
Continuing the Training 2

Jack didn't want to use his knowledge to interfere with the choices of the heroes he knew, Jack just told Peter Parker to be careful with Harry Osborn.

After all, nobody wanted a friend who liked his girlfriend, used drugs, drank, had a crazy and murderous father, had psychological problems, and who would end up trying to kill him.

But Jack would also interfere with the stories of cinema and comics that he knew, he didn't want to let people die just so his knowledge of the future wouldn't change.

Several months passed and Jack was always busy, he had to read books and study magic, do physical training, and fight against New York bandits after all Jack needed FP and could help people like that.

In those months Jack got more than 2 million FP again, Jack knew that he should save his FP to buy powerful abilities since he was not in danger anymore.

Few enemies could kill Jack who was much more potent and could use magic much better than in the fight against the Sinister Six, but Jack felt that he could improve faster if he used his FP.

Jack managed to get much stronger now that he had the best type of equipment to improve his physical strength, Jack could already lift 800 kg with his power, it was an improvement of 100 kg per month, and with just a few hours to train.

So Jack would be able to improve his strength by more than 1 ton per year, if he managed to survive for 10 years in the Marvel universe he could lift 12 tons and would need Reed Richards to improve his training machine.

Unfortunately, Jack didn't think he would have 10 years until Loki's attack on New York, of course, Jack would already be able to fight Loki's Chitauri army if they attacked him now, but a lot of people in New York would die.

While thinking about it Jack soon decided how he could further improve his training efficiency, Jack thought of buying a system spell that would do that, but it would be inefficient.

What Jack was thinking about was having the ability to create clones, so he could have more time to do his physical training and also be able to use several clones to study the magic books.

He would still have to fight the bandits with his real body, but while he fought he could let his clones study the magic books.

But inventing a spell to do that would be very inefficient and expensive, so Jack decided to do what he was already thinking, buy the ability to use Chakra and thus be able to use the shadow clone jutsu.

So Jack could create his clones and still have the chakra that could greatly increase his ability to fight, even if magic was more useful than using jutsus, just the ability to be able to put chakra attributes into his attacks and be able to increase the strength of his punches was already useful.

And the most important thing is that this was always one of Jack's biggest dreams of being able to use chakra and use jutsu, if it was useful and he could fulfill a dream with his FP, Jack would definitely do it.

"System, I want to buy the ability to use Chakra, I just want to buy the common Chakra which should have a lower price," Jack said decidedly.

[The ability to use Chakra is very expensive because it's a power that is outside of this multiverse, but since you're limited to ordinary Chakra and your current body is strong enough to leave the ability at a lower price, it will cost 600,000 FP.]

Jack was happy to see that his physical training helped him drop Chakra skills at a lower price, as the system said he could buy skills at a lower price if he got stronger.

Jack bought the ability to use Chakra and soon he could feel a different kind of energy inside his body, it was a different kind of energy than he used for magic, it was Chakra.

[You can spend more FP in the future to improve the quality of your Chakra, remembering that to obtain a skill to become a God will require a huge amount of FP.]

[You obtained the ability to use Chakra, so your body and mind energy are synchronizing to use Chakra, as your physical power is much higher than normal, you managed to obtain more Chakra than normal at the beginning.]

[You have to use FP to learn new jutsus because it's a power from outside the multiverse, you need to improve your Chakra control to be able to use the jutsus, you can increase your Chakra capacity by doing physical training.]

Jack was stunned by so many messages that the system said in his mind, it was the first time that the system spoke so many warnings when buying a skill, Jack understood that this happened because it was a new skill and that it did not exist in this multiverse.

The first message made him happy, after all having bought the unlimited physical potential helped him again, after so much training he had more Chakra capacity than an ordinary person, and Jack felt that his Chakra was increasing.

But Jack was sad to know that he had to use his FP to have a new jutsus, but he understood, after all, unlike magic, no one could teach him to use jutsus in this world, so he would have to buy the jutsus.

Jack also hadn't thought that he would have to train his ability to control Chakra, after all having a higher Chakra than normal also made it harder for him to control his Chakra.

"System, I want to buy the Shadow Clone jutsu," Jack said.

[Shadow Clone jutsu is a forbidden jutsu, Shadow Clone jutsu is a high-level jutsu, so it will cost 100,000 FP.]

Jack found the price cheap for the usefulness of the jutsu so he bought the Shadow Clone, soon the information on how to use the jutsu and even the experiences of how to use it appeared in Jack's mind.

Jack soon understood why it was a forbidden jutsu, for skilled people like a Jonin could use a maximum of 4 clones having great Chakra control, and keeping the clones used a lot of Chakra, the lack of Chakra in a fight could mean death.

So Jack was happier to have gotten a large amount of Chakra for having bought the system and having a strong physical body, after all, he knew that in Naruto's world, not because someone was strong that he had a lot of Chakra.

After all, Rock Lee was one of the strongest ninjas physically and didn't have much Chakra to use, luckily Jack bought the skill into the system.

Here are the two chapters promised for today, tomorrow there are 2 more.

Hi everyone, I came to talk about the Chakra skill that appeared in the story, I just wanted to calm some people down by saying that it's not going to become a Naruto story, it's still going to stay mostly in the powers of the Marvel universe, for now.

That's why I put restrictions for the MC to have to buy jutsus at a high price to use, so he will only learn useful jutsus, he will prefer to spend FP to learn stronger powers than to spend with jutsus.

fake_lioncreators' thoughts