,' I screamed. ' L-let him go'.

an ear-piercing scream escaped my lips as Nico raised his fist and punched Leon square in the nose, it made a disgusting crunching noise. I ran over to my brother as I saw Nico about to land another punch on him, I grabbed Nico's hand within mine and sobbed.

'please, please stop,' I said through my tears. 'don't hurt him'.

All the courage I had seeped through my fingers as Nico raised his head and stared right at me with glowing crimson eyes.

I abruptly stood up, as Leon held my hand and yanked me away from Nico. Leon stood up and hid me behind his huge frame, away from Nico's preying eyes.

I clung onto my brother's t-shirt like my life depended on it, because at this moment it really did.

A feral growl echoed throughout the room and Leon lunged a Nico, he placed him in a head lock and drew his knee put to Nico's face and pounded it against his head. Nico broke free and pushed Leon aside. I could tell Nico was getting extremely angry and at this point he could seriously hurt my brother so I did the only thing that seemed logically at the moment.

he held me by the neck and glared into my eyes with his red furious ones, I tried to claw at his hand but to no avail.

'N-Nico, p-please-e, n-no,' I stuttered. 'l-let me g-go.'

He put more pressure around my neck and his busted lip curled up into a disgusting but sadistic grin.

and at that moment I knew that I was a goner because the next thing, I am harshly thrown against a wall. my back collided with the wall and I let out a groan. I hear Leon shouting and his body starts to shake violently in anger.

the door busts open and I hear a loud wall rippling growl as a huge fury beast stood right in front of me with piercing yellow eyes, it had a really bad odor emitting from it. It puffed out its disgusting matted brown fur to make itself look even more intimidating than it already was. It spurred in my face ready to devour me but Leon jumped at it and wrapped his arms around its neck and squeezed so hard the beast fell to the floor right in front of me. knocked out.

I let out a silent scream, my head starts pounding and dark spots dance around my vision. I feel numb. The last thing I see before everything goes completely blank was

the beast…

morph into a human???

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< …>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I hear slightly muffled voices around me, but I cannot seem to open my eyes or move my body. I slowly bring myself to concentrate on what is going on around me. I zoom in on the voices and I hear one masculine voice say "she might have seen him, I-I'm not sure at what point she …" at what point she what? I didn't get to hear the rest of the sentence as another voice, female I think cut in "are you sure? She could not have, It-It's simply impossible she cannot know about that," I hear a sniffle "my poor baby, what are we going to do?' I feel a warm hand caress my cheek lovingly and I quickly recognized my mother.

I try to move my hands so I could hug and kiss my mother and tell her I am okay but my fingers are numb, it is like they are not even there at all, this agitates me to the point where I let out a groan. For a minute I thought it was all in my head until I heard Khloe squealing like a pig on Christmas.

"she moved, she moved, she moved, where on earth is the doctor?" damn this girl is loud, honestly this is why I am usually not around when she goes shopping cause… "Here s-she made a sound, HURRY!" Oh, good Lord bless my poor ears, who allowed my sister in here anyway?

"Try talking to her," the doctor suggested. "maybe she will react to a familiar voice better". "um, hey there little piggy" girl say what? "everyone is worried please Storm, for us, please for Madre, she has been in here for two days without rest, pa had to carry her out and make her eat and rest, please wake up Storm, I-I I miss you sis, please". I felt wet hot tears land on my arm. I knew she crying rivers at this point. My heart pained hearing her try to calm herself down.

I imagined myself reaching out and stroking her long silky hair. I felt movement underneath my palm and I knew I did it. Next up opening my eyes.

I peeled my eyes open, way too fast if you ask me and immediately regretted it. I was met with a bright light, I quickly closed my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the sudden intrusion. When I decided that I was good to go, I slowly I reopened my eyes to see Khloe's big, watery, doe eyes looking down on me. She helped me sit up.

"Y-you are a-awake now," she slowly let a breath she was holding out as if I would blow away if she did so. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. My eyes widen and I try yet again but still.


Khloe looked at me warily "what's wrong?" she asked as she moved closer to me. I opened my mouth once more but nothing came out. My hands flew to my throat and I immediately drew them away as white-hot pain jolted through my spin. What on earth?

I look up at Khloe questioningly as I felt I warm stream flow down the plains of my cheek.

"T-th-the d-doctor said your windpipe was damaged a-and y-you won't be able t-to s-speak," Khloe said in between sobs. After I processed the words that she just said I froze. My eyes dried out. Do you know what pains more than feeling intense negative emotions? Not feeling anything at all. I sat there my heart lunged into my throat, eyes wide and pale, my mouth sealed shut in a straight line.

"Stormi!!!," I heard two voices shout as mom and dad came rushing in. "y-you're alright, my baby I-I was so worried," mom said while thick tears streamed down her plump cheeks.

My dad ingulfed me in his gigantic arms. "Bunny don't ever do that to us, ever!" dad whispered in my ears, his voice coming on weak as he pulled away and held my hand softly. "we were so worried, we got a call from the school and told us you were knocked out and we just…," he exhaled defeated.

I reached out and hugged him and mom tightly to me. My eyes slowly traveled across the bed and I flicked my head to Khloe signaling her to come over. She smiled sadly and climbed onto the bed instantly joining the family hug but something felt off. My head snapped to the door so fast and I really cannot help but wonder how I did not get whiplash. I saw Leon standing there with his shoulders bunched and his head down. Feeling my eyes on him he looked up and I could have sworn I saw guilt in them before he looked down again clearly avoiding any eye contact with me. I softly moved from the hug and got up with the help of Khloe. I placed my hand on her and shook my head, she understood and let me go. I slowly walked to Leon as I felt my family look at the both of us in anticipation. I got to Leon and I used my index finger to lift his head up so he faces me. As his eyes met mine, a lone tear escaped his glance and I pulled him down into a warm hug to which he stiffed then a few seconds later he relaxed and tightly wrapped his arms around me mummering 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,' I pulled away and took his faces into my palms which forced him to stare back at me. I gave him the 'you know it was not your fault look' it really was not his fault.

"but I-I…" I did not let him finish as I immediately put my palm over his mouth daring him to blame himself again. I gave him a small smile which he returned. I took his hand into mine and lead him to the rest of the family who instantly wrapped us both into their embrace. I felt complete but at the same time incomplete? I shrugged off the feeling and just enjoyed the moment.





I flung the alarm across the room and fell back on my bed when I heard it smack roughly into the walk, a satisfied smile resting across my face. Until the big idiot I call brother came rushing into my room "Oh no you don't," he said as he picked me up and raced to my bathroom as I tried to squirm out of his hold.

'Tried' being the key word here because man! this boy has one hell of a strong grip. Leon filled up the tub and with cold water and had the 'courtesy' to fling me into it. With my pajamas on!!! I flew out of the tub glaring at my brother. I vigorously look around and grabbed the first thing that I could reach which in this case was a scented candle and threw it straight at his head. He caught it. He. Caught. It. And smirked at me. He brought the candle to his nose and sniffed it.

"mmm," he said. "smells like vanilla and peach, if you have such divine bath scents, I wonder how you still manage smell absolutely pungent".

I gaped at him in complete shock until shock turned to rage. I marched up to him as he slowly backed away headed for the door. He quickly turned around to twist the nob. When he was half way out I smacked the back of his head, pushed him out and bashed the door in his surprised face. 'That ought to teach him' I thought with a smirk plaster on my face.

I pulled out my iPhone and sir Mix-A-Lot blasted through my speaker; don't you dare judge me!

I walked over to my sink and started brushing my teeth as I danced to the song that was playing

I like big butts and I cannot lie

You other brothers can't deny

Once I was done with my teeth, I peeled the wet clothes off my body and stood under the warm shower way too tired to drain the tub. 'I will wait till it's not as cold' I thought to myself.

I squeezed some face wash onto my palm and smeared it across my face doing a little massage with my fingers.

I tilt my head up a bit so the water hits my face and washes the soapy wash off. I close my eyes for a bit and I started hearing voices I opened my eyes quickly and ran them over the bathroom to see who had spoken but there was no one. I got out of the shower and walked over to my mirror. I looked at my appearance and what scared me most were my eyes.

They had changed color. I had swirls of different colors dancing around inside my irises as they glowed brightly. I closed my eyes tightly and then it happened.

Oh God no, not this again, please.

I saw flashes of four young boys seated around younger me chattering incoherent words and giggles filled the room then I noticed their eyes. They were all similar to mine, and strangely these four boys looked exactly like…

"STORMI," I was pulled out of the 'vision' or whatever that was by Khloe's shouting. I quickly ran to the shower and took a really quick one.

I dressed up and walked downstairs where the others were seated waiting for me. I gave them the best smile I could conjure and at next to Khloe.

"Good morning bunny," dad said. "did you sleep well?"

I nod my head shooting him a small smile.

"eat up honey," mom told me with a smile on her face. "you have school today".

'urgh,' I internally groaned 'why do I have to go.' I thought to myself.

"oh, don't give me that frown honey, we spoke about this," yeah sure we 'spoke' about it more like I had to sit there and listen to you guys having a 'talk' about it like I wasn't there. Jeez I never knew being mute entailed such. I let out a breath and decided to let it be. Then I remember the bathroom incident. How could I have forgotten. I facepalmed and grabbed my phone and open the family group chat dad created so I can communicate with them.

Lady Storm; hey dad when is uncle Cain visiting?

Papa bear; I'm not sure Bunny, why?

Lady Storm; I was just wondering because he comes every year.

Papa bear; oh, yes. But he has been MIA for a while now so I'm not sure if he will make it this year.

Lady Storm; oh, okay coolies.

How will I go through this again without uncle Cain?

Well I am royally scotched!!!